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[née Maud Lucia Heron-Maxwell] (1867 - 1952) (1) Cazalet, Peter Victor Ferdinand (1907-1973) (2) Chavasse, Reverend Christopher Maude, Bishop of Rochester (1884 - 1962) (1) Cole, Mrs Glen Walker [née Eleanor Wickam Houghton] (1896 - 1986) (1) Cotterell, Sir John Richard Geers, 4th Baronet (1866 - 1937) (1) Cotterell, Sir Richard Charles Geers, 5th Bt (1907 - 1978) (1) Cremer, Herbert (1873-1953) (1) Cremer, Jacob Theodoor (1847-1923) (1) Cremer, Mrs Herbert [née Wilhelmina Adriana van Marken] (1871 - 1946) (1) Cremer, Mrs Jacob Theodoor [née Annie Hermine Hogan] (1855 - 1924) (1) Csekonics, Countess János [née Baroness Leonie Lipthay] (1821 - 1903) (1) Devonport, Hudson Ewbanke Kearley, 1st Viscount (1856 - 1934) (1) Domínguez Cané, Don Vicente; Argentine Ambassador to the Court of St James's ( - 1916) (1) Drummond, David (2) Eltz, Countess Alexander [née Countess Ferdinandine 'Nandine' Széchényi] (1923) (1) Eltz, Countess Thérèse (1902 - 1993) (1) Ffrangcon-Davies, Dame Gwen Lucy (1891 - 1992) (1) Fitzwilliam, Maud Wentworth-Fitzwilliam, Countess [née Lady Maud Frederica Elizabeth Dundas]; wife of 7th Earl (1877 - 1967) (1) Fitzwilliam, Olive Wentworth-Fitzwilliam, Countess [née Olive Dorothea Plunket]; wife of 8th Earl (1) Fitzwilliam, William Henry Lawrence Peter Wentworth-Fitzwilliam; 8th Earl (1910 - 1948) (2) Fraknói, Bishop Vilmos, Titular Bishop of Arbe, né Wilhelm Frankl (1843 - 1924) (1) German Emperor, Wilhelm II, King of Prussia (1859 - 1941) (1) Görgei, General Artúr (1818 - 1916) (1) Graham, John (2) Graham, Lady Alastair [née Lady Meriel Olivia Bathurst] (1894 - 1936) (1) Graham, Mrs Archie [née Dorothy Phoebe Shuttleworth] (1884 - 1953) (1) Graham, Mrs Raymond [née Elizabeth Idabelle Firestone] (1914 - 1941) (1) Gramont, Duchesse de [née baronne Marguerite-Alexandrine von Rothschild]; wife of 11th duc (1855 - 1905) (1) Grandy, Lady [née Cécile Elizabeth Florence Rankin] (1914 - 1993) (1) Great Britain, Duchess of Argyll, née Princess Louise Caroline Alberta of; Daughter of Queen Victoria (1848 - 1939) (1) Great Britain, Prince Arthur of; 1st Duke of Connaught and Strathearn; son of Queen Victoria (1850 - 1942) (1) Great Britain, Queen Elizabeth, The Queen Mother of [née Lady Elizabeth Angela Marguerite Bowes Lyon]; Consort of George VI (1900 - 2002) (2) Guinness, Eva Frances (1868 - 1930) (1) Guinness, Howard Rundell (1868-1937) (1) Haddon, Doctor Alfred Cort (1855 - 1940) (2) Holt, Mrs Laurence Durning, née Evelyn Jacks (1899 - 1978) (1) Houghton, Amory (1899-1981) (1) Hubay de Szalatnya, Madame Jenő [née Countess Róza Cebrián] (1870 - 1944) (1) Hubay-Cebrián, Mrs Andor de [née Edle Astrup] (1905 - 1989) (1) James, Julia [married name Mrs Maurice Dollfus] (1890 - 1964) (1) Janssen-de Ridder, Madame August [née Elisabeth 'Ella' de Ridder] (1877 - 1968) (1) Janssen, Madame Peter Willem [née Henriette ´Jetske´ Cremer] (1900 - 1979) (1) Janssen, Peter (1) Kapnist, Countess Pierre [née Countess Nadejda ‘Nadia’ Stenbock-Fermor] (1864) (1) Kemble, Mrs Kenneth [née Helene Grant Richards; other married name Mrs John Taylor and Mrs Charles L. Hill] (1908) (1) Kent, Duchess of [née Princess Marina of Greece and Denmark]; wife of 1st Duke (1906 - 1968) (1) Kiss, József (1843 - 1921) (1) Kittel, (Theodore) Bruno (1856 - 1923) (1) Kubelík, Jan (1880 - 1940) (1) Kupelwieser, Carl (1841-1925) (2) Kupelwieser, Doctor Hans (1879 - 1939) (1) Kupelwieser, Frau Carl [née Bertha Wittgenstein] (1848 - 1908) (2) Lambrinudi, (Leonidas) Paul (1916 - 1943) (1) Lang of Lambeth, Doctor Cosmo Gordon Lang, Archbishop of Canterbury, 1st Baron (1864 - 1945) (1) Larkin, The Honourable Peter Charles, High Commissioner of Canada (1856 - 1930) (1) Lascelles, The Honourable Mrs Edward [née Joan Eleanor Campbell Balfour] (1889 - 1939) (1) Laszlo, Chinky de, Pet Pekingese (1) Laszlo, Christopher de (1936) (1) László, Doctor Zsigmond (1845 - 1913) (1) Laszlo, John Adolphus de (1912 - 1990) (4) László, Mrs Philip de [née Lucy Madeleine Guinness] (1870 - 1950) (3) Laszlo, Patrick David de (1909 - 1980) (2) Laszlo, Paul Leonardo de (1906 - 1983) (1) László, Philip Alexius de (1869 - 1937) (3) Laszlo, Stephen Philip de (1904 - 1939) (2) László, Yang de, Pet Pekingese (1) Lavrano, Mrs Christopher [née Mary Veronica Calvocoressi; other married name Mrs Constantin Griva] (1914 - 2007) (2) Lee of Fareham, Arthur Hamilton Lee, Viscount (1868 - 1947) (1) Lee of Fareham, Viscountess [née Ruth Moore]; wife of 1st Viscount (1869 - 1966) (2) Lee, Peter (2) Leigh, Mrs John Cecil Gerard [née Helen Goudy] (1891 - 1964) (1) Lenz, Frau Maximilian [née Ida Kupelwieser] (1869 - 1927) (1) Lieven, Princess Peter [née Countess Marie Orloff-Davidoff] (1897 - 1922) (1) Lowther, Lady [née Alice Blight]; wife of 1st Baronet (1873 - 1939) (1) Lowther, Sir Gerard Augustus, 1st Bt (1858 - 1916) (1) Madeley, Richard George Archibald John Lucian Hungerford Crewe-Milnes, Earl of (1911 - 1922) (1) Mathes, Frau Ernst [née Paula Kupelwieser] (1874 - 1938) (2) McCann, Charles Edward Francis (1876 - 1941) (1) McCann, Mrs Charles Edward Francis [née Helena Maude Woolworth] (1878 - 1938) (1) McEwen of Marchmont & Bardrochat, Sir John Helias Finnie, 1st Bt (1894 - 1962) (1) McEwen, Lieutenant James Robert Dundas (1896 - 1916) (1) McMullan, Mrs Joseph V. [née Constance McCann; other married name Mrs Wyllys R. Betts Jr] (1) Michiels van Verduynen, Baroness Edgar [née Henriette Elisabeth Jochems; other married name Baroness Ernst L. L. van Tuyll van Serooskerken] (1882 - 1968) (1) Mills, Mrs Ogden Livingston [née Dorothy 'Doll' Randolph; other married name Mrs John Randolph Fell] (1) Montagu, Mrs Adrian van [née Anne Mabel Olivia 'Olive' Trouton] (1900 - 1986) (1) Moore, Faith (c.1879-1944) (4) Nagy de Versegh, Mrs Elek [née Louise Janssen] (1897 - 1934) (1) Nelson, Captain Ian Theodore (1878 - 1958) (1) Nuffield, William Richard Morris, 1st Viscount (1877 - 1963) (1) Orloff-Davidoff, Countess Alexander Anatolievitch [née Marie 'Maisie' Michaelovna Zographo] (1876 - 1933) (1) Ponsonby, Mrs Arthur [née Baroness Anne Marie von Slatin; other married name Princess George Galitzine] (1916 - 2007) (1) Popper, Mrs Otto [née Mária 'Mici' von Lukács; other married name Mrs Richard Lessner] (1887 - 1990) (1) Power, Vivienne (1) Prentiss, Mrs Francis Fleury [née Elisabeth Severance; other married name Mrs Dudley Peter Allen] (1866 - 1944) (1) Prussia, Princess Friedrich Wilhelm of [née Princess Agathe von Ratibor und Corvey] (1888 - 1960) (1) Ralli, Mrs Ambrose [née Marietta Ralli] (1863 - 1961) (1) Rampolla, Cardinal Mariano, Count del Tindaro (1843 - 1913) (1) Reford, Mrs Robert Wilson [née Mary Elsie Meighen] (1872 - 1967) (1) Reischach, Baron Hugo von (1854 - 1934) (1) Ripka, Doctor Ferenc (1871 - 1944) (1) Romania, Queen Marie of [née Princess Marie of Edinburgh] (1875 - 1938) (1) Root, Elihu (1845-1937) (1) Rumbold, Sir Horace George Montagu, 9th Baronet (1869 - 1941) (1) Sassoon, Sir Philip Albert Gustave David, 3rd Baronet (1888 - 1939) (1) Saxe-Meiningen, Princess Bernhard, Duchess of [née Princess Charlotte of Prussia] (1860 - 1919) (1) Singh, Rasaidar Man (1) Singh, Rasaldar Jagat (1) Stone, Mrs Thomas Archibald Stone [née Miss Alexandra Ewing; other married name Mrs Newbold Noyes Sr.] (1897 - 1961) (1) Széchényi, Countess Dénes [née Countess Emilie de Caraman Chimay] (1871 - 1944) (2) Türr, General István (1825 - 1908) (1) Tuyll van Serooskerken, Baron Ernst Louis Leopold van (1875 - 1959) (1) Vay de Vaja et Luskod, Monsignor Count Péter (1864 - 1948) (4) Wenckheim, Count Lajos (1900-1949) (1) Wenckheim, Countess Dénes [née Countess Friederike Wenckheim] (1873 - 1957) (1) Wenckheim, Countess József [née Countess Denise Wenckheim] (1898 - 1973) (1) Wharncliffe, Countess, née Maud Lillian Elfrida Mary Wentworth-Fitzwilliam (1898 - 1979) (1) Type of sitter All C (child) (30) F (female) (73) G (group) (10) M (male) (71) Format All Bust-length (2) Circular (1) Full-length (21) Half-length (45) Head and shoulders (22) Head only (1) Oval (4) Three-quarter length (23) Type of image All Drawing (12) Painting (142) Sculpture (1) Profession All Academic (10) Actor / Actress (3) Agriculturalist (3) Architect (1) Aristocracy (27) Army (13) Artist (18) Aviator (2) Bank / Banker (3) Charity (2) Charity Auction (1) Charity Work (10) Clergy (9) Courtier (1) Designer (1) Diplomat (10) Horticulturalist (6) Hostess (7) Industrialist (5) Journalist (3) Kaiser (2) Killed in Action (1) Lawyer/Law (8) Musician (5) Navy (1) Politician (14) Publisher (1) Royalty (8) Scientist/Science (2) Sportsman (11) Travel Plans (6) Voluntary Aid Detachment (V.A.D.) (1) Nationality All American (19) Austrian (4) Canadian (2) Dutch (8) English (44) French (3) German (4) Greek (5) Hungarian (19) Indian (1) Italian (2) Jewish (1) Russian (2) Scottish (4) South American (1) Place of creation All Amsterdam (1) Athens (1) Austria (2) Baarn (1) Budapest (4) Domony (1) Downshire House, Surrey (1) England (14) Fairlawne, Kent (3) Germany (1) Haarlem (1) Hammondswood, Frensham, Surrey (1) Hungary (3) Isle of Wight (1) Islington Internment Camp (3) Kassa (1) Ladbroke Grove Nursing Home (3) Littleworth Corner, Buckinghamshire (3) London (42) Melbreck, Tilford (1) Miami, Florida (2) New York City, New York (6) Paris (1) Potsdam (1) Romania (1) Rome (1) Rotheneuf (1) Schloss Erdmannsdorf, Silesia (1) Spain (1) Taormina (1) The Netherlands (4) United States of America (3) Vallière (1) Venice (2) Vienna (12) Washington, D.C. (1) Wentworth Woodhouse, South Yorkshire (1) Clear All Relevance Alphabetical Chronological 101 to 120 of 155 Works Laszlo, Patrick David de Laszlo, Patrick David de 1918 Laszlo, Paul Leonardo and Patrick David de Laszlo, Paul Leonardo and Patrick David de 1916 László, Philip Alexius de László, Philip Alexius de 1925 László, Philip Alexius de László, Philip Alexius de 1911 László, Philip Alexius de László, Philip Alexius de 1925 Laszlo, Stephen Philip de Laszlo, Stephen Philip de 1919 Laszlo, Stephen Philip de, in Spanish Dress in the Garden at Littleworth Corner Laszlo, Stephen Philip de, in Spanish Dress in the Garden at Littleworth Corner 1919 Lavrano, Mrs Christopher, née Mary Veronica Calvocoressi; other married name Mrs Constantin Griva Lavrano, Mrs Christopher, née Mary Veronica Calvocoressi; other married name Mrs Constantin Griva 1919 Lavrano, Mrs Christopher, née Mary Veronica Calvocoressi; other married name Mrs Constantin Griva Lavrano, Mrs Christopher, née Mary Veronica Calvocoressi; other married name Mrs Constantin Griva 1919 Lee of Fareham, Arthur Hamilton Lee, Viscount and Viscountess, née Ruth Moore Lee of Fareham, Arthur Hamilton Lee, Viscount and Viscountess, née Ruth Moore 1925 Lee of Fareham, Viscountess, née Ruth Moore; wife of 1st Viscount (Recto) Lee of Fareham, Viscountess, née Ruth Moore; wife of 1st Viscount (Recto) 1912 Leigh, Mrs John Cecil Gerard, née Helen Goudy Leigh, Mrs John Cecil Gerard, née Helen Goudy 1915 Lowther, Lady, née Alice Blight; wife of 1st Baronet Lowther, Lady, née Alice Blight; wife of 1st Baronet 1921 Lowther, Sir Gerard Augustus, 1st Baronet Lowther, Sir Gerard Augustus, 1st Baronet 1915 Madeley, Richard George Archibald John Lucian Hungerford Crewe-Milnes, Earl of Madeley, Richard George Archibald John Lucian Hungerford Crewe-Milnes, Earl of 1914 Mathes, Frau Ernst, née Paula Kupelwieser Mathes, Frau Ernst, née Paula Kupelwieser 1903 McCann, Charles Edward Francis McCann, Charles Edward Francis 1934 McCann, Mrs Charles Edward Francis, née Helena Maude Woolworth McCann, Mrs Charles Edward Francis, née Helena Maude Woolworth 1933 McEwen of Marchmont & Bardrochat, Sir John Helias Finnie, 1st Bt McEwen of Marchmont & Bardrochat, Sir John Helias Finnie, 1st Bt 1915 McEwen, Lieutenant James Robert Dundas McEwen, Lieutenant James Robert Dundas 1915 First Works Previous Works 3 4 5 6 7 8 Next Works Last Works 101 to 120 of 155 Works