The Catalogue Raisonné is a work in progress and pictures are published online as their entries are completed. The search function identifies every location where the entered information appears in the catalogue. Use 'More Options' to narrow the search. Filter search More options Composition All Portrait (1) Portrait / Study portrait (2) Year from All 1907 1913 1915 1922 1927 1935 Year to All 1907 1913 1915 1922 1927 1935 Name of sitter All Battine, Mrs Oswald [née Audrey Magee] (1904 - 1965) (1) Bowlby, Arthur Salvin (1872-1932) (1) Connolly, Mrs Harry Stuart [née Helga Mary Guinness; other married name Mrs Hugh Carleton Greene] (1916 - 1985) (1) Guinness, Howard Rundell (1868-1937) (1) Guinness, Mrs H. Samuel [née Alfhild Holter] (1890 - 1983) (1) Lee of Fareham, Arthur Hamilton Lee, Viscount (1868 - 1947) (1) Type of sitter All C (child) (1) F (female) (3) M (male) (3) Format All Half-length (2) Head and shoulders (1) Type of image All Painting (6) Profession All Agriculturalist (1) Aristocracy (1) Artist (1) Banker (1) Charity Work (1) Hostess (1) Lawyer/Law (1) Musician (2) Politician (1) Sportsman (2) Nationality All English (4) Norwegian (1) Place of creation All England (1) London (2) Clear All Relevance Alphabetical Chronological 6 Works Battine, Mrs Oswald, née Audrey Magee Battine, Mrs Oswald, née Audrey Magee 1935 Bowlby, Arthur Salvin Bowlby, Arthur Salvin 1915 Connolly, Mrs Harry Stuart, née Helga Mary Guinness; other married name Mrs Hugh Carleton Greene Connolly, Mrs Harry Stuart, née Helga Mary Guinness; other married name Mrs Hugh Carleton Greene 1922 Guinness, Howard Rundell Guinness, Howard Rundell 1927 Guinness, Mrs Henry Samuel Howard, née Alfhild Holter Guinness, Mrs Henry Samuel Howard, née Alfhild Holter 1913 Lee of Fareham, Arthur Hamilton Lee, Viscount Lee of Fareham, Arthur Hamilton Lee, Viscount 1907