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Filter search More options Composition All Genre (5) History (1) Portrait (106) Portrait / Double portrait (2) Portrait / Group portrait (1) Portrait / Study portrait (13) Year from All 1891 1892 1893 1894 1895 1896 1897 1898 1899 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 1905 1906 1907 1908 1912 1915 1921 1927 1930 1931 1932 1934 Year to All 1891 1892 1893 1894 1895 1896 1897 1898 1899 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 1905 1906 1907 1908 1912 1915 1921 1927 1930 1931 1932 1934 Name of sitter All Andrássy, Countess Sándor [née Countess Mária Esterházy de Galántha] (1870 - 1962) (1) Apponyi de Nagyappony, Count Albert (1846 - 1933) (2) Apponyi de Nagyappony, Countess Albert [née Countess Klothilde Wilhelmine von Mensdorff-Pouilly-Dietrichstein] (1867 - 1943) (1) Arany, Madame László von, née Gizella Szalay de Kéménd (1857 - 1945) (1) Ashley, Mrs Wilfrid, née Amalia Mary Maud Cassel (1880 - 1911) (1) Austria, Elisabeth, Empress of, Queen of Hungary [née Duchess Elisabeth in Bavaria]; Consort of Franz Joseph I (1837 - 1898) (1) Austria, Franz Joseph I, Emperor of, and King of Hungary (1830 - 1916) (3) Behr, Ludwig 'Lajos' (1863 - 1949) (1) Berchtold, Count Leopold (1863-1942) (1) Bethlen de Bethlen, Count András (1847 - 1898) (1) Brandenstein, Baroness Curt von [née Elisabeth 'Else' Wrede; other married name Frau Kurt von Holleben] (1868 - 1951) (1) Brockdorff, Countess Bertram von [née Baroness Therese von Loen] (1846 - 1924) (1) Brunswick (Braunschweig), Princess Ernst August von Hannover, Duchess of [née Princess Victoria Luise of Prussia] (1892 - 1980) (1) Bubics, Monsignor Zsigmond, Bishop of Kassa (1821 - 1907) (3) Bulgaria, King Boris III of (1894 - 1943) (2) Bulgaria, King Ferdinand I of (1861 - 1948) (1) Bulgaria, Princess of, [née Princess Maria Luisa of Bourbon-Parma]; consort of King Ferdinand I (1870 - 1899) (1) Cambridge, Adolphus, 1st Marquess of [formerly styled 2nd Duke of Teck] (1868 - 1927) (1) Cassel, Sir Ernest Joseph (1852-1921) (1) Castellane, Comte Jean de (1868 - 1965) (2) Castellane, Comtesse Jean de [née Marie Dorothée 'Dolly' de Talleyrand-Périgord, other married name Fürstin Karl Egon IV zu Fürstenberg] (1862 - 1948) (1) Chotek von Chotkowa und Wognin, Count Bohuslav (1829 - 1896) (1) Clermont-Tonnerre, Duchesse de [née Elisabeth de Gramont]; wife of 1st duc (1875 - 1954) (1) Csekonics, Countess János [née Baroness Leonie Lipthay] (1821 - 1903) (1) Dietrichstein, Hugo Mensdorff-Pouilly, 2nd Fürst von (1858 - 1920) (1) Dorostol and Tcherven, Metropolitan Grigori of; also known as Archimandrite Gregorius of Philippopolis (1828 - 1898) (1) Egerer, Doctor Sámuel (1816 - 1901) (1) Elduayen, Marquesa de [née Princess Victoria von Ratibor] (1893 - 1982) (1) Eltz, Countess Alexander [née Countess Ferdinandine 'Nandine' Széchényi] (1923) (1) Erlanger, Baron Frédéric Emile d' (1832 - 1911) (1) Erlanger, Baronne Emile Beaumont d’ [née Catherine de Robert d'Aqueria de Rochegude] (1874 - 1959) (2) Ernst, Lajos (1872 - 1937) (1) Festetics de Tolna, Count Andor (1843 - 1930) (1) Fraknói, Bishop Vilmos, Titular Bishop of Arbe, né Wilhelm Frankl (1843 - 1924) (2) Fürstenberg, Fürstin zu [née Countess Irma von Schönborn-Buchheim]; wife of Max Egon II (1867 - 1948) (3) Fürstenberg, Karl Egon V, Fürst zu (1891 - 1973) (1) Fürstenberg, Max Egon II, Fürst zu (1863 - 1941) (2) Germany, Empress of, Queen of Prussia [née Princess Auguste Victoria von Schleswig-Holstein]; consort of Wilhelm II (1858 - 1921) (1) Germany: Prussia, Prince William Victor Charles Augustus Henry Sigismund of (1896 - 1978) (1) Görgei, General Artúr (1818 - 1916) (2) Gramont, Antoine XI-Agénor, 11th duc de (1851 - 1925) (1) Gramont, Antoine XII-Armand, 12th duc de; styled duc de Guiche (1879 - 1962) (1) Gramont, Duchesse de [née baronne Marguerite-Alexandrine von Rothschild]; wife of 11th duc (1855 - 1905) (1) Gramont, Louis-René, comte de (1883 - 1963) (1) Great Britain, King Edward VII of (1841 - 1910) (1) Greece and Denmark, Princess Andrew of [née Princess Alice of Battenberg] (1885 - 1969) (1) Griscom, Mrs Bronson Winthrop [née Sophie Gay] (1907) (1) Grunelius, Carl von (1858 - 1911) (1) Henckel von Donnersmarck, Count Hugo II (1832 - 1908) (1) Hervey, Lady Selina [née Lady Selina Catherine Meade; other married names Vernon and Bidwell] (1840 - 1911) (1) Hesse and by Rhine, Ernst Ludwig, Grand Duke of (1868 - 1937) (1) Hesse and by Rhine, Grand Duchess of [née Princess Eleonore zu Solms-Hohensolms-Lich]; wife of Ernst Ludwig (1871 - 1937) (1) Hohenlohe-Langenburg, Princess Max Egon von [née María de la Piedad de Yturbe] (1892 - 1990) (1) Hohenlohe-Schillingsfürst, Chlodwig, Fürst zu (1819 - 1901) (2) Hohenzollern, Fürstin Wilhelm von [née Princess Maria Teresa Bourbon-Two Sicilies] (1867 - 1909) (1) Hubay de Szalatnya, Madame Jenő [née Countess Róza Cebrián] (1870 - 1944) (1) Johnstone, The Honourable Lady Vanden-Bempde [née Antoinette Eno Pinchot] (1859 - 1934) (1) Katona, Nándor (1864 - 1932) (1) Kinsky, Countess Ferdinand [née Princess Aglaé Auersperg] (1868 - 1919) (1) Kiss, József (1843 - 1921) (1) Kubelík, Jan (1880 - 1940) (1) Kuh, Frau Heinrich von [née Felicia 'Fela' Rapoport von Porada] (1873 - 1959) (1) László, Mrs Philip de [née Lucy Madeleine Guinness] (1870 - 1950) (1) Lebel, Hermann (1) Ledebur, Countess Eugen [née Countess Eleonore Larisch-Moennich] (1888 - 1975) (1) Leo XIII, Pope, né Vincent Joachim Pecci (1810 - 1903) (1) Liezen-Mayer, Professor Sándor von (1839 - 1898) (1) Lippich de Korongh, Elek (1862 - 1924) (2) Lippich de Korongh, Madame Elek [née Margit Sziklay] ( - 1912) (1) Lyttelton, The Right Honourable Alfred (1857 - 1913) (1) Mailáth de Székhely Jr, Count József (1895 - 1939) (1) Mailáth de Székhely, Count Jószef (1852 - 1940) (1) Mailath de Székhely, Countess Erzsébet (1889) (1) Mailáth de Székhely, Countess József [née Countess Mária Széchényi de Sárvár-Felsővidék] (1863 - 1932) (1) Mailáth de Székhely, Madame György [née Baroness Stephanie Hilleprand von Prandau] (1831 - 1914) (1) May, Miss (1) Mellon, Paul (1907-1999) (1) Mensdorff-Pouilly-Dietrichstein, Count Albert von (1861 - 1945) (2) Minot, Grafton Winthrop (1892 - 1983) (1) Minot, Mrs Joseph Grafton [née Honora Elizabeth Temple Winthrop] (1868 - 1958) (1) Mumm von Schwarzenstein, Baron Alfons (1859 - 1924) (1) Northcliffe, Alfred Charles William Harmsworth, 1st Viscount (1865 - 1922) (1) Pandit, Vamanrao Shankar (1882 - 1941) (1) Polákovits, Madame Mátyás [née Hermina ´Minus´ Schlesinger] (1862 - 1954) (1) Popper, Mrs Otto [née Mária 'Mici' von Lukács; other married name Mrs Richard Lessner] (1887 - 1990) (1) Portugal, King Carlos I of (1863 - 1908) (1) Prussia, Princess Friedrich Wilhelm of [née Princess Agathe von Ratibor und Corvey] (1888 - 1960) (1) Rákóczi, Prince Ferenc II (1676 - 1735) (2) Rampolla, Cardinal Mariano, Count del Tindaro (1843 - 1913) (1) Ratibor, Duchess of [née Countess Maria Breunner-Enkevoith] (1856 - 1929) (2) Ratibor, Prince Maximilian von (1856 - 1924) (1) Ratibor, Prince Viktor zu Hohenlohe-Schillingsfürst, Fürst von Corvey, 2nd Duke of (1847 - 1923) (2) Ratibor, Princess Egon von [née Princess Leopoldine Lobkowicz] (1867 - 1936) (1) Ratibor, Princess Maximilian von [née Franziska 'Fanny' Grimaud, comtesse d'Orsay] (1857 - 1919) (1) Reischach, Baron Hugo von (1854 - 1934) (2) Reischach, Baroness Hugo von [née Princess Margarethe von Ratibor] (1863 - 1940) (1) Roijen, Jan Herman van (1871 - 1933) (1) Roosevelt, Theodore; President of the United States of America (1858 - 1919) (1) Rothermere, Harold Sidney Harmsworth, 1st Viscount (1868 - 1940) (1) Ruttkay de Ruttka, Vilmos (1869) (1) Salm-Horstmar, Princess Emrich zu [née Princess Sabine von Schoenaich-Carolath] (1893 - 1965) (1) Saxe-Meiningen, Princess Bernhard, Duchess of [née Princess Charlotte of Prussia] (1860 - 1919) (3) Saxe-Weimar-Eisenach, Carl Alexander, Grand Duke of (1818 - 1901) (1) Saxony, Crown Princess Friedrich August of [née Luise, Archduchess of Austria; other married name Mrs Enrico Toselli] (1870 - 1947) (1) Schaffgotsch, Count Hans Karl (1859-1917) (1) Schaffgotsch, Countess Hans Karl [née Baroness Paula von Fürstenberg-Stammheim] (1863 - 1914) (1) Schönborn-Wiesentheid, Count Arthur von (1846 - 1915) (1) Singer, Madame G. [née Erszébet 'Erzsi' Schmidl] (1) Strecker, Frau Ludwig [née Friederike Marie 'Frieda' Preetorius; other married name Frau Friedrich Traun] (1884 - 1938) (1) Sweden, Queen Louise of [née Lady Louise Alexandra Marie Irene Mountbatten; formerly Princess Louise of Battenberg]; consort of Gustaf VI (1889 - 1965) (1) Szapáry de Szapár, Muraszombat et Széchy-Sziget, Count Gyula (1832 - 1905) (1) Szapáry, Countess Anthony [née Countess Sylvia Széchényi] (1918 - 1998) (1) Széchényi de Sárvár-Felsővidék, Pál (1838 - 1901) (1) Széchényi, Count Lajos (1868 - 1919) (1) Széchényi, Count László (1879 - 1938) (1) Széchényi, Countess Dénes [née Countess Emilie de Caraman Chimay] (1871 - 1944) (2) Széchényi, Countess László [née Gladys Vanderbilt] (1886 - 1965) (1) Szentkereszty, Baroness Béla [née Maria Floresco de Floresti et Vizuresti] (1857 - 1919) (1) Szilágyi, Dezső (1840 - 1901) (1) Sztankovánsky de Sztankován, Mrs Pál [née Countess Stefanie Mailáth de Székhely] (1891 - 1952) (1) Térey, Doctor Gábor de (1864 - 1927) (1) Trani, Princess Lodovico Bourbon-Two Sicilies, Countess di [née Mathilde Ludovika, Duchess in Bavaria] (1843 - 1925) (1) Trauttmansdorff-Weinsberg, Fürstin Ferdinand [née Princess Anna 'Nanni' von und zu Liechtenstein] (1820 - 1908) (1) Türr, General István (1825 - 1908) (1) Vay de Vaja et Luskod, Monsignor Count Péter (1864 - 1948) (1) Warde, Mrs Richard E. [née Muriel Thetis Wilson] (1875 - 1964) (1) Wechselmann, Ignácz Ritter von (1828 - 1903) (1) Weegmann, Frau Karl Alfred von [née Erna Peill] (1885) (1) Wekerle, Doctor Sándor, Prime Minister of Hungary (1848 - 1921) (2) Wemyss, Francis Wemyss-Charteris-Douglas, 10th Earl of (1818 - 1914) (1) Wenckheim, Count Lajos (1900-1949) (1) Wenckheim, Countess Dénes [née Countess Friederike Wenckheim] (1873 - 1957) (1) Wenckheim, Countess József [née Countess Denise Wenckheim] (1898 - 1973) (1) Wickmann, Frau Olaf [née Wilhelmine 'Elma' Preetorius; other married name Frau Max Ibach] (1878 - 1964) (1) Windisch-Grätz, Princess Otto zu [née Archduchess Elisabeth of Austria] (1883 - 1963) (1) Wlassics de Zalánkemén, Gyula de (1852 - 1937) (2) Wogau, Madame Max von [née Adele Maria Daniela von Grunelius; other married name Mrs Karl von Barton] (1893 - 1965) (1) Zichy de Zich et Vásonkeö, Count Ernő (1846 - 1919) (1) Type of sitter All C (child) (22) F (female) (73) G (group) (7) M (male) (96) Format All Bust-length (5) Circular (1) Full-length (8) Half-length (42) Head and shoulders (24) Head only (2) Oval (4) Three-quarter length (39) Type of image All Drawing (7) Painting (155) Print (1) Unknown (1) Profession All Academic (8) Agriculturalist (2) Architect (3) Aristocracy (47) Army (11) Artist (20) Aviator (1) Banker (2) Charity Work (9) Clergy (10) Courtier (4) Dancer (1) Designer (1) Diplomat (8) Doctor (1) Engineer (1) Horticulturalist (3) Hostess (3) Industrialist (1) Journalist (2) Lawyer/Law (4) Musician (6) Nurse (4) Politician (23) Royalty (35) Scientist/Science (2) Sportsman (3) Travel Plans (4) Nationality All American (7) Austrian (19) Bulgarian (5) Dutch (1) English (8) French (11) German (32) Hungarian (61) Indian (1) Italian (2) Portuguese (1) Romanian (1) Spanish (1) Place of creation All Ó-Becse (1) Berlin (2) Budapest (18) Darmstadt (4) Domony (1) Donaueschingen (2) Dresden (2) Euxinograde (4) France (3) Germany (9) Hungary (14) Isle of Wight (1) Kassa (1) Kronberg (1) London (10) Mainz (2) Munich (4) New York City, New York (3) Paris (1) Perbenyik Castle (5) Potsdam (4) Rauden (3) Rida Furka (2) Rome (3) Rotheneuf (1) Schloss Erdmannsdorf, Silesia (1) Schloss Heiligenberg, Darmstadt, Germany (1) Scotland (1) Sofia (1) Somerley, Hampshire (3) Switzerland (1) Vallière (2) Vienna (29) Washington, D.C. (1) Windsor Castle, Berkshire (1) Zülzhoff Castle (2) Clear All Relevance Alphabetical Chronological 161 to 164 of 164 Works Wlassics de Zalánkemén, Baron Gyula Wlassics de Zalánkemén, Baron Gyula 1901 Wlassics de Zalánkemén, Baron Gyula Wlassics de Zalánkemén, Baron Gyula 1901 Wogau, Frau Max von, née Adele Maria Daniela von Grunelius; other married name Frau Karl von Barton Wogau, Frau Max von, née Adele Maria Daniela von Grunelius; other married name Frau Karl von Barton 1898 Zichy de Zich et Vásonkeö, Count Ernő Zichy de Zich et Vásonkeö, Count Ernő 1905 First Works Previous Works 4 5 6 7 8 9 Next Works Last Works 161 to 164 of 164 Works