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Filter search More options Composition All Commercial (1) Figure study (1) Figure study / Nude (1) Genre (14) Portrait (95) Portrait / Double portrait (23) Portrait / Group portrait (8) Portrait / Study portrait (22) Religious (1) Year from All 1887 1889 1890 1891 1893 1894 1895 1896 1897 1898 1899 1902 1903 1904 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 Year to All 1887 1889 1890 1891 1893 1894 1895 1896 1897 1898 1899 1902 1903 1904 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 Name of sitter All Aberconway, Charles Melville McLaren, 3rd Baron (1913 - 2003) (1) Astor, The Honourable Hugh Waldorf (1920 - 1999) (1) Bartosik, Mrs Jozef [née Jeannine Bridgeman] (1924 - 2007) (4) Bathurst, Henry Allen Bathurst, 8th Earl (1927) (1) Bathurst, The Honourable George Bertram (1929 - 2010) (1) Beatty, David Field Beatty, 2nd Earl (1905 - 1972) (1) Beraudière, Comte Jacques-Jean de la (1) Blair Drummond, Pallas Leonora (1929 - 1989) (2) Bókay, János (1892 - 1961) (1) Bosch de Dodero, María Teresa [née María Teresa Bosch Alvear] (1898 - 1984) (1) Bowlby, David Arthur Salvin (1907-1985) (1) Bridgeman, Mrs Paul [née Alice Kleinwort] (1896 - 1979) (3) Brunswick (Braunschweig), Princess Ernst August von Hannover, Duchess of [née Princess Victoria Luise of Prussia] (1892 - 1980) (1) Bulgaria, King Boris III of (1894 - 1943) (2) Bury, Lady Mairi Keppel, Viscountess, née Lady Mairi Elizabeth Vane-Tempest-Stewart; daughter of 7th Marquess of Londonderry (1921 - 2009) (1) Bush, Henrietta Lowe (1929 - 1945) (1) Calvocoressi, Peter John Ambrose (1912-2010) (1) Carter, Mrs Robert [née Norma Daphne Calvocoressi] (1919 - 1983) (1) Cavendish-Bentinck, Lord Francis Morven Dallas (1900 - 1950) (1) Cazalet, Peter Victor Ferdinand (1907-1973) (2) Chanler, Mrs Hubert W. [née Gertrude Laughlin] (1914 - 2000) (3) Connolly, Mrs Harry Stuart [née Helga Mary Guinness; other married name Mrs Hugh Carleton Greene] (1916 - 1985) (1) Cooper-Key, Lady [née Lorna Peggy Vyvyan Harmsworth] (1920 - 2014) (1) Craig-Brown, Alan (1912 - 1993) (1) Drummond, David (2) Duncan, Margaret (1) Egypt, King Farouk I of (1920 - 1965) (1) Elduayen, Marquesa de [née Princess Victoria von Ratibor] (1893 - 1982) (1) Elphinstone, Reverend Andrew Charles Victor (1918 - 1975) (2) Eltz, Countess Alexander [née Countess Ferdinandine 'Nandine' Széchényi] (1923) (1) Elwes, Henry John (1846-1922) (1) Elwes, John Hargreaves (1906-) (1) Elwes, Lieutenant Colonel Henry Cecil (1874 - 1950) (1) Falls, Kathleen 'Kassie' Mary (1899 - 1917) (1) Fitzwilliam, William Henry Lawrence Peter Wentworth-Fitzwilliam; 8th Earl (1910 - 1948) (1) Ford, Mrs William Clay [née Martha Parke Firestone] (1925) (1) Francken, Hendrik Jan Lodewyk 'Henk' (1903 - 1967) (1) Francken, Jan Reinier 'Jantje' (1913 - 1945) (1) Fürstenberg, Karl Egon V, Fürst zu (1891 - 1973) (1) Garvan Jr, Francis Patrick (1) Garvan, Anthony Nicholas Brady (1917-1992) (1) Garvan, Mrs Francis [née Mabel Brady] (1916 - 1979) (1) Germany: Prussia, Prince William Victor Charles Augustus Henry Sigismund of (1896 - 1978) (1) Graham, John (2) Gramont, Antoine XIII-Henri, 13th duc de (1907 - 1995) (1) Gramont, Charles de (1911 - 1976) (1) Gramont, Duchesse de [née Elaine Hélène de Greffulhe]; wife of 12th duc (1882 - 1958) (1) Gramont, Henri, comte de (1909 - 1994) (1) Gramont, Jean, comte de (1909 - 1984) (1) Gramont, Philippe, comte de (1917 - 1940) (1) Great Britain, Queen Elizabeth II of, née Princess Elizabeth of York (1926 - 2022) (1) Greece and Denmark, Prince Christopher of (1888 - 1940) (1) Green Devoto de Méndez, María Rosa [née María Rosa Green Devoto] (1) Green Devoto, Ricardo Bartolomé (1920) (1) Guinness, George Francis Howard (1915-1931) (1) Guinness, The Honourable Murtogh David (1913 - 2002) (1) Günzburg, Baroness Philipp von [née Marguerite Corisande de Gramont] (1920 - 1998) (1) Hall, John (1912-1934) (1) Hall, Philip Roderick (1919-1942) (1) Hall, Thomas Byfield (1913-1942) (1) Hamilton and Brandon, Elizabeth Douglas-Hamilton, Duchess of, née Lady Elizabeth Ivy Percy; Daughter of 8th Duke of Northumberland (1916 - 2008) (2) Harst, Mrs Pieter A. van der [née Henriette Cornelia van den Honert] (1897 - 1984) (3) Hermon, Mrs Richard [née Coralie Adelaide Porter; other married name Lady Burrell] ( - 1966) (1) Hesse and by Rhine, Grand Duchess of [née Princess Cecilie of Greece and Denmark]; wife of Grand Duke George Donatus (1911 - 1937) (1) Hohenberg, Fürstin von [née Marie Therese 'Maisie' Wood]; wife of Ernst (1910 - 1985) (1) Hohenlohe-Langenburg, Princess Max Egon von [née María de la Piedad de Yturbe] (1892 - 1990) (1) Honert, Magdalena van den (1899) (1) Honert, Taco Hajo van den (1899 - 1959) (3) Illingworth, Henry George Coats (1908-) (1) Illingworth, Miles Holden (1913-) (1) Illingworth, Percy Guy (1910-) (1) Janssen, Peter (1) Johnson-Ferguson, Raymond Patrick (1912 - 1997) (1) Keane, Doris [married name Mrs Basil Sydney] (1881 - 1945) (1) Kiddle, Mrs Kerrison [née Hjørdis Holter] (1889 - 1944) (1) Lambrinudi, (Leonidas) Paul (1916 - 1943) (1) Landymore, Mrs William Moss [née Joan Leonore Genvieve (Judy) Hall] (1918 - 1998) (1) Lang, Charles Douglas Conyers (1918 - 1981) (1) Laszlo, Christopher de (1936) (1) Laszlo, Henry Guinness de (1901 - 1967) (4) Laszlo, John Adolphus de (1912 - 1990) (15) Laszlo, Michael de (1935) (1) László, Mrs Philip de [née Lucy Madeleine Guinness] (1870 - 1950) (3) Laszlo, Patrick David de (1909 - 1980) (4) Laszlo, Paul Leonardo de (1906 - 1983) (8) Laszlo, Stephen Philip de (1904 - 1939) (6) Laub, Madame Adolf [née Johanna 'Janka' Goldreich] ( - 1915) (1) Laughlin, Alexander (1918 - 1935) (1) Lavrano, Mrs Christopher [née Mary Veronica Calvocoressi; other married name Mrs Constantin Griva] (1914 - 2007) (2) Lee, Peter (2) Leigh, Mrs Claude [née Myrtle Betsy Marie Johnson] (2) Leigh, Virginia (1930) (2) Lesley, Mrs Michael [née Pamela Macbeth] (1921 - 1973) (1) Lieven, Princess Peter [née Countess Marie Orloff-Davidoff] (1897 - 1922) (1) Lippe, Princess Alfred zur [née Franziska Schönborn-Buchheim] (1902 - 1987) (1) Londonderry, Edward Charles Stewart Robert Vane-Tempest-Stewart, 8th Marquess of (1902 - 1955) (2) Loudon, John Hugo (1905-1996) (1) Madeley, Richard George Archibald John Lucian Hungerford Crewe-Milnes, Earl of (1911 - 1922) (1) Magrath, Mrs Henry Morrison [née Hope du Toit] (1916) (1) Maigret, Comtess Jean-Louis de [née Corisande Marguerite Elisabeth de Gramont] (1920 - 1980) (1) Mailáth de Székhely Jr, Count József (1895 - 1939) (1) Mailath de Székhely, Countess Erzsébet (1889) (2) Mayer auf Ketschendorf, Baroness Alexandrine (1901 - 1924) (1) McLaren, Mrs Kenneth [née Mathilde Marguerite ´Maggy´ Francken] (1906 - 1991) (2) McLean II, John Roll (1916 - 1975) (1) McLean Jr, Edward Beale (1918 - 1994) (1) McLean, Mrs Edward Beal [née Evalyn Walsh] (1886 - 1947) (1) Menéndez Montes, Arturo Matías (1918) (1) Middleton, Angela Florence Alfreda Willoughby, Lady [née Hall]; wife of 11th Baron (1899 - 1978) (1) Middleton, Digby Michael Godfrey John Willoughby, 12th Baron (1921 - 2011) (1) Minot, Grafton Winthrop (1892 - 1983) (1) Minot, Mrs Joseph Grafton [née Honora Elizabeth Temple Winthrop] (1868 - 1958) (1) Montagu, Mrs Adrian van [née Anne Mabel Olivia 'Olive' Trouton] (1900 - 1986) (3) Montes de Menéndez, Teresa [née Teresa Montes Thürler] (1918) (1) Moore, Faith (c.1879-1944) (2) Moyne, Evelyn Guinness, Lady [née Lady Evelyn Hilda Stuart Erskine]; wife of 1st Baron (1882 - 1939) (1) Muir, Lady Alexander [née Nadejda Constanza Irenea Garilla Euphrosyne Stancioff]; wife of 6th Baronet (1894 - 1957) (1) Myddelton, Lady Margaret [née Lady Margaret Elizabeth Mercer Nairne] (1910 - 2003) (1) Nagy de Versegh, Mrs Elek [née Louise Janssen] (1897 - 1934) (1) Noble, Mrs Robert Philip [née Mabel Brady Garvan] (1) Northumberland, Helen Percy, Duchess of [née Lady Helen Magdalen Gordon-Lennox]; wife of 8th Duke (1886 - 1965) (2) Northumberland, Henry George Alan Percy, 9th Duke of (1912 - 1940) (1) Orloff-Davidoff, Countess Alexander Anatolievitch [née Marie 'Maisie' Michaelovna Zographo] (1876 - 1933) (1) Payne, Mrs Sidney [née Fiona Macbeth] (1926 - 1968) (1) Percy, Lord Richard Charles (1921-1989) Sutherland, Diana Egerton, Duchess Of [nee Lady Diana Evelyn Percy] (1917-1978); Wife Of 6th Duke (1) Polákovits, Madame Mátyás [née Hermina ´Minus´ Schlesinger] (1862 - 1954) (1) Popper, Mrs Otto [née Mária 'Mici' von Lukács; other married name Mrs Richard Lessner] (1887 - 1990) (1) Power, Vivienne (2) Prussia, Princess Friedrich Wilhelm of [née Princess Agathe von Ratibor und Corvey] (1888 - 1960) (1) Ralli, Sir Godfrey Victor, 3rd Baronet (1915 - 2010) (2) Ramsden, Elizabeth Mary 'Betty' (1916 - 1996) (1) Ramsden, Elna Margaret (1920 - 2005) (1) Ramsden, Mrs George [née Elisabeth Yuel-Hansen] (1892 - 1957) (1) Ramsden, Robert George Taylor (1918-1945) (1) Rattray, Mrs James Silvester [née Christian Hilda Guthrie] (1924 - 1963) (1) Reed, Mrs John Franklin [née Janine 'Jane' Bendir] (1924) (2) Rothermere, Vere Harold Esmond Harmsworth, 3rd Viscount (1925 - 1998) (1) Rothschild, Baron Elie Robert de (1917 - 2007) (1) Rothschild, Dame Miriam Louisa (1908-2005) (1) Salm-Horstmar, Princess Emrich zu [née Princess Sabine von Schoenaich-Carolath] (1893 - 1965) (1) Schönborn-Buchheim, Countess Karl von [née Teresa Dentice dei Principi di Frasso] (1877 - 1909) (1) Schröder, Baron Helmut William Bruno (1901 - 1969) (1) Schröder, Baroness Heinrich [née Baroness Helene Dorothée Eveline Emma Schröder] (1897 - 1986) (1) Schröder, Baroness Marga Marie Hilda (1898 - 1977) (2) Smith, Mrs Rodney Collin [née Janet Buckley] (1901 - 1972) (1) Spain, Don Alfonso de Borbón y Battenberg, conde de Covadonga, formerly Prince of Asturias; eldest son of Alfonso XIII of (1907 - 1938) (1) Spain, Don Juan de Borbón y Battenberg, conde de Barcelona; son of Alfonso XIII of (1913 - 1993) (1) Spain, The Infante don Gonzalo de Borbón y Battenberg; son of Alfonso XIII of (1914 - 1934) (2) Strecker, Frau Ludwig [née Friederike Marie 'Frieda' Preetorius; other married name Frau Friedrich Traun] (1884 - 1938) (2) Sutherland, Diana Egerton, Duchess of [née Lady Diana Evelyn Percy, daughter of 8th Duke of Northumberland]; wife of 6th Duke (1917 - 1978) (1) Szapáry, Countess Anthony [née Countess Sylvia Széchényi] (1918 - 1998) (1) Sztankovánsky de Sztankován, Mrs Pál [née Countess Stefanie Mailáth de Székhely] (1891 - 1952) (1) Toit, John Christopher Guinness du (1912 - 1993) (1) Trouton, Mrs Frederick T. [née Anna Maria Fowler] (1864/5 - 1928) (2) Trouton, Ruth Myrtle Marchbanks (1904-1958) (3) Tryon of Durnford, Lady Charles George [née Etheldreda Josephine 'Dreda' Burrell] (1909 - 2002) (1) Ullman, Mrs [née Pamela Scott-Kilvert] (1919 - 1957) (1) Vickers, Alexander Duncan Nicholas (1930-) (1) Walford, Mrs John H. [née Diana Myrtle 'Didi' Ralli] (1918 - 2001) (2) Ward, Alexander Reginald (1915) (1) Ward, Lieutenant-Colonel Edward John Sutton (1909 - 1990) (1) Wemyss, David (1920 - 2005) (1) Wenckheim, Count Lajos (1900-1949) (1) Wenckheim, Countess Dénes [née Countess Friederike Wenckheim] (1873 - 1957) (1) Wenckheim, Countess József [née Countess Denise Wenckheim] (1898 - 1973) (2) Wenckheim, Dénes Siegfrid (1921 - 1943) (1) Willis, Mrs Charles F. [née Elizabeth Chambers Firestone] (1922 - 1989) (1) Wilson, Mrs Charles [née Mary Catherine 'Kitty' Ferguson Trouton, other married name Mrs Franz Hering] (1906 - 1984) (3) Winslow II, Mrs Francis D.,[née Flora Brady Garvan] (1) Wogau, Madame Max von [née Adele Maria Daniela von Grunelius; other married name Mrs Karl von Barton] (1893 - 1965) (1) Woude, Mrs Gerrit van der [née Esmée Mary Gabriel Harmsworth; other married name Mrs Baring, Countess of Cromer] (1922 - 2011) (1) Type of sitter All C (child) (213) F (female) (124) G (group) (49) M (male) (115) Format All Bust-length (2) Circular (3) Full-length (46) Half-length (30) Head and shoulders (37) Head only (4) Oval (8) Three-quarter length (41) Type of image All Drawing (36) Painting (177) Unknown (2) Profession All Academic (3) Actor / Actress (1) Agriculturalist (9) Architect (2) Aristocracy (46) Army (20) Artist (4) Aviator (5) Banker (6) Charity (1) Charity Work (9) Clergy (2) Courtier (6) Designer (2) Diplomat (7) Dog (1) Engineer (1) Horticulturalist (6) Hostess (1) Industrialist (4) Journalist (3) Last Surviving Sitters (1) Lawyer/Law (5) Musician (3) Navy (2) Pekingese (1) Photographer (1) Politician (5) Publisher (1) Royalty (13) Scientist/Science (4) Sportsman (10) Travel Plans (6) Nationality All American (14) Argentinian (3) Austrian (4) Bulgarian (3) Dutch (8) Egyptian (2) English (83) French (13) German (8) Greek (4) Hungarian (27) Irish (3) Italian (1) Russian (1) Scottish (3) Spanish (5) Place of creation All Amsterdam (3) Baarn (1) Ó-Becse (8) Budapest (2) Burton Hall, Stillorgan (1) Darmstadt (1) Domony (1) Downshire House, Surrey (1) Egypt (2) England (12) Euxinograde (2) Fairlawne, Kent (2) France (1) Germany (3) Greece (1) Hammondswood, Frensham, Surrey (3) Hungary (6) Isle of Wight (1) Karnak (1) Knoydart (1) Ladbroke Grove Nursing Home (2) Langwell (1) Littleworth Corner, Buckinghamshire (10) London (56) Madrid (1) Mainz (2) Melbreck, Tilford (1) Miami, Florida (2) Munich (1) New York City, New York (3) Paris (12) Perbenyik Castle (3) Potsdam (1) Reigate Priory, Surrey (3) Rotheneuf (3) Sárszög (2) Sofia (1) Spain (3) Syon House (1) The Netherlands (3) United States of America (1) Vienna (5) Voorlinden (1) Washington, D.C. (2) Clear All Alphabetical Chronological 41 to 60 of 215 Works Fitzwilliam, William Henry Lawrence Peter Wentworth-Fitzwilliam; 8th Earl Fitzwilliam, William Henry Lawrence Peter Wentworth-Fitzwilliam; 8th Earl 1912 Ford, Mrs William Clay, née Martha Parke Firestone Ford, Mrs William Clay, née Martha Parke Firestone 1932 Francken, Hendrik Jan Lodewyk, Jan Reinier Franken and Mrs Kenneth McLaren, née Mathilde Marguerite Francken Francken, Hendrik Jan Lodewyk, Jan Reinier Franken and Mrs Kenneth McLaren, née Mathilde Marguerite Francken 1920 Fürstenberg, Karl Egon V, Fürst zu Fürstenberg, Karl Egon V, Fürst zu 1899 Garvan, Mrs Francis, née Mabel Brady and her children: Francis, Anthony, Mabel and Flora Garvan, Mrs Francis, née Mabel Brady and her children: Francis, Anthony, Mabel and Flora 1921 Genre Picture: A Breton Girl Genre Picture: A Breton Girl 1902 Genre Picture: A Breton Girl Genre Picture: A Breton Girl 1902 Genre Picture: A Breton Girl Genre Picture: A Breton Girl 1902 Genre Picture: A Courting Couple in a Rural Landscape, Preparatory Work Genre Picture: A Courting Couple in a Rural Landscape, Preparatory Work 1893 Genre Picture: Ave Maria, also known as At Vesper Bell Genre Picture: Ave Maria, also known as At Vesper Bell 1895 Genre Picture: Evening Prayer Genre Picture: Evening Prayer 1893 Genre Picture: Girl with a Wheelbarrow, After Work Genre Picture: Girl with a Wheelbarrow, After Work 1896 Genre Picture: Little Lidi Genre Picture: Little Lidi 1891 Genre Picture: Little Lidi and Water-carrier Boys, Preparatory Work Genre Picture: Little Lidi and Water-carrier Boys, Preparatory Work Genre Picture: The First Washing Lesson Genre Picture: The First Washing Lesson 1889 Genre Picture: The First Washing Lesson, Preparatory Work Genre Picture: The First Washing Lesson, Preparatory Work 1889 Genre Picture: The Happy Family Genre Picture: The Happy Family 1890 Genre Picture: The Storyteller Genre Picture: The Storyteller 1891 Genre Picture: The Storyteller, Preparatory Work Genre Picture: The Storyteller, Preparatory Work 1891 Genre Picture: The Storyteller, Preparatory Work (Recto) Genre Picture: The Storyteller, Preparatory Work (Recto) 1891 First Works Previous Works 3 4 5 6 7 8 Next Works Last Works 41 to 60 of 215 Works