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Munn] (1889 - 1950) (1) Alvear y Elortondo, María de Mercedes de (1896 - 1962) (1) Ancaster, Eloise Heathcote-Drummond-Willoughby, Countess of [née Breese]; wife of 2nd Earl (1882 - 1953) (1) Anderson, Larz (1866-1937) (2) Anderson, Mrs Larz [née Isabel Weld Perkins] (1876 - 1948) (3) Andorsen, Mrs Harald [née Laura Marie Lewis] (1853 - 1941) (1) Andrássy, Countess Sándor [née Countess Mária Esterházy de Galántha] (1870 - 1962) (3) Annesley, Priscilla Annesley, Countess of [née Priscilla Cecilia Armitage Moore]; wife of 5th Earl (1892 - 1941) (1) Aosta, Duchess of [née Princess Irene of Greece and Denmark] (1904 - 1974) (1) Apponyi de Nagyappony, Countess Albert [née Countess Klothilde Wilhelmine von Mensdorff-Pouilly-Dietrichstein] (1867 - 1943) (2) Apsley, Violet Bathurst, Lady [née Violet Emily Mildred Meeking] (1895 - 1966) (2) Arany, Madame László von, née Gizella Szalay de Kéménd (1857 - 1945) (1) Arányi, Jelly d’ (1893 - 1966) (1) Ashley, Mrs Wilfrid, née Amalia Mary Maud Cassel (1880 - 1911) (2) Astor of Hever, Lady [née Lady Violet Mary Elliot-Murray-Kynynmound; other married name Lady Charles Petty-Fitzmaurice] (1889 - 1965) (2) Athlone, Princess Alice of [née Princess Alice of Albany]; wife of 1st Earl (1883 - 1981) (1) Atucha de Gramajo, María Adela, née María Adela Atucha Saraza (1) Austria, Archduchess Karl Ludwig of [née Maria Teresa, Infanta of Portugal] (1855 - 1944) (1) Austria, Elisabeth, Empress of, Queen of Hungary [née Duchess Elisabeth in Bavaria]; Consort of Franz Joseph I (1837 - 1898) (4) Austria, Franz Joseph I, Emperor of, and King of Hungary (1830 - 1916) (1) Bacon, Mrs Elliott Cowdin [née Hope Norman] (1894 - 1978) (1) Baden, Margravine of [née Princess Theodora of Greece and Denmark]; wife of Prince Berthold (1906 - 1969) (1) Baeyens, Baronne Marcel [née Suzanne Desmons] (1884 - 1949) (3) Baillet Latour, Countess Henri de [née Gräfin Elisabeth Alexandrine 'Elisalex' Clary-Aldringen] (1885 - 1955) (2) Baldry, Mrs Alfred Lys [née Annie Lilian Brocklehurst] (1869 - 1940) (1) Baldwin of Bewdley, Countess [née Lucy 'Cissie' Ridsdale] (1869 - 1945) (4) Balfour of Dawyck, Mrs Frederick R. S. [née Gertrude Norman] (1897 - 1970) (1) Balfour of Dawyk, Jean Penelope 'Nemone' (1906 - 1989) (2) Banks, Mrs Charles [née Jane Charlotte 'Bunty' de Montalk] (1885 - 1971) (1) Barbi, Alice [married names Baroness Boris von Wolff-Stomersee and Marchesa della Torretta] (1862 - 1948) (3) Bárczy de Bárcziháza, Madame István [née Edit Luczenbacher de Szob] (1888 - 1973) (2) Bartosik, Mrs Jozef [née Jeannine Bridgeman] (1924 - 2007) (4) Bathurst, Countess [née Lilias Margaret Frances Borthwick] (1871 - 1965) (1) Bathurst, Mrs William Ralph [née Helen Heathcoat-Amory] (1905 - 1972) (1) Battine, Mrs Oswald [née Audrey Magee] (1904 - 1965) (3) Beatty, Countess [née Ethel Newcomb Field; other married name Mrs Arthur M. Tree]; wife of 1st Earl (1873 - 1932) (1) Beatty, David Field Beatty, 2nd Earl (1905 - 1972) (1) Beatty, Lady [née Mino Edith Dunn; other married mame Mrs Carol D. Stone] (1886 - 1952) (1) Beaufort-van Riemsdijk, Mrs Maurits de [née Henriette Cora Johanna van Riemsdijk] (1883 - 1975) (1) Beck, Mrs James Montgomery [née Mary Ridgely Carter] (1904 - 1974) (5) Beels, Mrs Christiaan [née Anna Louise van Eeghen] (1862 - 1937) (1) Behrens, The Honourable Mrs Clive [née the Honourable Charlotte Louise Adela Evelina Rothschild] (1873 - 1947) (1) Belgium, Queen Elisabeth of [née Duchess Elisabeth Valerie in Bavaria]; consort of Albert I (1876 - 1965) (3) Bell, Mrs George Kennedy Allen [née Henrietta Millicent Grace Livingstone] (1884 - 1968) (1) Bellville, Mrs Frank Ashton [née Gladys Hermione Chester-Master] (1) Benedek, Mrs Sándor [née Vilma Egerer] (1) Bethlen de Bethlen, Count István (1874 - 1946) (1) Bethlen de Bethlen, Countess István [née Countess Margit Bethlen de Bethlen] (1882 - 1970) (2) Bethmann, Baroness Simon von [nee Countess Henriette Maximiliane Schimmelpenninck] (1889 - 1966) (1) Blair Drummond, Pallas Leonora (1929 - 1989) (3) Blandy, Mrs Sydenham Harvey Brancker [née Mary Grace Wills-Sandford-Wills] (1891 - 1987) (1) Blunt, Lady Harmsworth [née Margaret Hunam Redhead; married names Mrs Cecil Lane, Mrs Esmond Harmsworth, Mrs Thomas Hussey, Lady John Lionel Blunt] (1897 - 1991) (2) Boisrouvray, Comtesse Guy de [née Luz Mila Patiño Rodríguez] (1906 - 1951) (1) Boncompagni, Princess Andrea [née Alice Blanceflor Bildt] (1891 - 1972) (1) Boncompagni, Princess Andrea [née Margaret Preston Draper] (1891 - 1973) (1) Boomer, Mrs Robert DeForest [née Blanche Mary Stephanie Nelson] (1900 - 1992) (1) Bosch de Dodero, María Teresa [née María Teresa Bosch Alvear] (1898 - 1984) (1) Bowlby, Mrs Arthur Salvin [née Catherine Mary Bond] (1875 - 1943) (3) Bowlby, Ursula Mary Rimington (1909-1992) (1) Branch, Mrs John Kerr [née Beulah Hubbell Gould] (1860 - 1952) (1) Brandenstein, Baroness Curt von [née Elisabeth 'Else' Wrede; other married name Frau Kurt von Holleben] (1868 - 1951) (1) Brandt, Mrs Augustus P. [née Jean Champion Garmany] (2) Branicki, Countess Ladislaus (Wladislaw) [née Countess Julia Potocka] (1854 - 1921) (1) Bridgeman, Mrs Paul [née Alice Kleinwort] (1896 - 1979) (4) Brockdorff, Countess Bertram von [née Baroness Therese von Loen] (1846 - 1924) (1) Brocket, Angela Beatrix Nall-Cain, Lady [née Pennyman] (1906 - 1975) (1) Broughton, Lady [née Vera Edyth Griffith-Boscawen] (1894 - 1968) (1) Bruce, Mrs David [née Ailsa Mellon] (1901 - 1969) (3) Brunswick (Braunschweig), Princess Ernst August von Hannover, Duchess of [née Princess Victoria Luise of Prussia] (1892 - 1980) (2) Buccleuch and Queensberry, Vreda Montagu Douglas Scott, Duchess of, née Vreda Esther Mary Lascelles: wife of 8th Duke of Buccleuch and 10th Duke of Queensbery (1900 - 1993) (1) Buch, Baroness Max von [née Leonor Matilde Hirsch Gottschalk; other married name Leonor Matilde Hirsch de Caraballo] (1915 - 1973) (1) Buchanan-Jardine, Lady [née Jean Barbara Hamilton] (1898 - 1990) (1) Buchanan, Mrs Edmund [née Doreen Marguerite Bury] (1900 - 1986) (2) Budge de Edwards, Olga [née Olga Budge Zañartu] (1898 - 1957) (2) Bulgaria, Princess of, [née Princess Maria Luisa of Bourbon-Parma]; consort of King Ferdinand I (1870 - 1899) (1) Burden, Mrs William A.M. [née Margaret Livingston Partridge] (1909 - 1996) (1) Burke, Mrs Edmund A. [née Marguerite 'Daisy' van Riemsdijk; other married name Mrs Samuel J. B. Barnardiston] (1889 - 1968) (1) Bury, Lady Mairi Keppel, Viscountess, née Lady Mairi Elizabeth Vane-Tempest-Stewart; daughter of 7th Marquess of Londonderry (1921 - 2009) (1) Bury, Myee Keppel, Viscountess [née Lady Judith Sydney Myee Wynn-Carrington] (1889 - 1928) (1) Bush, Henrietta Lowe (1929 - 1945) (1) Bush, Mrs James Smith [née Caroline Lowe Patterson] (1903) (1) Byl, Mrs Pieter van der [née Joy Clare Fleming] (1) Byng of Vimy, Viscountess Julian Hedworth George [née Marie Evelyn Moreton] (1870 - 1949) (1) Cambridge, Margaret Cambridge, Marchioness of [née Lady Margaret Evelyn Grosvenor; other married name Princess Adolphus of Teck] (1873 - 1929) (1) Cantacuzene, Princess George [née Countess Margarita 'Margit' Kapnist] (1892) (1) Carisbrooke, Irene Mountbatten, Marchioness of [née Irene Frances Adza Denison] (1890 - 1956) (2) Carnegie, Lady [née Marion Alice de Gournay Barclay]; wife of Sir Lancelot (1868 - 1961) (1) Carter, Mrs Robert [née Norma Daphne Calvocoressi] (1919 - 1983) (1) Carter, Mrs Thomas Nelson [née Agnes Atkinson Mayo] (1866 - 1956) (1) Carter, Mrs W. Hamilton [née Ida Lavington Payne; other married name Mrs Robert Barbour] (1889 - 1985) (1) Casares Lynch, Corina Kavanagh de [née Corina Kavanagh Lynch; other married names de Ham Kenny and de Mainini Ríos ] (1890 - 1984) (2) Cassel, Wilhelmina ´bobbie´ [married Name Mrs E. Schoenbrunn] (1) Castellane, Comtesse Georges de [née Florinda Fernández Anchorena] (1901) (1) Castellane, Comtesse Jean de [née Marie Dorothée 'Dolly' de Talleyrand-Périgord, other married name Fürstin Karl Egon IV zu Fürstenberg] (1862 - 1948) (4) Castellane, Marquise de [née Yvonne Patenôtre] (1896 - 1981) (1) Cavan, Caroline Lambart, Countess of [née Caroline Inez Crawley]; wife of 10th Earl (1870 - 1920) (2) Cazalet, Mrs William M. [née Maud Lucia Heron-Maxwell] (1867 - 1952) (1) Cecil, Mrs Margaret G (1) Chamberlain, Lady Austen [née Ivy Muriel Dundas] (1878 - 1941) (1) Chanler, Mrs Hubert W. [née Gertrude Laughlin] (1914 - 2000) (3) Chaplin, Viscountess [née The Honourable Gwladys Alice Gertrude Wilson]; wife of 2nd Viscount (1881 - 1971) (1) Charlton, Mrs Charles [née Helena Woolworth McCann; other married name Mrs Winston F.C. Guest and Mrs Georges Maurice Tassel] (c. 1913 - 1965) (2) Chavchavadse, Princess Paul Alexandrovich [née Princess Nina Georgievna of Russia] (1901 - 1974) (1) Clarke, Mrs Stephenson [née Agnes Maria Bridger] (1837 - 1921) (1) Clarkson, Joan [married name Mrs William Mollison] (1903 - 1982) (1) Clary und Aldringen, Fürstin von [née Countess Ludwine Eltz]; wife of Alfons (1894 - 1984) (1) Clermont-Tonnerre, Duchesse de [née Elisabeth de Gramont]; wife of 1st duc (1875 - 1954) (3) Cole, Mrs Glen Walker [née Eleanor Wickam Houghton] (1896 - 1986) (1) Colefax, Lady Arthur [née Sibyl Halsey] (1874 - 1950) (1) Colloredo-Mannsfeld, Countess Ferdinand [née Eleanora 'Nora' Iselin] (1881 - 1939) (1) Congreve, Mrs Ambrose [née Marjorie Gholson Glasgow] (1903 - 1995) (1) Connolly, Mrs Harry Stuart [née Helga Mary Guinness; other married name Mrs Hugh Carleton Greene] (1916 - 1985) (2) Cooch Behar, Indira Devi, Maharani of [née Princess Indira Gaekwar of Baroda] (1892 - 1968) (3) Cook, Mrs George Rea [née Margaretta Roebling White] (2) Coolidge, Mrs Calvin [née Grace Anna Goodhue]; First Lady of the United States of America (1879 - 1957) (2) Cooper-Key, Lady [née Lorna Peggy Vyvyan Harmsworth] (1920 - 2014) (1) Cooper, Dame Gladys Constance [married names Mrs Herbert J. Buckmaster, Lady Pearson and Mrs Philip Merivale] (1888 - 1971) (1) Cooper, Mrs William Lancaster [née Anne Mitchell] (1880 - 1947) (1) Cotterell, Lady [née Lady Evelyn Gordon-Lennox]; wife of 4th Baronet (1872 - 1922) (1) Cotterell, Lady [née Lady Lettice Lygon]; wife of 5th Bt (1906 - 1973) (3) Crackanthorpe, Mrs Dayrell [née Ida Sickles] ( - 1918) (2) Craig-Brown, Bridget 'Biddy' (1908 - 1993) (1) Craig-Brown, Mrs Ernest [née Constance Ellen Guinness] (1876 - 1964) (3) Craigmyle, Margaret Shaw, Lady [née The Honourable Margaret Cargill Mackay]; wife of 2nd Baron ( - 1958) (1) Cremer, Mrs Herbert [née Wilhelmina Adriana van Marken] (1871 - 1946) (1) Cremer, Mrs Jacob Theodoor [née Annie Hermine Hogan] (1855 - 1924) (1) Crichton-Stuart, Lady Colum [née Elizabeth Caroline Hope; other married name Elizabeth Petty-Fitzmaurice, Countess of Kerry and Marchioness of Lansdowne] (1885 - 1964) (1) Crichton, Mrs Richard [née Cecil Nona Kerr] (1875 - 1960) (1) Croft, Lady Page [née Nancy Beatrice Borwick]; wife of 1st Baron (1883 - 1949) (1) Cromer, Ruby Baring, Countess of [née Lady Ruby Florence Mary Elliot]; wife of 2nd Earl (1886 - 1961) (2) Crookshank, Mrs Chichester de Windt [née Mary 'Maimie' Usher] (1885 - 1960) (1) Croÿ, Princesse Reginald de [née Princesse Isabelle de Ligne] (1889 - 1968) (1) Csekonics, Countess János [née Baroness Leonie Lipthay] (1821 - 1903) (1) Curzon of Kedleston, Marchioness [née Grace Elvina Hinds; other married name Mrs Alfred Duggan]; wife of 1st Marquess (1877 - 1958) (2) Dacre of Glanton, Alexandra Trevor-Roper, Lady [née Lady Alexandra Haig; other married name Lady Alexandra Howard-Johnston] (1907 - 1997) (5) Daubeny, Mrs Ronald [née Ann Rosada Haldin] (1922 - 1986) (1) Davies, Mrs John M. [née Norah Meade] (1890 - 1973) (1) Davis, Mrs Dwight F. [née Pauline Morton; other married name Mrs Charles H. Sabin] (1887 - 1955) (1) Davis, Mrs John W. [née Ellen Bassel] ( - 1943) (1) Davson, Lady [née Margot Elinor Glyn] (1893 - 1966) (2) Devonport, Selina Kearley, Viscountess [née Selina Chester]; wife of 1st Viscount (1851 - 1931) (1) Devonshire, Evelyn Emily Mary Cavendish, Duchess of [née Lady Evelyn Petty-Fitzmaurice]; wife of 9th Duke (1870 - 1960) (1) Dezasse de Petit-Verneuil, Comtesse Franz-Xaver [née Matilde von Lindheim] (1880 - 1949) (1) Dietrichstein zu Nikolsburg, Countess Hugo Mensdorff-Pouilly, Fürstin von [née Princess Olga Dolgoruky] (1873 - 1946) (2) Donald, Mrs Alan [née Mildred East; other married name Mrs Charles Carnegie-Brown] (1) Douglas, Countess [née Princess Auguste Viktoria von Hohenzollern; other married name Queen Auguste Viktoria of Portugal]; Consort of Manuel II (1890 - 1966) (5) Downshire, Evelyn Grace Mary Hill, Marchioness of, née Evelyn Grace Mary Foster (1876 - 1942) (1) Doyle, Mrs Milton D. [née Pauline Munn] (1909 - 1939) (1) Drummond, David (2) Dubonnet, Mrs Paul [née Jean Donaldson; other married names Mrs John Stanley Kirwan; Mrs Winfield Sifton; Mrs John Nash; Princess Mohammed Sabit Bey] (1) Duke, Mrs James B. [née Nanaline Holt; other married name Mrs William Inman] (1871 - 1962) (1) Duncan, Margaret (1) Dunsterville, Mrs Knightley Stalker [née Ada Marion Fletcher] (1857 - 1929) (1) Dupuy, Madame Paul [née Helen Browne] (1) Dúrcal, Doña María Cristina de Borbón y Bosch-Labrús de Patiño, duquesa de (1913 - 2002) (1) Eastman, Mrs George Washington [née Maria Kilbourn] (1821 - 1907) (1) Elduayen, Marquesa de [née Princess Victoria von Ratibor] (1893 - 1982) (1) Elphinstone, Lady [née Lady Mary Frances 'May' Bowes Lyon]; wife of 16th Lord (1883 - 1961) (1) Eltz, Countess Alexander [née Countess Ferdinandine 'Nandine' Széchényi] (1923) (1) Eltz, Countess Thérèse (1902 - 1993) (1) Elwes, Mrs Henry Cecil [née Muriel Hargreaves] ( - 1954) (1) Endicott, Mrs William, née Ellice Mack (1892 - 1973) (1) Erlanger, Baroness Leo d’ [née Edwina Louise Prue] (1906 - 1994) (6) Erlanger, Baroness Rodolphe d’ [née Countess Elisabetta Mattilda Maria-Scolastica Cleofee Barbiellini-Amidei-Lelmi] (1875 - 1961) (3) Erlanger, Baronne Emile Beaumont d’ [née Catherine de Robert d'Aqueria de Rochegude] (1874 - 1959) (6) Estainville, Comtesse René d’ [née Margaret Florence Redhead] (1897 - 1985) (1) Falk, Mrs Max 'Miksa' [née Klementine Schindler] (1836/7 - 1908) (1) Falls, Kathleen 'Kassie' Mary (1899 - 1917) (1) Farmar, Mrs Hugh W. [née Constantia Dorothy Rumbold] (1906 - 2001) (1) Fawcett, Mrs Rowland N. [née Sylvia Evelyn Cotterell; other married name Mrs Christopher D. Leyland] (1896 - 1944) (1) Feilchenfeld, Frau Max [née Henriette Maria Scheuer] (1857 - 1944) (1) Ferguson, Lady [née Mary Catherine Guinness] (1823 - 1905) (1) Ffrangcon-Davies, Dame Gwen Lucy (1891 - 1992) (3) Field, Mrs Marshall [née Delia Spencer; other married name Mrs Arthur J. Caton] (1854 - 1937) (1) Finley, Mrs David [née Margaret Morton Eustis] (1903 - 1977) (1) Firestone Jr, Mrs Harvey Samuel [née Elizabeth Parke] (1897 - 1990) (1) Firestone Sr, Mrs Harvey Samuel [née Idabelle Smith] (1) Fischer, Margarita Bennett de, née Margarita Bennett Browne (1877 - 1960) (1) Fitz-Gerald, The Honourable Mrs Evelyn [née Helen Gascoigne Drury] (1896) (1) Fitzwilliam, Maud Wentworth-Fitzwilliam, Countess [née Lady Maud Frederica Elizabeth Dundas]; wife of 7th Earl (1877 - 1967) (2) Fitzwilliam, Olive Wentworth-Fitzwilliam, Countess [née Olive Dorothea Plunket]; wife of 8th Earl (1) Flaxman, Alice Emily (1886-1981) (1) Flower, Mrs Neville [née Rita Narcissa Longfield; other married name the Hon. Mrs Cyril Myles Ponsonby] (1891 - 1977) (1) Fontenay, Madame Joseph, styled vicomtesse de Fontenay [née Renée Pichon] (1870 - 1952) (1) Ford, Mrs William Clay [née Martha Parke Firestone] (1925) (1) Forres of Glenogil, Agnes Freda Williamson, Lady [née Herschell]; wife of 1st Baron (1881 - 1942) (2) Forres of Glenogil, Jessica Williamson, Lady [née Harford]; wife of 2nd Baron ( - d. 1972) (1) Francken, Hendrik Jan Lodewyk 'Henk' (1903 - 1967) (1) Francken, Jan Reinier 'Jantje' (1913 - 1945) (1) Francken, Mrs Jan [née Catharina 'Toos' Meertens] (1876 - 1951) (2) Franke de Panelo, Bertha [née Bertha Franke Chiarizia; other married name Bertha Franke de Jacobi] (1891 - 1977) (1) Friedmann, Mrs Louis [née Rose von Rosthorn; other married name Mrs Bruno Wagner] (1864 - 1919) (1) Frothingham, Mrs Louis A. [née Mary Shreve Ames] (1867 - 1955) (1) Fryer, Mrs Livingston [née Catherine Appleton] (1900 - 1990) (1) Fryer, Mrs Robert Livingston [née Melissa Dodge Pratt] (1) Fürstenberg, Fürstin zu [née Countess Irma von Schönborn-Buchheim]; wife of Max Egon II (1867 - 1948) (6) Fürstenberg, Princess Karl-Emil von [née Countess Mária 'May' Festetics de Tolna] (1881 - 1953) (1) Galambos, Madame Sándor [née Laura Engelsmann; formerly Grünbaum] (1865) (1) Galloway, Mrs Vincent [née Barbara Barlow] (1914 - 1944) (1) Gardiner, Amy (1888-1997) (1) Gardiner, Lady [née Alice Marie von Ziegesar] (1873-1953); wife of Sir Robert (Septimus) (1873 - 1953) (1) Garvan Jr, Francis Patrick (1) Garvan, Anthony Nicholas Brady (1917-1992) (1) Garvan, Mrs Francis [née Mabel Brady] (1916 - 1979) (1) Gastañaga de Santamarina, María Sebastiana, [née María Sebastiana Gastañaga Alduncín] (1861 - 1946) (1) Gatacre, Mrs William E. [née Alice Julie Hortense Jacqueline Aurelie de Stuers] (1895 - 1988) (2) Geary, Mrs Alfred Harrison [née Virginia Heckscher; other married name Mrs Barclay McFadden] (1902 - 1988) (1) Gennadius, Mrs Joannes [née Florence Elizabeth Laing; other married name Mrs Edward Kennedy] (1855 - 1952) (1) Gerliczy-Burián, Baroness Félix de [née Princess Elizebeth Ştirbey] (1887 - 1970) (1) Gerliczy, Baroness Ferenc de [née Baroness Gizella Fejérváry de Komlóskeresztes] (1863 - 1943) (2) German Emperor, Wilhelm II, King of Prussia (1859 - 1941) (1) Germany, Cecilie, Crown Princess of [née Duchess Cecilie Auguste von Mecklenburg-Schwerin]; consort of Friedrich Wilhelm (1886 - 1954) (1) Germany, Empress of, Queen of Prussia [née Princess Auguste Victoria von Schleswig-Holstein]; consort of Wilhelm II (1858 - 1921) (2) Glasgow, Mrs Arthur Graham [née Margaret Branch] (1876 - 1952) (5) Glyn, Elinor [née Sutherland; married name Mrs Clayton Glyn] (1864 - 1943) (3) Goldreich, Frau Bernhard [née Jeanette Laub]; the Artist´s Grandmother (1) Gordon, Lady Duff [née Lucy Christiana 'Lucile' Sutherland; other married name Mrs James S. Wallace] (1862 - 1935) (1) Görges, Frau Theodor [née Ilse Kunheim] (1) Gort, Lady Standish Vereker, Viscountess [née Elizabeth Surtees]; wife of 7th Viscount ( - 1972) (1) Gottschalk de Hirsch, Elizabeth [née Elizabeth Gottschalk] (1888 - 1965) (2) Graham (of Norton Conyers), Lady [née Katherine Noel Stobart] (1887 - 1966) (1) Graham, John (2) Graham, Lady Alastair [née Lady Meriel Olivia Bathurst] (1894 - 1936) (3) Graham, Mrs Archie [née Dorothy Phoebe Shuttleworth] (1884 - 1953) (1) Graham, Mrs Raymond [née Elizabeth Idabelle Firestone] (1914 - 1941) (1) Gramont, Antoine XI-Agénor, 11th duc de (1851 - 1925) (1) Gramont, Antoine XII-Armand, 12th duc de; styled duc de Guiche (1879 - 1962) (1) Gramont, Duchesse de [née baronne Marguerite-Alexandrine von Rothschild]; wife of 11th duc (1855 - 1905) (5) Gramont, Duchesse de [née Donna Maria Ruspoli]; wife of 11th duc (1888 - 1976) (1) Gramont, Duchesse de [née Elaine Hélène de Greffulhe]; wife of 12th duc (1882 - 1958) (2) Gramont, Louis-René, comte de (1883 - 1963) (1) Gramont, Madame Louis-René de, styled comtesse de Gramont [née Antoinette de Rochechouart-Montemart] (1893 - 1973) (2) Grandy, Lady [née Cécile Elizabeth Florence Rankin] (1914 - 1993) (5) Granville, Countess Rose Leveson Gower [née Lady Rose Constance Bowes Lyon] (1890 - 1967) (1) Great Britain, Duchess of Argyll, née Princess Louise Caroline Alberta of; Daughter of Queen Victoria (1848 - 1939) (1) Great Britain, Princess Henry of Battenberg [née Princess Beatrice Mary Victoria Feodore of Great Britain]; daughter of Queen Victoria (1857 - 1944) (3) Great Britain, Princess Victoria Alexandra Olga Mary of; Daughter of Edward VII (1868 - 1935) (1) Great Britain, Queen Alexandra of [née Princess Alexandra of Denmark]; consort of Edward VII (1844 - 1925) (1) Great Britain, Queen Elizabeth II of, née Princess Elizabeth of York (1926 - 2022) (1) Great Britain, Queen Elizabeth, The Queen Mother of [née Lady Elizabeth Angela Marguerite Bowes Lyon]; Consort of George VI (1900 - 2002) (3) Greece and Denmark, Prince Christopher of (1888 - 1940) (1) Greece and Denmark, Princess Anastasia of, née May Stewart; other married names Mrs George E. Worthington and Mrs William B. Leeds; wife of Prince Christopher (1873 - 1923) (2) Greece and Denmark, Princess Andrew of [née Princess Alice of Battenberg] (1885 - 1969) (4) Greece and Denmark, Princess George of [née Princess Marie Bonaparte] (1882 - 1962) (3) Greece and Denmark, Princess Nicholas of [née Grand Duchess Helen Vladimirovna of Russia] (1882 - 1957) (4) Greece, Elisabeta of, Queen of the Hellenes [née Princess Elisabeta of Romania]; consort of George II (1894 - 1956) (4) Greece, Olga of, Queen of the Hellenes [née Grand Duchess Olga Constantinovna of Russia]; consort of George I (1851 - 1926) (2) Green Devoto de Méndez, María Rosa [née María Rosa Green Devoto] (1) Greffulhe, Comtesse Henry [née comtesse Elisabeth de Caraman-Chimay] (1860 - 1952) (1) Gresley, Lady Frances [née Lady Frances Louisa Spencer-Churchill]; wife of 11th Bt (1870 - 1954) (1) Griscom, Mrs Bronson Winthrop [née Sophie Gay] (1907) (1) Gross, Mrs Courtlandt S. [née Alexandra van Rensselaer Devereux; other married name Mrs. Rodman Wanamaker II] (1908 - 1982) (1) Grosvenor, Mrs Theodore P. [née Anita Strawbridge] ( - 1987) (1) Grünbaum, Madame Fülöp [née Rozália Kriszhaber] (1833 - 1917) (1) Grunelius, Frau Max von [née Emma Mumm von Schwarzenstein] (1881 - 1940) (1) Grunelius, Mrs Carl von [née Marie-Adèle Tachard] (1861 - 1948) (1) Güell y Churruca, María del Carmen (1910 - 1996) (1) Guest, Mrs Arthur Rhuvon [née Hilda Eugenia Stewart] (1868 - 1959) (2) Guinness, Elizabeth Maude (1869-1960) (1) Guinness, Eva Frances (1868 - 1930) (4) Guinness, Margaret Aideen (1895-1973) (1) Guinness, Mrs Eustace [née Isabel Gertrude Bell] (1875 - 1954) (1) Guinness, Mrs H. Samuel [née Alfhild Holter] (1890 - 1983) (1) Guinness, Mrs Henry [née Emelina 'Amy' Brown] (1829 - 1906) (1) Guinness, Mrs Henry S. [née Mary Middleton Bainbridge] (1871 - 1954) (1) Guinness, Mrs Robert Celestin [née Dorothy Hilda Bingham; other married name Mrs Hyem] (1896 - 1983) (3) Guinness, The Honourable Murtogh David (1913 - 2002) (1) Günzburg, Baroness Philipp von [née Marguerite Corisande de Gramont] (1920 - 1998) (1) Haldin, Lady [née Edna David Cohen]; wife of Sir Philip Haldin (1889 - 1976) (1) Hall VII, Mrs John [née Jean Isobel Nesbitt] (1888 - 1971) (2) Hamilton and Brandon, Elizabeth Douglas-Hamilton, Duchess of, née Lady Elizabeth Ivy Percy; Daughter of 8th Duke of Northumberland (1916 - 2008) (2) Harding, Mrs Warren G., [née Florence Kling]; First Lady of the United States of America (1860 - 1924) (1) Harmsworth, Mrs Alfred [née Geraldine Mary Maffett] (1838 - 1925) (1) Harst, Mrs Pieter A. van der [née Henriette Cornelia van den Honert] (1897 - 1984) (3) Hatvany de Hatvan, Baroness Ferenc [née Lucie Hercz de Királd, then Királdy- Lukács de Királd; other married name Countess Rudolf Schirndinger von Schirnding] (1895) (1) Heerdt tot Eversberg, Countess Johannes van [née Sjouke Jacoba Dodonea van Haersma de With] (1891 - 1980) (1) Herbert, The Honorable Mrs Mervyn [née Mary Elizabeth Willard] (1898 - 1979) (2) Hermon, Mrs Richard [née Coralie Adelaide Porter; other married name Lady Burrell] ( - 1966) (1) Hervey, Lady Selina [née Lady Selina Catherine Meade; other married names Vernon and Bidwell] (1840 - 1911) (1) Hesse and by Rhine, Grand Duchess of [née Princess Cecilie of Greece and Denmark]; wife of Grand Duke George Donatus (1911 - 1937) (1) Hesse and by Rhine, Grand Duchess of [née Princess Eleonore zu Solms-Hohensolms-Lich]; wife of Ernst Ludwig (1871 - 1937) (2) Hill, Frances Faison (1) Hill, Mrs Charles Frederick, née Ethel Mary Guinness (1861 - 1940) (1) Hills, Lady Rosemary Ethel [née Lady Rosemary Baring] (1908) (1) Hohenberg, Fürstin von [née Marie Therese 'Maisie' Wood]; wife of Ernst (1910 - 1985) (1) Hohenlohe-Langenburg, Fürstin zu [née Princess Margarita of Greece]; wife of Fürst Gottfried (1905 - 1981) (1) Hohenlohe-Langenburg, Princess Max Egon von [née María de la Piedad de Yturbe] (1892 - 1990) (1) Hohenlohe-Waldenburg-Schillingsfürst, Princess Erwin zu [née Countess Alexandra Festetics; other married name Princess Karl Windisch-Grätz] (1884 - 1963) (1) Hohenlohe-Waldenburg-Schillingsfürst, Princess Gottfried zu [née Archduchess Henriette of Austria-Teschen] (1883 - 1956) (1) Hohenzollern, Fürstin Leopold von [née Princess Antonia de Braganza, Infanta of Portugal] (1845 - 1913) (2) Hohenzollern, Fürstin Wilhelm von [née Princess Maria Teresa Bourbon-Two Sicilies] (1867 - 1909) (3) Holme, Mrs Charles Geoffrey [née Margaret Nina Bolton] (1885 - 1963) (1) Holt, Mrs Laurence Durning, née Evelyn Jacks (1899 - 1978) (1) Honert-van Nauta Lemke, Mrs Hendrik van den [née Maria Catharina 'Cateau' van Nauta Lemke] (1863 - 1931) (1) Honert, Magdalena van den (1899) (1) Honert, Taco Hajo van den (1899 - 1959) (3) Hoover, Mrs Herbert [née Lou Henry]; First Lady of the United States of America (1874 - 1944) (1) Hope de Harrington, Isabel, [née Isabel Hope Duggan] (1905 - 1996) (1) Horthy de Nagybánya, Madame Miklós [née Magdolna Purgly de Jószás] (1818 - 1959) (1) Houghton, Mrs Alanson B. [née Adelaide Louise Wellington] (1867 - 1945) (1) Houghton, Mrs Arthur Amory [née Mahitabel Hollister] (1867 - 1938) (1) Howe, Mary Howe, Countess [née Mary Curzon]; wife of 5th Earl (1887 - 1962) (1) Hubay de Szalatnya, Madame Jenő [née Countess Róza Cebrián] (1870 - 1944) (1) Hubay-Cebrián, Mrs Andor de [née Edle Astrup] (1905 - 1989) (2) Hudson, Lady [née Mary Elizabeth Milner; other married name Mary Elizabeth Harmsworth, Viscountess Northcliffe] (1867 - 1963) (1) Hughes, Helen (1915-1937) (1) Hurst, Lady [formerly Hertz; née Cushla Harriette Strotter Riddiford] (1893/4 - 1961) (1) Illingworth of Denton, Lady [née Margaret Mary Clare Wilberforce] (1900 - 1986) (2) Illingworth, Mrs Percy Holden [née Mary 'May' Mackenzie Coats] ( - 1933) (2) Ingram, Mrs Bruce S. [née Amy Foy] ( - 1947) (1) Isnards, Countess Charles des [née Sophica Roïdi; other married name Mrs Henricus Jurgens] (1892 - 1942) (2) James, Julia [married name Mrs Maurice Dollfus] (1890 - 1964) (4) Janssen-de Ridder, Madame August [née Elisabeth 'Ella' de Ridder] (1877 - 1968) (1) Janssen, Madame Peter Willem [née Henriette ´Jetske´ Cremer] (1900 - 1979) (1) Japan, Princess Chichibu of [née Setsuko Matsudaira] (1909 - 1995) (1) Jaunez, Madame Maximilian von [née Jeanne de Montagnac; other married name comtesse Charles de Polignac] (1882 - 1966) (3) Jex-Blake, Henrietta (1862 - 1953) (1) Johnson, Mrs Aymar [née Marian Hoffman] (3) Johnstone, The Honourable Lady Vanden-Bempde [née Antoinette Eno Pinchot] (1859 - 1934) (3) Joicey, Lady [née Lady Joan Katherine Lambton] (1893 - 1967) (1) Joicey, Lady Georgina [née Georgina Burdon]; wife of 2nd Baron ( - 1952) (1) Joicey, The Honourable Marguerite de Fontaine Drever (1887 - 1924) (2) Jones, Mrs Archer, née Edith Hope Iselin (1) Jowett, Mrs Arthur [née Evelyn Frances Hill] (1887 - 1975) (1) Jud, Mrs Herman [née Princess Xenia Georgievna of Russia; other married name Mrs William B. Leeds] (1903 - 1965) (2) Kapnist, Countess Pierre [née Countess Nadejda ‘Nadia’ Stenbock-Fermor] (1864) (1) Kara-Georgevitch, Princess Alexis [née Myra 'Daria' Pankhurst; other married names Mrs Herbert Wright and Mrs Thomas Huger Pratt] (1859 - 1938) (3) Keane, Doris [married name Mrs Basil Sydney] (1881 - 1945) (1) Kellogg, Mrs Frank Billings [née Clara May Cook] (1) Kellogg, The Honourable Frank Billings, American Ambassador to the Court of St. James's (1856 - 1937) (1) Kemble, Mrs Kenneth [née Helene Grant Richards; other married name Mrs John Taylor and Mrs Charles L. Hill] (1908) (1) Kennedy, Mrs David [née Elinor Saunders; other married name Mrs Douglas Sutherland] (1841 - 1937) (1) Kent, Duchess of [née Princess Marina of Greece and Denmark]; wife of 1st Duke (1906 - 1968) (3) Kestranek, Frau Johann [née Caroline Frankl] (1841 - 1911) (1) Kestranek, Frau Wilhelm [née Marie 'Mizzi' Lenk] (1872 - 1925) (1) Keszycki, Irene Alexine von, née Countess von Dankelmann (1) Keyes, Lady [née Eva Mary Salvin Bowlby]; wife of 1st Baron (1882 - 1973) (2) Kiddle, Mrs Kerrison [née Hjørdis Holter] (1889 - 1944) (1) King, Lady [née Geraldine Adelaide Hamilton Harmsworth] (1866 - 1945) (1) Kinsky, Countess Ferdinand [née Princess Aglaé Auersperg] (1868 - 1919) (1) Kinsky, Fürstin [née Countess Elisabeth 'Lily' Wolff-Metternich] (1874 - 1909) (1) Konstam, Mrs Edwin M. [née Mary Beatrix 'Kitty' Loyd] (1886 - 1989) (2) Koshland, Mrs Abraham [née Estelle 'Tewsie' Wangenheim] (1878 - 1960) (1) Krämer, Madame Gyula [née Róza Laub]; the Artists's Sister (1868 - 1919) (1) Krämer, Madame Gyula [née Szeréna Laub; other married name Madame Antal László]; the Artist's Sister (1866 - c.1935) (1) Kuh, Frau Heinrich von [née Felicia 'Fela' Rapoport von Porada] (1873 - 1959) (1) Kupelwieser, Carl (1841-1925) (3) Kupelwieser, Doctor Hans (1879 - 1939) (2) Kupelwieser, Frau Carl [née Bertha Wittgenstein] (1848 - 1908) (8) Laborde, Pauline Leon, Marquise de [née Pauline de Rafelis de Saint Sauveur] (1876 - 1954) (1) Lagarenne, Madame Georges de, née Ferdinande le Barrois d'Orgeval; other married name Mrs Henry Langton Skrine (1889 - 1953) (1) Lakos, Madame Gábor [née Ilona 'Ilonka' Krämer] (1893 - 1964) (2) Lalaing, Comtesse Jacques de [née Suzanne Allard] (1902 - 1987) (1) Lánczy, Madame Leó [née Janka Lázár formerly Lusztig; other married name Madame Gusztáv Szászy-Schwarz] (1852 - 1921) (1) Landymore, Mrs William Moss [née Joan Leonore Genvieve (Judy) Hall] (1918 - 1998) (1) Lane, Mrs Herbert Arthur Cambridge [née The Hon Margaret Gertrude Cecil] (1898 - 1962) (1) Lansdowne, Maud Petty-Fitzmaurice, Marchioness of [née Maud Evelyn Hamilton] (1850 - 1932) (1) Lascelles, The Honourable Mrs Edward [née Joan Eleanor Campbell Balfour] (1889 - 1939) (1) Laszlo, Henry Guinness de (1901 - 1967) (2) Laszlo, John Adolphus de (1912 - 1990) (2) Laszlo, Mrs Henry Guinness de [née Violet Staub] (1900 - 1989) (1) Laszlo, Mrs Paul de [née Josephine de Vavasour McConnell] (1906 - 1982) (2) László, Mrs Philip de [née Lucy Madeleine Guinness] (1870 - 1950) (27) Laszlo, Paul Leonardo de (1906 - 1983) (1) László, Philip Alexius de (1869 - 1937) (2) László, Shabby de, Pet Pekingese (1) Laszlo, Stephen Philip de (1904 - 1939) (1) László, Yang de, Pet Pekingese (1) Laub, Madame Adolf [née Johanna 'Janka' Goldreich] ( - 1915) (9) Laughlin, Mrs Irwin B. [née Thérèse Iselin] (1) Lavrano, Mrs Christopher [née Mary Veronica Calvocoressi; other married name Mrs Constantin Griva] (1914 - 2007) (2) Lebel, Hermann (1) Lechat-Wittouck, Tina (1) Leconfield, (Beatrice) Violet Wyndham, Lady [née Rawson]; wife of 3rd Baron ( - 1956) (1) Leconfield, Constance Wyndham, Lady [née Lady Constance Evelyn Primrose]; wife of 2nd Baron (1846 - 1939) (1) Ledebur, Countess Eugen [née Countess Eleonore Larisch-Moennich] (1888 - 1975) (1) Lee of Fareham, Arthur Hamilton Lee, Viscount (1868 - 1947) (2) Lee of Fareham, Viscountess [née Ruth Moore]; wife of 1st Viscount (1869 - 1966) (6) Lee, Peter (2) Leese, Lady [née Margaret Alice 'Margie' Leicester-Warren] (1905 - 1964) (1) Leigh, Mrs Claude [née Myrtle Betsy Marie Johnson] (3) Leigh, Mrs John Cecil Gerard [née Helen Goudy] (1891 - 1964) (4) Leigh, Virginia (1930) (2) Lenz, Frau Maximilian [née Ida Kupelwieser] (1869 - 1927) (6) Lesley, Mrs Michael [née Pamela Macbeth] (1921 - 1973) (1) Letellier, Madame Henri [née Marthe 'Suzanne' Fourton] (4) Liechtenstein, Princess Aloys von und zu [née Archduchess Elisabeth Amalie of Austria] (1878 - 1960) (1) Liedekerke, Comtesse Arthur de [née comtesse Félicité de Gontaud-Biron] (1852 - 1941) (1) Liedekerke, Countess Raoul de [née Countess Marie de Hemricourt de Grunne] (1877 - 1968) (1) Lieven, Princess Peter [née Countess Marie Orloff-Davidoff] (1897 - 1922) (1) Liezen-Mayer, Cora (1873) (1) Lindsay, Lady Jane Evelyn (1862-1948) (1) Lippe, Princess Alfred zur [née Franziska Schönborn-Buchheim] (1902 - 1987) (1) Lippich de Korongh, Madame Elek [née Margit Sziklay] ( - 1912) (1) Little, Gerrard Eleanor (c. 1868 - 1957) (1) Lloyd, Lady [née Mary Gunnis]; wife of Lieutenant General Sir Francis (1854 - 1942) (1) Loizaga Corcuera de Verea, Concepción, [née Concepción Loizaga Corcuera Palomar] (1881 - 1956) (1) Londonderry, Edith Helen Vane-Tempest-Stewart, Marchioness of [previously Viscountess Castlereagh, née the Honourable Edith Chaplin]; wife of 7th Marquess (1878 - 1959) (6) Londonderry, Theresa Vane-Tempest-Stewart, Marchioness of [née Lady Theresa Susey Helen Chetwynd-Talbot]; wife of 6th Marquess (1856 - 1919) (2) Loon-Tachard, Madame Louis Antoine van [née Adèle Françoise Tachard] (1864 - 1937) (2) Loudon-de Steurs, Madame James [née Louise Wilhelmine Françoise Felicité de Stuers] (1835 - 1915) (1) Loudon-van Marken, Madame Hugo [née Anna Petronella Alida van Marken] (1874 - 1953) (3) Lowther, Lady [née Alice Blight]; wife of 1st Baronet (1873 - 1939) (1) Ludlow, Ludlow, Alice Lopes, Lady, [née Alice Sedgwick Mankiewicz; other married name Lady Wernher; wife of 2nd Baron] (1865 - 1945) (5) Lynch de Estrada, María Silvina [née María Silvina Lynch Muñoz] (1887 - 1971) (1) Lyon de Cousiño, María Isidora [née María Isidora Lyon Arrieta] (1862) (1) Macbeth, Mrs W. Gilchrist [née Winifred Emily Morrice] (1898 - 1971) (1) MacDonald de Nelson, Mrs Juan Diego “Jack” [née Lily MacDonald MacCormick] (1889 - 1985) (2) MacFall, Mrs Chambers Haldane [née Mabel Plumridge] (1860 - 1931) (1) Macmillan, Lady Dorothy [née Lady Dorothy Evelyn Cavendish] (1900 - 1966) (1) Magnus-Allcroft, Lady [née Jewell Allcroft] (1907 - 1992) (3) Magrath, Mrs Henry Morrison [née Hope du Toit] (1916) (1) Maigret, Comtess Jean-Louis de [née Corisande Marguerite Elisabeth de Gramont] (1920 - 1980) (1) Mailath de Székhely, Countess Erzsébet (1889) (2) Mailáth de Székhely, Countess József [née Countess Mária Széchényi de Sárvár-Felsővidék] (1863 - 1932) (1) Mailáth de Székhely, Madame György [née Baroness Stephanie Hilleprand von Prandau] (1831 - 1914) (1) Mangoni-Piscicelli, Contessa Arduino [née Antonia 'Ninetta' Fourton; other married name Contessa San Martino] (1893 - 1998) (1) Mansfield and Mansfield, Dorothea Murray, Countess of [née Dorothea Helena Carnegie]; wife of 7th Earl (1906 - 1985) (1) Mantels de de Bruyn, Mercedes [née Mercedes Mantels Garay] (1866) (1) Manteuffel, Frau Joachim von [née Martha Mumm von Schwarzenstein] (1878 - 1953) (2) Marconi, Marchesa [née Countess Maria Cristina Bezzi-Scali] (1900 - 1994) (1) Marks of Broughton, Lady [née Miriam Sieff]; wife of 1st Baron (1894 - 1971) (1) Marone, Contessa Enrico [née doña María Cristina de Borbón y Battenberg, Infanta of Spain; daughter of Alfonso XIII] (1911 - 1996) (1) Marshall, Mrs Reginald Dykes [née Mary Jane Stewart] (1842 - 1925) (1) Mathes, Frau Ernst [née Paula Kupelwieser] (1874 - 1938) (4) Mathew, Lady [née Janet Knox]; wife of Sir Charles (1) Maupeou Monbail, Marquise de [née Comtesse Hedwige d’Ursel] (1902 - 1987) (1) Max-Müller, Lady [née Wanda Maria Heiberg] (1883 - 1970) (2) May, Miss (1) Mayer auf Ketschendorf, Baroness Alexandrine (1901 - 1924) (1) Maze, Mrs Paul [née Margaret Balfour; other married name Mrs Thomas A. Nelson] (1881 - 1967) (1) McCann, Mrs Charles Edward Francis [née Helena Maude Woolworth] (1878 - 1938) (6) McConnell, Mrs Frederick [née Helen MacKenzie Alexander] (1) McEwen of Marchmont & Bardrochat, Lady [née Bridget Lindley]; wife of 1st Bt (1904 - 1971) (1) McEwen, Mrs Robert Finnie [née Mary Frances Dundas] (1864 - 1944) (1) McFadden, Mrs George, née Josephine Burton McIlvaine (1) McLaren, Mrs Kenneth [née Mathilde Marguerite ´Maggy´ Francken] (1906 - 1991) (1) McLean II, John Roll (1916 - 1975) (1) McLean Jr, Edward Beale (1918 - 1994) (1) McLean, Mrs Edward Beal [née Evalyn Walsh] (1886 - 1947) (2) McMullan, Mrs Joseph V. [née Constance McCann; other married name Mrs Wyllys R. Betts Jr] (1) Meller, Tina, née Agustina Marqués López; wife of Manuel de Izarduy (3) Melville, Winnie [née Winnifred Camilla Challis, married name Mrs Derek Oldham] (1895 - 1937) (1) Menéndez Montes, Arturo Matías (1918) (1) Mengersen, Countess Otto von, née Baroness Margaret Freiin von Fürstenberg-Stammheim (1) Mensdorff-Pouilly-Dietrichstein, Count Albert von (1861 - 1945) (1) Mérito, La marquesa de Valparaíso y del [née Elena Patiño Rodríguez] (1902 - 1942) (2) Merry of Belladrum, Mrs Archibald [née The Honourable Ida Chetwynd] (1860 - 1950) (1) Mersey, Katherine Bigham, Lady Nairne, Viscountess [née Lady Katherine Evelyn Constance Petty-Fitzmaurice]; wife of 3rd Viscount (1912 - 1995) (1) Metternich-Winneburg, Fürstin von [née Countess Pauline Sándor de Szlavnicza] (1836 - 1921) (1) Meyendorff, Baroness Conrad von [née Nadezhda 'Nadine' Vladimirnova Louguinine] (1881 - 1930) (2) Meyer, Mrs George von Lengerke [née Marian Alice Appleton] (1862 - 1935) (1) Meysenbug, Malwida Rivalier von (1816 - 1903) (1) Michiels van Verduynen, Baroness Edgar [née Henriette Elisabeth Jochems; other married name Baroness Ernst L. L. van Tuyll van Serooskerken] (1882 - 1968) (3) Middleton, Angela Florence Alfreda Willoughby, Lady [née Hall]; wife of 11th Baron (1899 - 1978) (1) Middleton, Digby Michael Godfrey John Willoughby, 12th Baron (1921 - 2011) (1) Miles, Mrs Sherman [née Edith Lawrence; other married names Mrs Harold Coolidge and Mrs James Sullivan] (1879 - 1975) (1) Milford Haven, Lady Mountbatten, Marchioness of, formerly Princess Louis of Battenberg; née Princess Victoria Alberta of Hesse; wife of 1st Marquess (1863 - 1950) (2) Milkó, Madame Endre, née Krisztina Kramer de Zniobánya or Szinóbánya (1) Millington-Drake, Lady [née Effie Mackay]; wife of Sir John Millington-Drake (1894 - 1984) (1) Mills, Mrs Ogden Livingston [née Dorothy 'Doll' Randolph; other married name Mrs John Randolph Fell] (1) Minghetti, Lisa, married names Mrs Alfred Lustgarten and Mrs Anton Maaskoff (1912 - 1961) (3) Minot, Grafton Winthrop (1892 - 1983) (1) Minot, Mrs Joseph Grafton [née Honora Elizabeth Temple Winthrop] (1868 - 1958) (1) Minto, Mary Elliot-Murray-Kynynmound, Countess of [née Mary Caroline Grey]; wife of 4th Earl (1858 - 1940) (1) Mohernando, Marquesa de [née Lorenza Braniff] (1882 - 1975) (1) Money, Mrs Bruce [née Jean Garmany Brandt] (1900 - 1973) (1) Montagu, Mrs Adrian van [née Anne Mabel Olivia 'Olive' Trouton] (1900 - 1986) (3) Montes de Menéndez, Teresa [née Teresa Montes Thürler] (1918) (1) Montgomery, Charlotte Ives (1912-) (1) Montrose, Mary Graham, Duchess of [née Lady Mary Louise Douglas-Hamilton] (1884 - 1957) (1) Montrose, Violet Hermione Graham, Duchess of [née Graham]; wife of 5th Duke ( - 1940) (1) Moore, Ella Louise (1) Moore, Faith (c.1879-1944) (5) Moore, Lady Dorothie [née Lady Dorothie Mary Evelyn Feilding] (1889 - 1935) (2) Moreno de Álzaga, Señora Emilio Dionisio [née María Florentina Moreno Vivot] (1880 - 1967) (1) Morgan-Grenville, Mrs Robert William [née Elizabeth Hope Bine Renshaw; other married name Mrs Gull] (1892 - 1969) (1) Morgan, Anne Tracy (1873-1952) (1) Mount Temple, Muriel Emily 'Molly' Ashley, Lady [née Spencer; other married name the Honourable Mrs Lionel Forbes-Sempill] (c. 1881 - 1954) (2) Mountbatten, Dame Edwina [Countess Mountbatten of Burma; née Hon. Edwina Cynthia Annette Ashley]; wife of 1st Earl (1901 - 1960) (3) Moy de Sons, Countess Carl [née Countess Lucy Radolin] (1872 - 1965) (1) Moyne, Evelyn Guinness, Lady [née Lady Evelyn Hilda Stuart Erskine]; wife of 1st Baron (1882 - 1939) (1) Muir, Lady Alexander [née Nadejda Constanza Irenea Garilla Euphrosyne Stancioff]; wife of 6th Baronet (1894 - 1957) (1) Mullins, Mrs Claud [née Elizabeth Gwendolen 'Gwen' Brandt] (1904 - 1997) (1) Mun, Comtesse Marguerite Marie de [married name madame Jacques Patrick Hennessy] (1877 - 1970) (2) Myddelton, Lady Margaret [née Lady Margaret Elizabeth Mercer Nairne] (1910 - 2003) (1) Nagy de Versegh, Mrs Elek [née Louise Janssen] (1897 - 1934) (1) Naylor, Mrs Thomas H. [née Dorothy Isabel Durning Holt] (1902 - 1986) (1) Nickols, Mrs Harold [née Isabel MacConnell] (1873 - 1971) (1) Nicolson, Lady [née the Honourable Victoria Mary 'Vita' Sackville-West]; wife of Sir Harold Nicolson (1892 - 1962) (2) Noailles, Comtesse Anna de, wife of marquis Mathieu de Noailles [née princesse Anna Bibesco-Bassaraba de Brancovan] (1876 - 1933) (4) Noailles, Marquise Hélie de [née Corisande Emma Louise Ida de Gramont] (1880 - 1977) (3) Noble, Mrs Robert Philip [née Mabel Brady Garvan] (1) Nohl, Frau Herman Julius [née Bertha Oser] (1878 - 1936) (2) Northumberland, Helen Percy, Duchess of [née Lady Helen Magdalen Gordon-Lennox]; wife of 8th Duke (1886 - 1965) (6) Ochs, Mrs Adolph Simon [née Iphigenia ‘Effie’ Wise] (1860 - 1937) (1) Okolicsányi-Kuthy de Okolicsna, Mrs Dezső [née Baroness Ilona Huszár de Mezőkövesd] (1865) (1) Onslow, Countess of [née the Honourable Violet Marcia Catherine Warwick Bampfylde]; wife of 5th Earl (1884 - 1954) (2) Oranmore and Browne, Lady [née Oonagh Guinness; other married name the Honourable Mrs Philip Leyland Kindersley] (1910 - 1995) (2) Orbán, Mrs Charles d' [née Constance Emily Hill] (1890 - 1941) (2) Orloff-Davidoff, Countess Alexander Anatolievitch [née Marie 'Maisie' Michaelovna Zographo] (1876 - 1933) (1) Orloff, Princess Vladimir Nicolaievitch [née Princess Olga Konstantinova Beloselskaya-Belozerskaya] (1872 - 1923) (1) Ortiz Linares, Graziella Patiño de [née Graziella Patiño Rodríguez] (1900 - 1980) (2) Oser, Frau Johann Nepomuk [née Josephine Wittgenstein] (1844 - 1933) (1) Otéro, Señorita Adrina (1) Oxford and Asquith, Margaret Asquith, Countess of [née Margaret Emma Alice 'Margot' Tennant]; wife of 1st Earl (1864 - 1945) (1) Pacheco de del Solar Dorrego, Laura, [née Laura Ángela Pacheco Santamarina] (1894 - 1993) (1) Page, Mrs Walter [née Alice Wilson] (1858 - 1942) (1) Parker, The Honourable Mrs Trevor T. [née Marie Louise Leonie Kleinwort] (1892 - 1949) (1) Parma, Princess Elie de Bourbon, Duchess of [née Archduchess Maria-Anna of Austria-Teschen] (1882 - 1940) (1) Passavant, Frau Hermann von [née Baroness Leopoldine von Franckenstein] (1874 - 1918) (1) Patenôtre, Madame Jules [née Eleanore Louise Elverson] (1870 - 1958) (1) Patiño, Albina Rodríguez de [née Albina Rodríguez Ocampo] (1873 - 1953) (1) Paul, Mrs Anthony Joseph Drexel [née Isabel Biddle] (1888 - 1953) (1) Payne, Mrs Sidney [née Fiona Macbeth] (1926 - 1968) (1) Peill, Mrs Robert [née Paula Korte; other married name Mrs Wilhelm Peill] (1855 - 1943) (1) Peña de Álzaga Unzué, Elena, [née Elena Peña Unzué] (1892 - 1982) (1) Penrose, Dame Emily (1858-1942) (1) Percy, Lord Richard Charles (1921-1989) Sutherland, Diana Egerton, Duchess Of [nee Lady Diana Evelyn Percy] (1917-1978); Wife Of 6th Duke (1) Piñeiro de Wesley, María Dolores [née María Dolores Piñeiro García] (1892 - 1983) (1) Pless, Fürstin and Duchess von [née Countess Mathilde zu Dohna-Schlobitten]; wife of Hans Heinrich XI (1861 - 1943) (2) Plunket, Lady [née Dorothée Mabel Lewis; other married name Mrs Jack Barnato]; wife of 6th Baron (1900 - 1938) (1) Polákovits, Madame Mátyás [née Hermina ´Minus´ Schlesinger] (1862 - 1954) (2) Ponsonby, Mrs Arthur [née Baroness Anne Marie von Slatin; other married name Princess George Galitzine] (1916 - 2007) (2) Popper, Mrs Otto [née Mária 'Mici' von Lukács; other married name Mrs Richard Lessner] (1887 - 1990) (1) Portland, Ivy Cavendish-Bentinck, Duchess of [née Gordon-Lennox]; wife of 7th Duke (1887 - 1982) (3) Portland, Winifred Anna Cavendish-Bentinck, Duchess of [née Dallas-Yorke]; wife of 6th Duke (1863 - 1954) (6) Pourtalès, Comtesse Robert de [née Marie Elisabeth van Rijck van Rietwyk] (1886 - 1917) (5) Power, Vivienne (2) Pratt, Mrs Frederick Lorenz [née Jeannie Jowett Williams] (1868 - 1949) (2) Preetorius, Frau Wilhelm [née Marie Emilie Friederike Michell] (1857 - 1934) (1) Prentiss, Mrs Francis Fleury [née Elisabeth Severance; other married name Mrs Dudley Peter Allen] (1866 - 1944) (1) Prior, Mrs George Edward Redvers [née Lorna Marsali Burn; other married name Mrs Conyers Frederick Woodroffe Lang] (1893 - 1975) (1) Prussia, Princess Friedrich Wilhelm of [née Princess Agathe von Ratibor und Corvey] (1888 - 1960) (1) Ralli, Mrs Ambrose [née Marietta Ralli] (1863 - 1961) (1) Ralli, Sir Godfrey Victor, 3rd Baronet (1915 - 2010) (2) Ramsden, Elizabeth Mary 'Betty' (1916 - 1996) (1) Ramsden, Elna Margaret (1920 - 2005) (1) Ramsden, Lady [née Joan Buxton]; wife of 6th Bt (1881 - 1974) (2) Ramsden, Mrs George [née Elisabeth Yuel-Hansen] (1892 - 1957) (1) Ramsden, Robert George Taylor (1918-1945) (1) Ratibor, Duchess of [née Countess Maria Breunner-Enkevoith] (1856 - 1929) (2) Ratibor, Princess Egon von [née Princess Leopoldine Lobkowicz] (1867 - 1936) (3) Ratibor, Princess Ernst von [née Ernestina Arborio Gattirana, Duchesa di Sartirana] (1866 - 1934) (1) Ratibor, Princess Franz von [née Countess Marie Agnes zu Solms-Baruth; other married name Countess Egbert von der Asseburg] (1856 - 1941) (1) Ratibor, Princess Maximilian von [née Franziska 'Fanny' Grimaud, comtesse d'Orsay] (1857 - 1919) (2) Rattray, Mrs James Silvester [née Christian Hilda Guthrie] (1924 - 1963) (1) Reed, Mrs John Franklin [née Janine 'Jane' Bendir] (1924) (2) Reford, Mrs Robert Wilson [née Mary Elsie Meighen] (1872 - 1967) (1) Reid, Mrs Whitelaw [née Elisabeth Mills] (1858 - 1931) (1) Reimer, Mrs Otto [née Ursula Squier] ( - 1968) (1) Reischach, Baroness Hugo von [née Princess Margarethe von Ratibor] (1863 - 1940) (4) Rice, Mrs William Lowe [née Elise Gautier French] (1865 - 1938) (1) Riddell, Mrs Cuthbert D. [née Evelyn Mary Liddell] ( - 1932) (1) Ridder, Mrs August de [née (Johanna Elisabethe) Louise May] (1853 - 1942) (1) Riemsdijk-Loudon, Madame Theodorus Helenus Franciscus van [née Adriana Jacqueline Marie Loudon] (1856 - 1919) (1) Ringhoffer, Baroness Friedrich von [née Aline 'Liny' von Seybel] (1891 - 1957) (2) Roberts of Kandahar, Countess [née Nora Henrietta Bews]; wife of 1st Earl (1838 - 1920) (1) Robertson, Mrs John (1) Rochefort, Countess Gerard de Moulin de [née Régine Roederer] (1893 - 1988) (1) Roederer, Countess Pierre-Louis [née Louise de Saint-Alary] (1863 - 1930) (1) Rohan, Herminie de Rohan-Chabot, Duchess de [née Herminie de la Brousse de Verteillac] (1855 - 1926) (1) Romania, Princess Elena of [née Lupescu, other married name Mrs Jon Tampeanu] (1899 - 1977) (3) Romania, Princess Helen of [née Princess Helen of Greece and Denmark]; consort of King Carol II (1896 - 1982) (1) Romania, Queen Marie of [née Princess Marie of Edinburgh] (1875 - 1938) (9) Romberg, Baroness Conrad von [née Baroness Gabriele 'Lella' von Diergardt] (1878 - 1924) (1) Roosevelt, Mrs Kermit [née Belle Wyatt Willard] (1892 - 1968) (1) Roosevelt, Mrs Theodore [née Edith Kermit Carow]; First Lady of the United States of America (1861 - 1948) (1) Rothschild, Baroness Alphonse de [née Clarisse Sebag-Montefiore] (1894 - 1967) (1) Rothschild, Baroness Cécile Léonie Eugénie Gudule Lucie de (1913 - 1995) (1) Rothschild, Baroness Eugène de [née Katherine 'Kitty’ Wolff; other married name Countess Erwein Schönborn-Buchheim] (1885 - 1946) (1) Rothschild, Baroness Robert de [née Gabrielle Nelly Beer] (1886 - 1945) (3) Rothschild, The Honorable Mrs Nathaniel Charles [née Rózsika von Wertheimstein] (1870 - 1940) (1) Royden, Doctor Agnes Maude [married name Mrs G. W. Hudson Shaw] (1876 - 1956) (1) Royden, Lady [née Quenelda Mary Clegg; other married name Mrs Charles J. Williamson] (1922 - 1969) (1) Rumbold, Lady [née Etheldred Constantia Fane]; wife of 9th Baronet (1879 - 1964) (1) Salm-Horstmar, Princess Emrich zu [née Princess Sabine von Schoenaich-Carolath] (1893 - 1965) (1) Salm-Salm, Hereditary Princess Emanuel zu [née Archduchess Maria Christina of Austria] (1879 - 1962) (2) Sanderson, Mrs Oswald [née Beatrice Marion Fitch Beddall] (1) Sandys, Mrs George Owen [née Dulcie Edythe Angela Redford] (1893 - 1972) (1) Santamarina de Bosch Alvear, Sofía, [née Sofía Santamarina Terrero] (1904 - 1988) (1) Santamarina de Lezica Alvear, Elvira, [née Elvira Santamarina Irasusta] (1882) (1) Santamarina Gastañaga, Mercedes (1896 - 1972) (1) Satzger de Bálványos, Madame Christian [née Elisabeth Josefa von Romako] (1858 - 1942) (2) Saxe-Meiningen, Princess Bernhard, Duchess of [née Princess Charlotte of Prussia] (1860 - 1919) (5) Saxony, Crown Princess Friedrich August of [née Luise, Archduchess of Austria; other married name Mrs Enrico Toselli] (1870 - 1947) (1) Schaffgotsch, Countess Hans Karl [née Baroness Paula von Fürstenberg-Stammheim] (1863 - 1914) (1) Schleinitz, Baroness Otto von [née Clara Loth; other married name Mrs Fischer] (1834 - 1916) (1) Schlesinger, Mrs Mór (1) Schoeller, Frau Hugo [née Maria Peill] (1874 - 1936) (1) Schoeller, Frau Richard von (née Emmi Frederika Siedenburg) (1879 - 1901) (1) Schönborn-Buchheim, Countess Karl von [née Teresa Dentice dei Principi di Frasso] (1877 - 1909) (1) Schrader, Baroness Karl von [née Alide de Villers de Pité] (1849 - 1941) (1) Schröder, Baroness Alexander [née Katherine Hatch, other married name Mrs George Webber-Cutter] (1873 - 1918) (1) Schröder, Baroness Bruno [née Emma Deichmann] (1870 - 1944) (2) Schröder, Baroness Heinrich [née Baroness Helene Dorothée Eveline Emma Schröder] (1897 - 1986) (3) Schröder, Baroness Helmut [née Margaret Eleanor Darell] (1904 - 1994) (2) Schröder, Baroness Marga Marie Hilda (1898 - 1977) (2) Scitovszky, Madame Tibor de [née Hanna Hódosi] (1886 - 1977) (1) Selborne, Beatrix Maud Palmer, Countess of [née Lady Beatrix Maud Cecil]; wife of 2nd Earl ( - 1950) (1) Seligman, Mrs Edgar I. [née Georgette A. Henriette Mosenthal] (1887 - 1962) (1) Severin, Mrs Mark [née Nina Holme] (1916 - 1990) (1) Silcock, Mrs John E. D. [née Juliet Mary Lindsay; other married name Juliet Beresford, Marchioness of Waterford] (1904 - 1987) (2) Singer, Madame G. [née Erszébet 'Erzsi' Schmidl] (1) Slaton, Mrs John Marshall [née Sarah Frances Grant] (1) Sligo, Agatha Stewart Browne, Marchioness of [née Hodgson]; wife of 6th Marquess (1866 - 1965) (1) Sloane-Stanley, Mrs Ronald Francis Assheton [née Susan Johnstone] (1874 - 1931) (1) Smith, Mrs Rodney Collin [née Janet Buckley] (1901 - 1972) (1) Snagge, Mrs Thomas Geoffrey M. [née Norah Longfield] (1) Solms-Baruth, Countess Hermann zu [née Countess Anna Hochberg] (1888 - 1966) (1) Somers, Finola Daisy Somers-Cocks, Lady [née Meeking]; wife of 6th Baron (1896 - 1981) (3) Spain, Queen Victoria Eugenia of [née Princess Victoria Eugénie Julia Ena of Battenberg]; Consort of Alfonso XIII (1887 - 1969) (6) Spain, Queen Mother María Cristina of [née Archduchess Marie Christina of Austria]; Consort of King Alfonso XII and Regent of Alfonso XIII (1858 - 1929) (1) Squier, Mrs John Bentley [née Leah Ursula Bradt] (1) St Albans, Beatrix de Vere Beauclerk, Duchess of [née Lady Beatrix Frances Fitzmaurice; other married name Beatrix Beresford, Marchioness of Waterford] (1877 - 1953) (1) St Levan, Julia St Aubyn, Lady [née Julia Georgiana Sarah Wombwell; other married name Julia Dawson, Countess of Dartrey]; wife of 2nd Baron ( - 1938) (1) Stanhope, Countess [née Lady Eileen Agatha Browne]; wife of 7th Earl (1889 - 1940) (1) Stanley of Alderley, Lady [née Mary Katherine 'Maisie' Bell]; also known as Lady Sheffield; wife of 4th Baron (1848 - 1929) (4) Stanley, Lady Maureen [née Lady Maureen Helen Vane-Tempest-Stewart] (1900 - 1942) (1) Stanley, The Honourable Mrs Oliver [née Lady Alice Kathleen Violet Thynne] (1891 - 1977) (1) Stirum, Countess Leopold van Limburg [née Johanna Ida Randebrock] (1889 - 1942) (1) Stockfeld, Betty [married name Mrs Aubrey St John Edwards] (1905 - 1966) (1) Stogdon, Mrs Edgar [née Louise Dalrymple Dundas] (1881 - 1940) (1) Stone, Mrs Thomas Archibald [née Ellen Cox Ewing] (1907 - 1931) (1) Stone, Mrs Thomas Archibald Stone [née Miss Alexandra Ewing; other married name Mrs Newbold Noyes Sr.] (1897 - 1961) (1) Strange, Violet Drummond, Lady [née Violet Margaret Florence Buchanan-Jardine; other married name Mrs Edmund O. Peel] (1897 - 1975) (1) Strathmore and Kinghorne, Nina Bowes Lyon, Countess of [née Nina Cecilia Cavendish Bentinck]; wife of 14th Earl (1862 - 1938) (1) Straus, Mrs Jesse Isidor [née Irma Nathan] (1874 - 1970) (1) Strauss, Madame Solomon, previously Strausz [née Maria Kriszhaber] (1833 - 1891) (1) Strawbridge, Mrs Robert E. [née Anita Berwind] (1875 - 1942) (1) Strecker, Frau Ludwig [née Friederike Marie 'Frieda' Preetorius; other married name Frau Friedrich Traun] (1884 - 1938) (3) Stubenberg, Countess Camillo [née Countess Gabriele 'Elsa' Breunner-Enkevoith] (1875 - 1950) (2) Subervielle Gracias, Condesa Elena Mier de (1) Sutherland, Diana Egerton, Duchess of [née Lady Diana Evelyn Percy, daughter of 8th Duke of Northumberland]; wife of 6th Duke (1917 - 1978) (1) Sutherland, Eileen Sutherland-Leveson-Gower, Duchess of [née Lady Eileen Gwladys Butler]; wife of 5th Duke (1891 - 1943) (1) Sváb, Ida (1) Sváb, Miss (1) Sweden, Queen Louise of [née Lady Louise Alexandra Marie Irene Mountbatten; formerly Princess Louise of Battenberg]; consort of Gustaf VI (1889 - 1965) (2) Szapáry, Countess Anthony [née Countess Sylvia Széchényi] (1918 - 1998) (1) Széchényi, Countess Dénes [née Countess Emilie de Caraman Chimay] (1871 - 1944) (2) Széchényi, Countess László [née Gladys Vanderbilt] (1886 - 1965) (1) Szentkereszty, Baroness Béla [née Maria Floresco de Floresti et Vizuresti] (1857 - 1919) (2) Sztankovánsky de Sztankován, Mrs Pál [née Countess Stefanie Mailáth de Székhely] (1891 - 1952) (2) Térey, Doctor Gábor de (1864 - 1927) (2) Terrero de Santamarina, Sofía, [née Sofía Terrero Peña] ( - 1932) (1) Thompson, Mrs William Payne [née Edith Blight] (1874 - 1941) (1) Thring, Mrs Frank William [née Olive Kreitmeyer] (1) Todd-Martin, Mrs Norman [née Jean Mary Craig-Brown] (1904 - 2000) (1) Toit, John Christopher Guinness du (1912 - 1993) (1) Torlonia di Civitelli Cesi, Princess Alessandro [née The Infanta doña Beatriz de Borbón y Battenberg; daughter of Alfonso XIII of Spain] (1909 - 2002) (2) Townley, Lady Walter Beaupré [née Lady Susan Mary Keppel] (1868 - 1953) (1) Trani, Princess Lodovico Bourbon-Two Sicilies, Countess di [née Mathilde Ludovika, Duchess in Bavaria] (1843 - 1925) (2) Trauttmansdorff-Weinsberg, Fürstin Ferdinand [née Princess Anna 'Nanni' von und zu Liechtenstein] (1820 - 1908) (1) Trouton, Mrs Frederick T. [née Anna Maria Fowler] (1864/5 - 1928) (2) Trouton, Ruth Myrtle Marchbanks (1904-1958) (3) Tryon of Durnford, Lady Charles George [née Etheldreda Josephine 'Dreda' Burrell] (1909 - 2002) (2) Ullman, Mrs [née Pamela Scott-Kilvert] (1919 - 1957) (1) Ursel, Duchesse d’ [née Antonine Marie de Mun]; wife of 6th duc (1849 - 1931) (1) Valentin, Frau Carl [née Paula Laub]; the Artist's Sister (1873 - 1924) (1) Vanier, Madame Georges [née Pauline Archer] (1898 - 1991) (3) Vereker, Lady [née Roxana Wentworth Bowen; other married name Mrs William van Rensselaer] (1895 - 1968) (2) Vernon-Harcourt, Mrs Bernard [née Anna Irène Margaret Micholls] (1886 - 1923) (1) Vernon, Lady Violet [née Lady Violet Mary Baring] (1911 - 1978) (1) Verschoyle, Mrs Derek Hugo [née Evelyn Webber; other married name Mrs Anthony Noel Gurney Richardson] (1902 - 1993) (1) Verulam, Violet Constance Maitland Grimston, Countess of [née Lady Violet Constance Maitland Brabazon]; wife of 4th Earl (1886 - 1936) (3) Vietor, Mrs John A. [née Eleanore Woodward] (1889 - 1937) (1) Villiers, Vera de [née Veronica Graaff; married names Mrs F. J. Nettlefold and Mrs Albert H. Coates] (1891 - 1973) (1) Wadia, Lady [née Madeleine Landquist] (1) Waechter de Grimston, Lady [née Armatrude Bertie Sophia Effie Hobart]; wife of Sir Max (1890 - 1982) (3) Walford, Mrs John H. [née Diana Myrtle 'Didi' Ralli] (1918 - 2001) (2) Walker, Adeline (c.1902-c.1976) (1) Walter, Mrs John [née Phyllis Charlotte Hilda Foster] (1876 - 1937) (2) Wantage, Harriet Sarah Loyd-Lindsay, Lady [née Lloyd] (1837 - 1920) (2) Ward, Lady [née Jean Templeton Reid]; wife of Sir John Ward (1884 - 1962) (1) Warde, Mrs Richard E. [née Muriel Thetis Wilson] (1875 - 1964) (3) Warrender, Julian Margaret Maitland (1855 - 1950) (1) Waterford, John Charles de la Poer Beresford, 7th Marquess of (1901 - 1934) (1) Watson, Mrs Jack [née Elizabeth Esther 'Betty' Buchanan] (1899 - 1984) (2) Watts, Mrs William Walker [née Mary Parkes] (1848 - 1934) (1) Wayley, Mrs Frank [née Phyllis Williams; other married name Mrs Herbert Merton] ( - 1984) (1) Weegmann, Frau Karl Alfred von [née Erna Peill] (1885) (1) Weisse, Sophie (1851-1945) (1) Wemyss, Grace Wemyss-Charteris-Douglas, Countess of [née Grace Blackburn]; wife of 10th Earl (c. 1857 - 1946) (1) Wemyss, Lady Victoria [née Lady Victoria Alexandrina Violet Cavendish-Bentinck]; daughter of the 6th Duke of Portland (1890 - 1994) (4) Wenckheim, Count Lajos (1900-1949) (1) Wenckheim, Countess Dénes [née Countess Friederike Wenckheim] (1873 - 1957) (1) Wenckheim, Countess József [née Countess Denise Wenckheim] (1898 - 1973) (2) Wenckheim, Dénes Siegfrid (1921 - 1943) (1) Wernher, Lady [née Countess Anastasia 'Zia' Mikhailovna de Torby] (1892 - 1977) (3) White, Mrs William Townsend [née Augusta Henrietta Roebling] (1875 - 1971) (2) Whitehouse, Mrs Sheldon [née Mary Crocker Alexander] (1896 - 1986) (1) Whitney, Mrs George [née Martha Beatrix Bacon] (1890 - 1967) (2) Wickmann, Frau Olaf [née Wilhelmine 'Elma' Preetorius; other married name Frau Max Ibach] (1878 - 1964) (3) Wigan, Mrs Edgar [née Cicely Margaret Bagot] ( - 1960) (1) Wigan, Mrs Edward, née Edith Wallace Russell (1867 - 1942) (1) Williams, Dame Juliet Evangeline Rhys [Lady Rhys Williams; née Juliette Evangeline Glyn] (1898 - 1964) (2) Willingdon, Marie Freeman-Thomas, Marchioness of [née Lady Marie Adelaide Brassey] (1875 - 1960) (1) Willis, Mrs Charles F. [née Elizabeth Chambers Firestone] (1922 - 1989) (1) Wilson, Judith Ellen (1902 - 1960) (1) Wilson, Mrs Arthur [née Mary Emma Smith] (1843 - 1927) (1) Wilson, Mrs Charles [née Mary Catherine 'Kitty' Ferguson Trouton, other married name Mrs Franz Hering] (1906 - 1984) (3) Windisch-Grätz, Fürstin zu [née Princess Leontine 'Lotti' zu Fürstenberg] (1892 - 1979) (1) Windisch-Grätz, Princess Otto zu [née Archduchess Elisabeth of Austria] (1883 - 1963) (1) Winslow II, Mrs Francis D.,[née Flora Brady Garvan] (1) Wittgenstein, Frau Karl [née Leopoldine 'Poldi' Kallmus] (1850 - 1916) (3) Wogau, Madame Max von [née Adele Maria Daniela von Grunelius; other married name Mrs Karl von Barton] (1893 - 1965) (1) Wood, Mrs George [née Baroness Róza Lónyay] (1888 - 1971) (1) Woodroffe, Vera (1886 - 1969) (1) Woude, Mrs Gerrit van der [née Esmée Mary Gabriel Harmsworth; other married name Mrs Baring, Countess of Cromer] (1922 - 2011) (1) Wuthenau-Hohenthurm, Countess Carl Adam [née Countess Maria Antonia 'Antoinette' Chotek] (1874 - 1930) (1) Wydenbruck, Countess August [née Countess Maria 'Misa' Esterházy] (1859 - 1926) (1) Wyndham, Mrs Dennis [née the Honourable Elsie Mackay] (1893 - 1928) (1) Younger of Auchencastle, Sir William, 1st Baronet (1862 - 1937) (1) Yugoslavia, Princess Paul of [née Princess Olga of Greece and Denmark] (1903 - 1997) (1) Type of sitter All C (child) (124) F (female) (1130) G (group) (71) M (male) (62) Format All Bust-length (14) Circular (1) Full-length (109) Half-length (278) Head and shoulders (216) Head only (24) Oval (25) Three-quarter length (192) Type of image All Drawing (129) Painting (1002) Print (1) Sculpture (2) Unknown (2) Profession All Academic (11) Actor / Actress (12) Agriculturalist (25) Architect (5) Aristocracy (314) Army (10) Artist (73) Aviator (7) Banker (7) Blank Canvas (2) Charity (1) Charity Auction (5) Charity Work (89) Clergy (9) Courtier (30) Dancer (12) Designer (17) Diplomat (29) Dog (3) Domestic service (3) Engineer (1) HNG Portfolio (1) Horticulturalist (48) Hostess (110) Industrialist (7) Journalist (13) Kaiser (1) Last Surviving Sitters (1) Lawyer/Law (19) Lucile Fashion House (1) Model (3) Musician (46) Nurse (47) Pekingese (2) Photographer (3) Politician (38) Portrait (2) Posthumous Portrait (3) Publisher (3) Royalty (118) Scientist/Science (3) Sportsman (41) Travel Plans (40) Voluntary Aid Detachment (V.A.D.) (1) Nationality All African (4) American (143) Anglo-Irish (2) Argentinian (20) Australian (3) Austrian (56) Belgian (7) Bulgarian (2) Canadian (5) Dutch (28) Egyptian (2) English (296) French (56) German (72) Greek (13) Hungarian (97) Indian (2) Irish (13) Italian (12) Japanese (1) Mexican (2) New Zealander (1) Norwegian (3) Polish (2) Portuguese (7) Romanian (8) Russian (14) Scottish (12) South African (2) South American (14) Spanish (16) Swedish (2) Swiss (1) Place of creation All Alderley Park, Cheshire (2) Algeria (1) Amsterdam (6) Athens (1) Austria (7) Baarn (3) Bad Kissingen (1) Ó-Becse (13) Berlin (2) Biskra (1) Boston, Massachusetts (2) Budapest (24) Burton Hall, Stillorgan (7) Cannes (2) Cap Ferrat (1) Chequers, Buckinghamshire (2) Darmstadt (5) Dawyck House, Stobo (2) De Wiersse (1) Dell Park, Surrey (1) Domony (1) Donaueschingen (4) Downshire House, Surrey (1) Drehna (1) Egypt (2) England (46) Englemere (1) Euxinograde (1) Farnborough Park, Aldershot (1) France (7) Germany (11) Glendoe Lodge (2) Godollo (1) Greece (6) Hungary (20) Ireland (2) Isle of Wight (2) Karnak (2) La Forêt (1) Ladbroke Grove Nursing Home (4) Langwell (3) Lisbon (1) Littleworth Corner, Buckinghamshire (6) Lockinge House, Oxfordshire (4) London (378) Londonderry House (5) Madrid (2) Mainz (6) Miami, Florida (5) Morocco (5) Munich (8) New York City, New York (26) North Africa (1) Paris (93) Penrhôs, Anglesey (1) Perbenyik Castle (4) Petworth (1) Portugal (1) Potsdam (10) Rauden (6) Reigate Priory, Surrey (2) Reigersbergen (1) Rida Furka (3) Romania (10) Rome (4) Rotheneuf (9) Sárszög (6) Schliersee, Bavaria (1) Schloss Erdmannsdorf, Silesia (1) Schloss Heiligenberg, Darmstadt, Germany (2) Scotland (1) Semmering (1) Sigmaringen (1) Sofia (1) Somerley, Hampshire (4) Spain (6) Syon House (4) The Hague (3) The Netherlands (11) Tolz (2) United States of America (5) Vallière (10) Vienna (49) Voorlinden (2) Washington, D.C. (11) Welbeck Abbey (10) Wentworth Woodhouse, South Yorkshire (2) Windsor Castle, Berkshire (1) Zülzhoff Castle (2) Clear All Alphabetical Chronological 121 to 140 of 1136 Works Bruce, Mrs David, née Ailsa Mellon Bruce, Mrs David, née Ailsa Mellon 1926 Bruce, Mrs David, née Ailsa Mellon Bruce, Mrs David, née Ailsa Mellon 1926 Bruce, Mrs David, née Ailsa Mellon Bruce, Mrs David, née Ailsa Mellon 1930 Brunswick (Braunschweig), Princess Ernst August von Hannover, Duchess of, née Princess Victoria Luise of Prussia Brunswick (Braunschweig), Princess Ernst August von Hannover, Duchess of, née Princess Victoria Luise of Prussia 1899 Brunswick (Braunschweig), Princess Ernst August von Hannover, Duchess of, née Princess Viktoria Luise of Prussia Brunswick (Braunschweig), Princess Ernst August von Hannover, Duchess of, née Princess Viktoria Luise of Prussia 1908 Buccleuch and Queensberry, Vreda Montagu Douglas Scott, Duchess of, née Vreda Esther Mary Lascelles: wife of 8th Duke of Buccleuch and 10th Duke of Queensberry Buccleuch and Queensberry, Vreda Montagu Douglas Scott, Duchess of, née Vreda Esther Mary Lascelles: wife of 8th Duke of Buccleuch and 10th Duke of Queensberry 1932 Buch, Baroness Max von, née Leonor Matilde Hirsch Gottschalk; other married name Leonor Matilde Hirsch de Caraballo Buch, Baroness Max von, née Leonor Matilde Hirsch Gottschalk; other married name Leonor Matilde Hirsch de Caraballo 1933 Buchanan-Jardine, Lady, née Jean Barbara Hamilton Buchanan-Jardine, Lady, née Jean Barbara Hamilton 1928 Buchanan, Mrs Edmund, née Doreen Marguerite Bury Buchanan, Mrs Edmund, née Doreen Marguerite Bury 1929 Buchanan, Mrs Edmund, née Doreen Marguerite Bury Buchanan, Mrs Edmund, née Doreen Marguerite Bury 1929 Budge de Edwards, Olga, née Olga Budge Zañartu Budge de Edwards, Olga, née Olga Budge Zañartu 1913 Budge de Edwards, Olga, née Olga Budge Zañartu Budge de Edwards, Olga, née Olga Budge Zañartu 1920 Bulgaria, Princess of, née Princess Maria Luisa of Bourbon-Parma; Consort of King Ferdinand I Bulgaria, Princess of, née Princess Maria Luisa of Bourbon-Parma; Consort of King Ferdinand I 1894 Burden, Mrs William A. M., née Margaret Livingston Partridge Burden, Mrs William A. M., née Margaret Livingston Partridge 1932 Burke, Mrs Edmund, née Marguerite 'Daisy' van Riemsdijk; other married name Mrs Samuel J. B. Barnardisto Burke, Mrs Edmund, née Marguerite 'Daisy' van Riemsdijk; other married name Mrs Samuel J. B. Barnardisto 1909 Burrell, Lady, née Coralie Porter, and her daughter, Etheldreda, later Lady Tryon of Durnford Burrell, Lady, née Coralie Porter, and her daughter, Etheldreda, later Lady Tryon of Durnford 1914 Bury, Lady Mairi Keppel, Viscountess, née Lady Mairi Elizabeth Vane-Tempest-Stewart; daughter of 7th Marquess of Londonderry Bury, Lady Mairi Keppel, Viscountess, née Lady Mairi Elizabeth Vane-Tempest-Stewart; daughter of 7th Marquess of Londonderry 1923 Bury, Myee Keppel, Viscountess, née Lady Judith Sydney Myee Wynn-Carrington Bury, Myee Keppel, Viscountess, née Lady Judith Sydney Myee Wynn-Carrington 1911 Bush, Henrietta Lowe Bush, Henrietta Lowe 1934 Bush, Mrs James Smith, née Caroline Lowe Patterson Bush, Mrs James Smith, née Caroline Lowe Patterson 1932 First Works Previous Works 7 8 9 10 11 12 Next Works Last Works 121 to 140 of 1136 Works