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Filter search More options Composition All Architectural landscape (1) Commercial (1) Figure study (9) Figure study / Nude (4) Figure study/Clothed (2) Genre (10) History (3) Interior (1) Portrait (148) Portrait / Double portrait (4) Portrait / Group portrait (3) Portrait / Self Portrait (1) Portrait / Study (1) Portrait / Study portrait (3) Religious (1) War picture (1) Year from All 1882 1887 1888 1889 1891 1892 1893 1894 1895 1896 1897 1898 1899 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 Year to All 1882 1887 1888 1889 1891 1892 1893 1894 1895 1896 1897 1898 1899 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 Name of sitter All Anderson, Larz (1866-1937) (1) Anderson, Mrs Larz [née Isabel Weld Perkins] (1876 - 1948) (1) Apponyi de Nagyappony, Count Albert (1846 - 1933) (1) Baillet Latour, Countess Henri de [née Gräfin Elisabeth Alexandrine 'Elisalex' Clary-Aldringen] (1885 - 1955) (1) Baldry, Alfred Lys (1858 - 1939) (1) Baldwin of Bewdley, Countess [née Lucy 'Cissie' Ridsdale] (1869 - 1945) (2) Balfour, Arthur James Balfour, 1st Earl of (1848 - 1930) (1) Bartosik, Mrs Jozef [née Jeannine Bridgeman] (1924 - 2007) (2) Beck, Mrs James Montgomery [née Mary Ridgely Carter] (1904 - 1974) (2) Bethlen de Bethlen, Count István (1874 - 1946) (1) Bethlen de Bethlen, Countess István [née Countess Margit Bethlen de Bethlen] (1882 - 1970) (1) Blackmore, Percy (1883-1942) (1) Bowlby, Mrs Arthur Salvin [née Catherine Mary Bond] (1875 - 1943) (1) Braune, Friedrich Wilhelm (1880 - 1950) (2) Bridgeman, Mrs Paul [née Alice Kleinwort] (1896 - 1979) (3) Bruce, Mrs David [née Ailsa Mellon] (1901 - 1969) (2) Bubics, Monsignor Zsigmond, Bishop of Kassa (1821 - 1907) (1) Buchanan, Mrs Edmund [née Doreen Marguerite Bury] (1900 - 1986) (1) Byng of Vimy, Field Marshal Julian Hedworth George Byng, 1st Viscount (1862 - 1935) (1) Cecil of Chelwood, Edgar Algernon Robert Gascoyne-Cecil, 1st Viscount [known as Lord Robert Cecil] (1864 - 1958) (3) Cecil, Mrs Margaret G (1) Charlton, Mrs Charles [née Helena Woolworth McCann; other married name Mrs Winston F.C. Guest and Mrs Georges Maurice Tassel] (c. 1913 - 1965) (1) Chavasse, Reverend Christopher Maude, Bishop of Rochester (1884 - 1962) (1) Chief Medicine Eagle (1) Colefax, Lady Arthur [née Sibyl Halsey] (1874 - 1950) (1) Cooch Behar, Indira Devi, Maharani of [née Princess Indira Gaekwar of Baroda] (1892 - 1968) (1) Cook, Mrs George Rea [née Margaretta Roebling White] (1) Coolidge, Mrs Calvin [née Grace Anna Goodhue]; First Lady of the United States of America (1879 - 1957) (1) Cope, Sir Arthur Stockdale (1857-1940) (1) Cotterell, Sir John Richard Geers, 4th Baronet (1866 - 1937) (1) Craig-Brown, Bridget 'Biddy' (1908 - 1993) (1) Craig-Brown, Captain Ernest (1871 - 1966) (1) Craig-Brown, Mrs Ernest [née Constance Ellen Guinness] (1876 - 1964) (2) Crichton, Mrs Richard [née Cecil Nona Kerr] (1875 - 1960) (1) Dacre of Glanton, Alexandra Trevor-Roper, Lady [née Lady Alexandra Haig; other married name Lady Alexandra Howard-Johnston] (1907 - 1997) (2) Davies, Mrs John M. [née Norah Meade] (1890 - 1973) (1) Devonshire, Evelyn Emily Mary Cavendish, Duchess of [née Lady Evelyn Petty-Fitzmaurice]; wife of 9th Duke (1870 - 1960) (1) Diggle, Harry (1) Don, Reverend Alan Campbell (1885 - 1966) (1) Douglas, Countess [née Princess Auguste Viktoria von Hohenzollern; other married name Queen Auguste Viktoria of Portugal]; Consort of Manuel II (1890 - 1966) (2) Drummond, David (1) Dudley, William Humble Eric Ward, 3rd Earl of (1894 - 1969) (1) Dudley, William Humble Ward, 2nd Earl of (1867 - 1932) (1) Egypt, King Fuad I of (1868 - 1936) (1) Erlanger, Baroness Leo d’ [née Edwina Louise Prue] (1906 - 1994) (2) Erlanger, Baronne Emile Beaumont d’ [née Catherine de Robert d'Aqueria de Rochegude] (1874 - 1959) (1) Falls, Kathleen 'Kassie' Mary (1899 - 1917) (1) Forster, Baron Dezső (1879 - 1950) (1) Fürstenberg, Fürstin zu [née Countess Irma von Schönborn-Buchheim]; wife of Max Egon II (1867 - 1948) (1) Fürstenberg, Max Egon II, Fürst zu (1863 - 1941) (1) Gardiner, Amy (1888-1997) (1) Gatacre, Mrs William E. [née Alice Julie Hortense Jacqueline Aurelie de Stuers] (1895 - 1988) (1) Goodenough, Sir William Edmund (1867-1945) (1) Görgei, General Artúr (1818 - 1916) (1) Graham, John (1) Gramont, Antoine XI-Agénor, 11th duc de (1851 - 1925) (1) Gramont, Antoine XII-Armand, 12th duc de; styled duc de Guiche (1879 - 1962) (1) Gramont, Duchesse de [née baronne Marguerite-Alexandrine von Rothschild]; wife of 11th duc (1855 - 1905) (1) Gramont, Louis-René, comte de (1883 - 1963) (1) Grandy, Lady [née Cécile Elizabeth Florence Rankin] (1914 - 1993) (3) Greece and Denmark, Prince Christopher of (1888 - 1940) (2) Greece and Denmark, Princess Andrew of [née Princess Alice of Battenberg] (1885 - 1969) (1) Greece and Denmark, Princess Nicholas of [née Grand Duchess Helen Vladimirovna of Russia] (1882 - 1957) (2) Greece, Elisabeta of, Queen of the Hellenes [née Princess Elisabeta of Romania]; consort of George II (1894 - 1956) (1) Green Devoto, Ricardo Bartolomé (1920) (1) Guinness, Eva Frances (1868 - 1930) (1) Guinness, Mrs Henry [née Emelina 'Amy' Brown] (1829 - 1906) (1) Guinness, Mrs Robert Celestin [née Dorothy Hilda Bingham; other married name Mrs Hyem] (1896 - 1983) (2) Haddon, Doctor Alfred Cort (1855 - 1940) (1) Hall VII, John (1870 - 1930) (1) Hall VII, Mrs John [née Jean Isobel Nesbitt] (1888 - 1971) (1) Hall, Philip Roderick (1919-1942) (1) Hall, Thomas Byfield (1913-1942) (1) Harst, Mrs Pieter A. van der [née Henriette Cornelia van den Honert] (1897 - 1984) (1) High, Sir William; Lord Provost of Dundee (1857 - 1934) (1) Hill, Mrs Charles Frederick, née Ethel Mary Guinness (1861 - 1940) (1) Hohenzollern, Fürstin Leopold von [née Princess Antonia de Braganza, Infanta of Portugal] (1845 - 1913) (1) Hohenzollern, Fürstin Wilhelm von [née Princess Maria Teresa Bourbon-Two Sicilies] (1867 - 1909) (3) Holme, Bryan (1913-1990) (1) Honert, Magdalena van den (1899) (1) Honert, Taco Hajo van den (1899 - 1959) (1) Horthy de Nagybánya, Admiral Miklós, Regent of Hungary (1868 - 1957) (1) Houghton, The Honourable Alanson Bigelow; American Ambassador to the Court of St. James's (1863 - 1941) (1) James, Julia [married name Mrs Maurice Dollfus] (1890 - 1964) (1) Johnson, Mrs Aymar [née Marian Hoffman] (1) Joicey, James Joicey, 1st Baron (1846 - 1936) (1) Kara-Georgevitch, Princess Alexis [née Myra 'Daria' Pankhurst; other married names Mrs Herbert Wright and Mrs Thomas Huger Pratt] (1859 - 1938) (2) Kellogg, The Honourable Frank Billings, American Ambassador to the Court of St. James's (1856 - 1937) (1) Kittel, (Theodore) Bruno (1856 - 1923) (5) Kohn, Theodor, Archbishop of Olmütz (1845 - 1915) (1) Kozma, Sándor (1825 - 1897) (1) Krämer, Gyula ( - 1945) (1) Kupelwieser, Carl (1841-1925) (2) Kupelwieser, Doctor Hans (1879 - 1939) (2) Kupelwieser, Frau Carl [née Bertha Wittgenstein] (1848 - 1908) (2) Lakos, Madame Gábor [née Ilona 'Ilonka' Krämer] (1893 - 1964) (1) Landymore, Mrs William Moss [née Joan Leonore Genvieve (Judy) Hall] (1918 - 1998) (1) Laszlo, Henry Guinness de (1901 - 1967) (3) Laszlo, John Adolphus de (1912 - 1990) (5) Laszlo, Mrs Paul de [née Josephine de Vavasour McConnell] (1906 - 1982) (1) László, Mrs Philip de [née Lucy Madeleine Guinness] (1870 - 1950) (3) Laszlo, Patrick David de (1909 - 1980) (3) Laszlo, Paul Leonardo de (1906 - 1983) (1) László, Philip Alexius de (1869 - 1937) (2) Laszlo, Stephen Philip de (1904 - 1939) (3) Laub, Madame Adolf [née Johanna 'Janka' Goldreich] ( - 1915) (1) Lavrano, Mrs Christopher [née Mary Veronica Calvocoressi; other married name Mrs Constantin Griva] (1914 - 2007) (1) Lee of Fareham, Arthur Hamilton Lee, Viscount (1868 - 1947) (1) Lee of Fareham, Viscountess [née Ruth Moore]; wife of 1st Viscount (1869 - 1966) (1) Lee, Peter (1) Leigh, Mrs Claude [née Myrtle Betsy Marie Johnson] (2) Leigh, Virginia (1930) (1) Lenz, Frau Maximilian [née Ida Kupelwieser] (1869 - 1927) (1) Leo XIII, Pope, né Vincent Joachim Pecci (1810 - 1903) (3) Leresanu, Lieutenant Colonel (1865 - 1936) (1) Letellier, Madame Henri [née Marthe 'Suzanne' Fourton] (1) Lippich de Korongh, Elek (1862 - 1924) (1) Lloyd, Lieutenant General Sir Francis (1858 - 1926) (1) Londonderry, Edward Charles Stewart Robert Vane-Tempest-Stewart, 8th Marquess of (1902 - 1955) (1) Loon-Tachard, Madame Louis Antoine van [née Adèle Françoise Tachard] (1864 - 1937) (1) MacDonald de Nelson, Mrs Juan Diego “Jack” [née Lily MacDonald MacCormick] (1889 - 1985) (1) Magnus-Allcroft, Lady [née Jewell Allcroft] (1907 - 1992) (1) Manteuffel, Frau Joachim von [née Martha Mumm von Schwarzenstein] (1878 - 1953) (1) Mathes, Frau Ernst [née Paula Kupelwieser] (1874 - 1938) (2) Maurois, André [né Émile Salomon Wilhelm Herzog] (1885 - 1967) (2) McCann, Charles Edward Francis (1876 - 1941) (1) McCann, Mrs Charles Edward Francis [née Helena Maude Woolworth] (1878 - 1938) (2) McDowell, Hilda Emma Annie ( - 1957) (1) McLaren, Mrs Kenneth [née Mathilde Marguerite ´Maggy´ Francken] (1906 - 1991) (1) Milford Haven, Lady Mountbatten, Marchioness of, formerly Princess Louis of Battenberg; née Princess Victoria Alberta of Hesse; wife of 1st Marquess (1863 - 1950) (1) Milford Haven, Louis Alexander Mountbatten, 1st Marquess of [formerly Prince Louis of Battenberg] (1854 - 1921) (1) Moore, Faith (c.1879-1944) (1) Morris, Effingham Buckley (1856 - 1937) (1) Mountbatten, Dame Edwina [Countess Mountbatten of Burma; née Hon. Edwina Cynthia Annette Ashley]; wife of 1st Earl (1901 - 1960) (1) Mumm von Schwarzenstein, Baron Alfons (1859 - 1924) (1) Northumberland, Helen Percy, Duchess of [née Lady Helen Magdalen Gordon-Lennox]; wife of 8th Duke (1886 - 1965) (2) Oranmore and Browne, Lady [née Oonagh Guinness; other married name the Honourable Mrs Philip Leyland Kindersley] (1910 - 1995) (1) Petrie, Professor Sir William Matthew Flinders (1853 - 1942) (2) Portland, Ivy Cavendish-Bentinck, Duchess of [née Gordon-Lennox]; wife of 7th Duke (1887 - 1982) (1) Portland, William Arthur Henry Cavendish-Bentinck, 7th Duke of (1893 - 1977) (1) Portland, William John Arthur Charles James Cavendish-Bentinck, 6th Duke of (1857 - 1943) (1) Portland, Winifred Anna Cavendish-Bentinck, Duchess of [née Dallas-Yorke]; wife of 6th Duke (1863 - 1954) (1) Power, Vivienne (1) Putti, Dr Vittorio (1880-1940) (1) Ralli, Sir Godfrey Victor, 3rd Baronet (1915 - 2010) (1) Rampolla, Cardinal Mariano, Count del Tindaro (1843 - 1913) (1) Ramsden, Lady [née Joan Buxton]; wife of 6th Bt (1881 - 1974) (1) Rana, Commanding General Krishna Shamsher Jang Bahadur (1900 - 1977) (1) Rana, Field Marshal Kaiser Shamsher Jangbahadur (1892 - 1964) (1) Ratibor, Princess Maximilian von [née Franziska 'Fanny' Grimaud, comtesse d'Orsay] (1857 - 1919) (1) Rice, Mrs William Lowe [née Elise Gautier French] (1865 - 1938) (1) Romania, King Ferdinand I of (1865 - 1927) (1) Romania, Queen Marie of [née Princess Marie of Edinburgh] (1875 - 1938) (1) Russell, Sir Charles, 1st Baronet (1863 - 1928) (1) Saxe-Meiningen, Princess Bernhard, Duchess of [née Princess Charlotte of Prussia] (1860 - 1919) (2) Schröder, Baroness Alexander [née Katherine Hatch, other married name Mrs George Webber-Cutter] (1873 - 1918) (1) Schröder, Baroness Bruno [née Emma Deichmann] (1870 - 1944) (1) Selborne, William Waldegrave Palmer, 2nd Earl of (1859 - 1942) (1) Spain, The Infante don Gonzalo de Borbón y Battenberg; son of Alfonso XIII of (1914 - 1934) (1) Spain, The Infante don Jaime de Borbón y Battenberg, duque de Segovia and duque de Madrid; son of Alfonso XIII of (1908 - 1975) (1) Stanley of Alderley, Edward Lyulph Stanley, 4th Baron, 3rd Baron Eddisbury and 4th Baron Sheffield (1839 - 1925) (2) Stuers, Hubert Victor Arthur Auguste Ridder de (1879 - 1946) (1) Sváb, Ida (1) Swasey, Ambrose (1846-1937) (1) Sweden, Queen Louise of [née Lady Louise Alexandra Marie Irene Mountbatten; formerly Princess Louise of Battenberg]; consort of Gustaf VI (1889 - 1965) (1) Szentkereszty, Baroness Béla [née Maria Floresco de Floresti et Vizuresti] (1857 - 1919) (1) Taft, William Howard; President of the United States of America (1857 - 1930) (1) Térey, Doctor Gábor de (1864 - 1927) (2) Todd-Martin, Mrs Norman [née Jean Mary Craig-Brown] (1904 - 2000) (1) Trouton, Doctor Gardiner William (1858 - 1943) (1) Trouton, Lieutenant Frederick Thomas (Eric) (1892 - 1915) (1) Trouton, Professor Frederick Thomas (1863 - 1922) (1) Tryon of Durnford, Lady Charles George [née Etheldreda Josephine 'Dreda' Burrell] (1909 - 2002) (1) Vanier, Madame Georges [née Pauline Archer] (1898 - 1991) (2) Vay de Vaja et Luskod, Monsignor Count Péter (1864 - 1948) (1) Waechter de Grimston, Sir Max Leonard (1837 - 1924) (1) Walford, Mrs John H. [née Diana Myrtle 'Didi' Ralli] (1918 - 2001) (1) Waterford, John Charles de la Poer Beresford, 7th Marquess of (1901 - 1934) (1) Watson, Mrs Jack [née Elizabeth Esther 'Betty' Buchanan] (1899 - 1984) (1) Wechselmann, Ignácz Ritter von (1828 - 1903) (1) Wlassics de Zalánkemén, Gyula de (1852 - 1937) (1) Type of sitter All C (child) (35) F (female) (128) G (group) (18) M (male) (127) Format All Bust-length (3) Full-length (35) Half-length (20) Head and shoulders (65) Head only (25) Oval (1) Three-quarter length (34) Type of image All Drawing (251) Profession All Academic (10) Actor / Actress (1) Agriculturalist (9) Architect (1) Aristocracy (31) Army (22) Artist (16) Aviator (1) Bank / Banker (2) Charity (1) Charity Work (18) Clergy (11) Courtier (4) Dancer (1) Designer (2) Diplomat (15) Domestic service (1) Engineer (2) HNG Portfolio (1) Horticulturalist (4) Hostess (12) Industrialist (13) Journalist (2) Killed in Action (1) Lawyer/Law (13) Model (2) Musician (4) Navy (6) Nurse (8) Pekingese (1) Photographer (1) Politician (26) Portrait (2) Publisher (2) Royalty (20) Scientist/Science (4) Sportsman (3) Travel Plans (7) Nationality All African (1) American (21) Austrian (7) Canadian (3) Dutch (7) Egyptian (1) English (71) French (10) German (14) Greek (1) Hungarian (31) Irish (8) Italian (5) Nepalese (2) Portuguese (3) Romanian (2) Russian (1) Scottish (2) South American (2) Spanish (2) Place of creation All Amsterdam (1) Athens (1) Austria (1) Baarn (1) Bad Kissingen (1) Ó-Becse (2) Berlin (1) Budapest (15) Burton Hall, Stillorgan (3) Cannes (1) Darmstadt (2) De Wiersse (1) Downshire House, Surrey (1) England (7) Fairlawne, Kent (1) Farnborough Park, Aldershot (1) Germany (3) Glendoe Lodge (2) Greece (1) Hammondswood, Frensham, Surrey (1) Hungary (11) Ireland (1) Islington Internment Camp (7) Kassa (1) La Forêt (1) Ladbroke Grove Nursing Home (2) Littleworth Corner, Buckinghamshire (6) London (66) Madrid (2) Morocco (2) Munich (6) New York City, New York (8) Paris (4) Penrhôs, Anglesey (2) Potsdam (3) Romania (2) Rome (4) Rotheneuf (4) Sárszög (2) Schliersee, Bavaria (1) Schloss Heiligenberg, Darmstadt, Germany (1) Semmering (1) Switzerland (1) Syon House (1) The Hague (1) The Netherlands (2) Tilford, Surrey (1) Tolz (1) United States of America (2) Vallière (4) Vienna (9) Washington, D.C. (2) Welbeck Abbey (4) Clear All Alphabetical Chronological 1 to 20 of 251 Works Academic Work: A Young Girl Academic Work: A Young Girl 1887 Academic Work: Plaster Cast Venus Pudica Academic Work: Plaster Cast Venus Pudica 1887 Academic work: The Wood Tower of Mainz Academic work: The Wood Tower of Mainz 1882 Academic Work: Unidentified: A Female Nude, Holding a Stave Over Her Head Academic Work: Unidentified: A Female Nude, Holding a Stave Over Her Head 1887 Anderson, Mr Larz, and his wife Isabel, née Weld Perkins Anderson, Mr Larz, and his wife Isabel, née Weld Perkins 1925 Apponyi de Nagyappony, Count Albert Apponyi de Nagyappony, Count Albert 1930 Baillet Latour, Comtesse Henri de, née Countess Elisabeth Alexandrine Clary-Aldringen Baillet Latour, Comtesse Henri de, née Countess Elisabeth Alexandrine Clary-Aldringen 1911 Baldry, Alfred Lys Baldry, Alfred Lys 1919 Baldwin of Bewdley, Countess, née Lucy Ridsdale Baldwin of Bewdley, Countess, née Lucy Ridsdale 1935 Baldwin of Bewdley, Countess, née Lucy Ridsdale Baldwin of Bewdley, Countess, née Lucy Ridsdale 1935 Balfour, Arthur James Balfour, 1st Earl of Balfour, Arthur James Balfour, 1st Earl of 1914 Beck, Mrs James Montgomery, née Mary Ridgely Carter Beck, Mrs James Montgomery, née Mary Ridgely Carter 1934 Beck, Mrs James Montgomery, née Mary Ridgely Carter Beck, Mrs James Montgomery, née Mary Ridgely Carter 1934 Bethlen de Bethlen, Studies for Count and Countess István (Recto) Bethlen de Bethlen, Studies for Count and Countess István (Recto) 1927 Blackmore, Percy Blackmore, Percy 1933 Bowlby, Mrs Arthur, née Catherine Mary Bond Bowlby, Mrs Arthur, née Catherine Mary Bond 1915 Braune, Friedrich Wilhelm Braune, Friedrich Wilhelm 1918 Bridgeman, Mrs Paul, née Alice Kleinwort Bridgeman, Mrs Paul, née Alice Kleinwort 1929 Bridgeman, Mrs Paul, née Alice Kleinwort and her daughter Jeannine, later Mrs Jozef Bartosik Bridgeman, Mrs Paul, née Alice Kleinwort and her daughter Jeannine, later Mrs Jozef Bartosik 1928 Bridgeman, Mrs Paul, née Alice Kleinwort and Jeannine Bridgeman, later Mrs Josef Bartosik Bridgeman, Mrs Paul, née Alice Kleinwort and Jeannine Bridgeman, later Mrs Josef Bartosik 1928 First Works Previous Works 1 2 3 4 5 6 Next Works Last Works 1 to 20 of 251 Works