The Archive Filter search More options DLA number submit Date All 1892 1893 1894 1895 1896 1897 1898 1899 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1986 2016 Sender / Creator All “Árpád” Cooperative Society (1) Aberconway, Charles Benjamin Bright McLaren, 1st Baron (1850 - 1934) (5) Acton of Aldenham, Richard Maximilian Lyon-Dalberg-Acton, 2nd Baron (1870 - 1924) (1) Aczél, Madame Edward [née Anny, surname unknown] (1) Agen, Boyer d' (1857 - 1945) (3) Agnew, William Lockett (1858 - 1918) (1) Ahlefeldt-Laurvig, Count Preben Ferdinand (1872 - 1946) (1) Aiken, William (1880-1950) (2) Ainger, Arthur Campbell (1841-1919) (1) Ainsworth, J.S. (1) Airlie, Mabell Ogilvy, Countess of [née Lady Mabell Frances Elizabeth Gore]; wife of 11th Earl (1866 - 1956) (1) Albemarle, Arnold Allan Cecil Keppel, 8th Earl of (1858 - 1942) (4) Albemarle, Gertrude Keppel, Countess of [née Lady Gertrude Lucia Egerton]; wife of 8th Earl (1861 - 1943) (1) Alexander, Mrs John White [née Elizabeth Alexander] (1) Alfred, G. (4) Amshewitz, John Henry (1882 - 1942) (6) Andrassy de Csíkszentkirály et Krasznahorka the Younger, Count Gyula (1860 - 1929) (1) Annesley, Priscilla Annesley, Countess of [née Priscilla Cecilia Armitage Moore]; wife of 5th Earl (1892 - 1941) (1) Anson, Sir William Reynell, 3rd Baronet (1843 - 1914) (1) Anthony, Geo. Hy. (1) Apponyi de Nagyappony, Count Albert (1846 - 1933) (1) Apsley, Allen Algernon Bathurst, Lord (1895 - 1942) (1) Aramon, Rita D´ (1) Armstrong, Ronald (1) Armstrong, Sir Walter (1850 - 1918) (1) Arti et Amicitiae (1) Asquith, Lady Cynthia Mary Evelyn [nee Charteris] (1887-1960) (1) Astley, Mrs Philip [née Madeleine Carroll; other married names Mrs Sterling Hayden, Mrs Henri Lavorel and Mrs Andrew Heiskell] (1906 - 1987) (1) Astor of Hever, Lady [née Lady Violet Mary Elliot-Murray-Kynynmound; other married name Lady Charles Petty-Fitzmaurice] (1889 - 1965) (1) Athlone, Princess Alice of [née Princess Alice of Albany]; wife of 1st Earl (1883 - 1981) (6) Austria, Archduchess Friedrich of [née Princess Isabella von Croÿ-Dülmen] (1856 - 1931) (3) Austria, Archduke Ludwig Viktor of (1842 - 1919) (1) Aybar, Miguel González de Castejón y Elío, I conde de (1862 - 1939) (1) B. Holden & Co. (1) Baden-Powell, Lord Robert Stephenson Smyth Baden-Powell, 1st Baron (1857 - 1941) (2) Baden, Margravine of [née Princess Theodora of Greece and Denmark]; wife of Prince Berthold (1906 - 1969) (1) Baeyens, Baronne Marcel [née Suzanne Desmons] (1884 - 1949) (2) Bailey, J. R. (16) Bajza, Aladar (1) Baker, Constable Albert (1) Baldry, Alfred Lys (1858 - 1939) (42) Baldwin of Bewdley, Stanley Baldwin, 1st Earl (1867 - 1947) (1) Balfour of Dawyk, Lieutenant-Colonel Frederick Robert Stephen (1873 - 1945) (1) Balfour, Arthur James Balfour, 1st Earl of (1848 - 1930) (2) Bálint, Zoltán (1871 - 1939) (1) Balló, Ede (1859 - 1936) (6) Balló, Mrs Ede [née Margit Vámossy] (2) Balog, Elemér (1881 - 1955) (1) Balogh, Loránd Almási (1) Bankes, Mrs Walter Ralph [née Henrietta Jenny Fraser] (1871 - 1953) (1) Barbour, Doctor Alexander Hugh Freeland (1856 - 1927) (1) Barclays Bank Ltd. (1) Bárczy de Bárcziháza, István (1882 - 1952) (10) Bárczy de Bárcziháza, Madame István [née Edit Luczenbacher de Szob] (1888 - 1973) (2) Bárdossy, László (1890 - 1946) (1) Baring, Lady Ulrica [née Lady Ulrica Dunscombe] (1875-1935); wife of Brigadier-General the Hon. Everard Baring (1875 - 1935) (1) Barnaby, J. (2) Barratt, John Arthur (1857-1944) (1) Bath, Thomas Henry Thynne, 5th Marquess of (1862 - 1946) (1) Bathurst, C. J. (1) Bathurst, Countess [née Lilias Margaret Frances Borthwick] (1871 - 1965) (2) Battersea, Constance Flower, Baroness [née Constance de Rothschild]; wife of 1st Baron (1843 - 1931) (3) Baumann, Gyula (1) Beal, Boylston Adams (1865-1944) (1) Beatty, John W. (1851 - 1924) (3) Beatty, Lady [née Mino Edith Dunn; other married mame Mrs Carol D. Stone] (1886 - 1952) (2) Beauclerk, Lady Alexandra 'Alix' de Vere (1878 - 1935) (1) Beddington, Mrs Claude [née Frances Ethel Homan-Mulock] (1880 - 1963) (1) Beer, Esmond Samuel de (1895 - 1990) (1) Bell, George Kennedy Allen, Bishop of Chichester (1883 - 1958) (1) Belloc Lowndes, Mrs Marie Adelaide (1868-1947) (2) Bélugou, Léon (1865 - 1934) (8) Benczúr, Mrs Gyula (1) Bendir, Arthur ( - 1957) (8) Benedek, Atilla (1) Bénédite, Léonce (1859 - 1925) (2) Bénédite, Rosa (2) Benkő, Kálmán (1) Benlliure Gil, Professor Mariano (1862 - 1947) (7) Bennett Dampier, Lieutenant Colonel William Henry (c. 1869 - 1930) (1) Benson, Mrs Robert Henry [née Evelyn Holford] (1856 - 1943) (1) Benthall, F. Bernard (1) Berényi, Gyula (1) Berkeley Wills, Gerald (1882 - 1979) (23) Berks, Hugo Reichsritter von (1841 - 1906) (1) Berzeviczy de Berzevicze et Kakaslomnicz, Albert (1853 - 1936) (1) Bevan, G. L. (1) Bihari, Mrs Sándor (1) Birley, Sir Oswald (1880-1952) (4) Biron von Curland, Gustav Peter Johannes, Prince (1859 - 1941) (1) Blair, G. (1) Blaschczik, Johann (1866-1936) (1) Bligh, Ada Theodosia (3) Blomfield, Sir Reginald Theodore (1856-1942) (1) Bókay, Professor János (1858 - 1937) (3) Bone, Sir Muirhead (1876-1953) (1) Boross, Jenő (1868 - 1942) (4) Boross, Samu (1) Bosdari, Count Alessandro De (1867-1929) (1) Bottomley, Horatio William (1860 - 1933) (3) Bourbon, Diana (1) Bowen & Mallon (1) Bowlby, Arthur Salvin (1872-1932) (1) Bowlby, Mrs Arthur Salvin [née Catherine Mary Bond] (1875 - 1943) (2) Bowring-Hanbury, Victor [formerly Bowring] (b. 1867) (3) Boyd, H. A. K. (2) Brand, General William Thomas (1845 - 1928) (1) Brand, Henrietta (2) Brangwyn, Sir Frank William (1867-1956) (1) Braun & Cie, Paris (1) Brentford, William Joynson-Hicks, 1st Viscount (1865 - 1932) (1) Breyer, István (1) Bridgeman, Commander Francis Paul Orlando (1888 - 1930) (2) Briscoe, Coghlan (1) Buccleuch and 10th Duke of Queensberry, Walter John Montagu Douglas Scott, 8th Duke of (1894 - 1973) (1) Buchanan-Jardine, Lady [née Jean Barbara Hamilton] (1898 - 1990) (1) Buchwald, Laczi (11) Bunau-Varilla, Maurice (1856 - 1944) (1) Bunsen, Lady Berta Mary de [née Lowry-Corry] (1869 - 1954) (1) Burghclere of Walden, Winifred Gardner, Baroness [née Lady Winifred Anne Henrietta Christiana Herbert; other married name Lady Byng]; wife of 1st Baron (1864 - 1933) (1) Burne-Jones, Sir Philip, 2nd Baronet (1861 - 1926) (3) Bury, Adrian (1891 - 1991) (1) Byng of Vimy, Field Marshal Julian Hedworth George Byng, 1st Viscount (1862 - 1935) (1) Cader, Douglas (1) Cadogan, The Honourable Edward (2) Cafe, Thomas Watt (1856-1925) (4) Calderon, W. (william) Frank (1865-1943) (1) Calmette, Gaston (1858 - 1914) (2) Cambridge, Adolphus, 1st Marquess of [formerly styled 2nd Duke of Teck] (1868 - 1927) (1) Cambridge, Margaret Cambridge, Marchioness of [née Lady Margaret Evelyn Grosvenor; other married name Princess Adolphus of Teck] (1873 - 1929) (3) Campbell, Lady Allan [née Lady Moya Melisende Browne] (1892 - 1974) (2) Cantacuzène, Nicolas B. (1) Capel, Marie Henriette Teresia (1) Capell, Bertie (1) Carisbrooke, Alexander Albert Mountbatten, Marquess of [formerly Prince Alexander of Battenberg] (1886 - 1960) (1) Carlisle, Mrs Alexander Montgomery [née Edith Wooster] (circa 1866/7) (2) Carlisle, Mrs John Charles Denton [née Elsie Hope Gill; other married name Mrs Hubert Smiley] ( - 1970) (4) Carnegie, Lady [née Marion Alice de Gournay Barclay]; wife of Sir Lancelot (1868 - 1961) (1) Carnock, Arthur Nicolson, 1st Baron (1849 - 1928) (2) Carnock, Frederick Archibald Nicolson, 2nd Baron (1883-1952) (1) Carnock, Mary Catharine Nicolson, Baroness [née Rowan-Hamilton]; wife of 1st Baron ( - 1951) (1) Carson of Duncairn, Edward Henry Carson, 1st Baron (1854 - 1935) (3) Carter, Albert Charles Robinson (1864 - 1957) (1) Case, Harry (3) Castellane, Comtesse Georges de [née Florinda Fernández Anchorena] (1901) (1) Castellane, Comtesse Jean de [née Marie Dorothée 'Dolly' de Talleyrand-Périgord, other married name Fürstin Karl Egon IV zu Fürstenberg] (1862 - 1948) (1) Catchpole, George P. (1) Cattani, Georges (2) Cavan, Frederic Rudolph Lambart, 10th Earl of (1865 - 1946) (2) Cave, George Cave, 1st Viscount (1856 - 1928) (2) Cavendish-Bentinck, Lady Charles [née Cicely Mary Grenfell] ( - 1936) (1) Cavendish-Bentinck, Lord Francis Morven Dallas (1900 - 1950) (1) Cavendish-Bentinck, Lord Henry (1863 - 1931) (1) Cecil of Chelwood, Edgar Algernon Robert Gascoyne-Cecil, 1st Viscount [known as Lord Robert Cecil] (1864 - 1958) (1) Chamberlain, Sir Joseph Austen (1863 - 1937) (5) Chamberlin, Frederick Carleton (1870 - 1943) (15) Charles Russell & Co. (12) Chichester, Captain Edmund Basil (1881 - 1914) (3) Chilston, Amy Akers-Douglas, Viscountess [née Jennings-Bramly]; wife of 2nd Viscount (1879 - 1962) (1) Chisman, Charles Robert (1877 - 1955) (4) Chotek von Chotkowa und Wognin, Count Bohuslav (1829 - 1896) (2) Chotek, Countess Wolfgang [née Anna Elisabeth von Künell auf Nedamow] (1871 - 1922) (1) Clark, Lieutenant Colonel Edwin Kitson (1866 - 1942) (1) Coats, Mrs James Munro [née Anne Baldwin Caswell] (1871) (1) Cochrane, Carola Maria Rosita Isabel (1896 - 1993) (1) Cochrane, Colonel William Francis Dundonald (1847 - 1927) (1) Cochrane, Dame Anne Annette Minna (1855 - 1943) (3) Cochrane, Iris L. (1) Colefax, Lady Arthur [née Sibyl Halsey] (1874 - 1950) (1) Collier, The Honourable John Maler (1850 - 1934) (2) Colloredo-Mannsfeld, Countess Marie (1) Comyn, H. E. F. (4) Constable, Mrs William [née Olivia Carson Roberts] (1) Cooch Behar, Indira Devi, Maharani of [née Princess Indira Gaekwar of Baroda] (1892 - 1968) (1) Cook, Frank Henry (1862 - 1931) (2) Cook, Mrs Frank Henry [née Beatrice Elliott Lindell] (1875 - 1953) (3) Cook, William Ward ( - 1927) (1) Cooper, Bake & Co. (3) Cooper, Dame Gladys Constance [married names Mrs Herbert J. Buckmaster, Lady Pearson and Mrs Philip Merivale] (1888 - 1971) (2) Cooper, Sir (Thomas) Edwin (1874 - 1942) (2) Cordano, Colonel Alessandro (2) Cordova, Rudolph de (1860 - 1941) (4) Cornwallis-West, Colonel William (1835 - 1917) (2) Cottenham, Patricia Pepys, Countess of [née Patricia Burke]; wife of 4th Earl ( - d. 1962) (1) Crewe, Sir Robert Offley Ashburton Crewe-Milnes, 1st and last Marquess of (1858 - 1945) (1) Cromer, Rowland Thomas Baring, 2nd Earl of (1877 - 1953) (6) Crookshank, Colonel Chichester de Windt (1868 - 1958) (2) Csáky, Count György Napoleon (1862 - 1923) (1) Csekonics, Count Iván (1876 - 1951) (1) Cullen, Frederick (1864 - 1950) (12) Curzon of Kedleston, George Nathaniel Curzon, 1st Marquess, Viceroy of India (1859 - 1925) (5) Czeizner [or Czeisner], Francis [Ferencz] (4) Dániel, Ernő (1843 - 1923) (1) Darnley, Florence Bligh, Countess of [née Florence Rose Morphy]; wife of 8th Earl (1860 - 1944) (1) Davidson, Archbishop of Canterbury, Randall Thomas Davidson, 1st Baron (1848 - 1930) (1) Davson, Lady [née Margot Elinor Glyn] (1893 - 1966) (1) De La Warr, Muriel Sackville, Countess [née Lady Muriel Agnes Brassey]; wife of 8th Earl (1872 - 1930) (1) Dell, Robert (1865 - 1940) (1) Denbigh, Rudolph Robert Basil Aloysius Augustine Feilding, 9th Earl of (1859 - 1939) (1) Derby, Edward George Villiers Stanley, 17th Earl of (1865 - 1948) (1) Déry, Béla (1870 - 1932) (1) Desperez, Laure (1) Devonport, Hudson Ewbanke Kearley, 1st Viscount (1856 - 1934) (9) Devoto, Juana González Escudero de ( - 1941) (1) Dézarrois, André (1890 - 1979) (2) Dibdin, Edward Rimbault (1853 - 1941) (3) Dike, Mrs Anne Murray (1878 - 1929) (1) Dixon, Henry (1) Dodgson, Campbell (1867-1948) (1) Donaldson-Hudson, Mrs Ralph [née Muriel 'Molly' Balfour] (3) Downe, John Dawnay, 9th Viscount (1872 - 1931) (1) Draper, Herbert James (1863 - 1920) (2) Drinkwater, John (1882-1937) (1) Drinkwater, Mrs John [née Daisy Fowler Kennedy] (1893 - 1981) (2) Duka, Tivadar (1825 - 1908) (2) Duncan, Ellen (1850 - 1937) (1) Dunplice?, A.E. (1) Duveen, Edward Joel (1875 - 1944) (1) East, Sir Alfred (1844-1913) (1) Easton, James R. (1) Ede, H[arold] S[tanley] "Jim" (1895 - 1990) (3) Edge, Walter Evans (1873-1956) (2) Edsall, Percy ( - 1930) (1) Edström, (Peter) David (1873 - 1938) (1) Edvi Illés, Aladár (1870 - 1958) (1) Egerer, Otto V. (2) Elibank of Elibank, Ermine Murray, Viscountess [née Madocks; other married name Mrs James H. Aspinwall] ( - 1955) (1) Elibank, Charles Gideon Murray, 2nd Viscount (1877 - 1951) (2) Elphinstone, Sidney Herbert Elphinstone, 16th Lord Elphinstone and 2nd Baron (1869 - 1955) (1) Elstow, William (2) Eltz, Countess Thérèse (1902 - 1993) (1) Erlangers Limited (1) Estella, Lieutenant General Miguel Primo de Rivera y Orbaneja, 2nd marqués de (1870 - 1930) (3) Evan-Thomas, Admiral Sir Hugh (1862 - 1928) (2) Eyre, Edmond Francis (1855) (2) Fadrusz, János (1858 - 1903) (1) Fadrusz, Mrs János [née Anna Deréky] (1872 - 1950) (2) Falmouth, Evelyn Hugh John Boscawen, 8th Viscount (1877 - 1962) (2) Fastnewberg (1) Favai, Gennaro (1879 - 1958) (1) Felberman, Lajos (1) Felberman, Louis (1861 - 1927) (4) Ferard, Arthur George (1858-1943) (4) Ferenczy, Ida von (1839 - 1928) (5) Ferenczy, Károly (1862 - 1917) (1) Ffoulkes, Charles John (1868 - 1947) (1) Field, Mrs Marshall [née Albertine Huck] (1) Figueiredo, Doctor José de (1872 - 1937) (2) Fildes, Sir Samuel Luke (1843 - 1927) (1) Fiorini, Giovanni (c. 1877) (4) Fisher, Cecil Vavasseur Fisher, 2nd Baron (1868 - 1955) (1) Fiske, John W. (1) Fleischer, Richard (1849 - 1937) (1) Fleming, Mrs Valentine [née Evelyn Beatrice Ste Croix Rose] (1885 - 1964) (1) Fleury, Comte Serge (1885 - 1973) (2) Flotow, Baroness (1) Flynn, Isabel (1) Fodor, Doctor Nandor (1895 - 1964) (3) Fodor, Doctor Oszkár (2) Fodor, Lajos (1) Foerster-Bolla, Mathilde (1) Földi, Mihály (1894 - 1943) (1) Földváry, Emma (1) Fonblanque, Ethel Maud de [married name Mrs Arthur Harter] (1858 - 1952) (1) Ford, Lloyd, Bartlett & Michelmore (1) Forkum, Mrs [née Eileen Abernethy] (4) Forres of Glenogil, Jessica Williamson, Lady [née Harford]; wife of 2nd Baron ( - d. 1972) (1) Forster, Baron Gyula (1846-1932) (2) Forteviot, John Alexander Dewar, 1st Baron (1856 - 1929) (2) Franckenstein, Sir George [formerly Baron Georg von Franckenstein] (1873 - 1953) (2) Freese-Pennefather, Harold Wilfrid Armine (1907 - 1967) (1) Freise, Rittmeister Richard (2) French Gallery (2) French, Lemon & Co. (1) Freshwater, Marguerite (1) Frewer, Louis B. (1) Friedmann, Louis (1861-1939) (1) Frim de Körmend, Mrs Jakab [née Anna Goldreich] (1852 - 1944) (1) Furse, Lieutenant General Sir William Thomas (1865 - 1953) (1) G. Heuer & Kirmse (1) Garrett, Mrs John W. [née Alice Warder] (1877 - 1952) (1) Gascoyne-Cecil, Lord Edward Christian David [known as Lord David Cecil] (1902 - 1986) (1) Gellért, Aranka (1) Gerliczy-Burián, Baron Félix de (1885 - 1954) (5) Germany, Empress of, Queen of Prussia [née Princess Auguste Victoria von Schleswig-Holstein]; consort of Wilhelm II (1858 - 1921) (1) Germany: Prussia, Prince Albert Wilhelm Heinrich of (1862 - 1929) (2) Gerster, István (1) Gestetner, David (1854-1939) (1) Gill, Sir Charles Frederick (1851 - 1923) (6) Gillespie, Adelaide Bragg (2) Gladwin, Mrs Lancelot Mellish Fane [née Ethel Annie Rostron] (1877 - 1950) (1) Glazebrook, Hugh De Twenebrokes (1855-1937) (1) Gleichen, Feodora Georgina Maud, Lady (1861 - 1922) (1) Glentanar, Margaret Lothian Coats, Lady [née Black]; wife of 1st Baron (1854 - 1935) (2) Glyn, Elinor [née Sutherland; married name Mrs Clayton Glyn] (1864 - 1943) (5) Godin-de-Lupé, Comtesse Marie (1) Godman, Dame Alice Mary [née Chaplin] (1868 - 1944) (1) Goeler von Ravensburg, Baroness Luise 'Lilly' (1866 - 1943) (2) Görgey, István (1825 - 1912) (1) Gottschalk (of Franz Dury, Munich), Heinrich (1) Gottschalk de Hirsch, Elizabeth [née Elizabeth Gottschalk] (1888 - 1965) (1) Goulding, Richard William (1868 - 1929) (1) Graham (of Norton Conyers), Sir (Reginald) Guy, 9th Baronet (1878 - 1940) (1) Gramont, Antoine XII-Armand, 12th duc de; styled duc de Guiche (1879 - 1962) (10) Gramont, Antoine XIII-Henri, 13th duc de (1907 - 1995) (1) Gramont, Duchesse de [née Elaine Hélène de Greffulhe]; wife of 12th duc (1882 - 1958) (13) Granville, Countess Rose Leveson Gower [née Lady Rose Constance Bowes Lyon] (1890 - 1967) (1) Great Britain, Duchess of Argyll, née Princess Louise Caroline Alberta of; Daughter of Queen Victoria (1848 - 1939) (1) Greece and Denmark, Prince Nicholas of (1872 - 1938) (1) Greece and Denmark, Princess Andrew of [née Princess Alice of Battenberg] (1885 - 1969) (7) Greece, George II of, King of the Hellenes (1890 - 1947) (3) Grenfell, Francis Wallace Grenfell, 1st Baron (1841 - 1925) (1) Grey, Charles Robert Grey, 5th Earl (1879 - 1963) (1) Grey, Nigel de (1886 - 1951) (8) Grundy, Cecil Reginald (1870 - 1944) (1) Guest, Arthur Rhuvon (1869 - 1946) (6) Guest, Mrs Arthur Rhuvon [née Hilda Eugenia Stewart] (1868 - 1959) (3) Guinness, Eva Frances (1868 - 1930) (2) Guinness, Henry Samuel Howard (1888 - 1975) (5) Guinness, Howard Rundell (1868-1937) (7) Guinness, Mrs H. Samuel [née Alfhild Holter] (1890 - 1983) (2) Guinness, Richard Noel (1870 - 1960) (1) Gunther, F. A. (1) Guthrie, Mrs Walter [née Olive Louisa Blanche Leslie] (1872 - 1945) (1) Gyöngyössy, Doctor Nándor (1) H. W. Cashmore & Co. Ltd. (6) Habermann, Professor Hugo Joseph Anton Freiherr von (1849 - 1929) (1) Haddon, (arthur) Trevor (1864-1941) (1) Hake, Sir Henry Mendelssohn (1892 - 1951) (1) Hall VII, Mrs John [née Jean Isobel Nesbitt] (1888 - 1971) (1) Hambleden, William Frederick Danvers Smith, 2nd Viscount (1868 - 1928) (2) Hamillton, Mrs Vereker Monteith [née Lilian Swainson] (1865 - 1939) (3) Hanbury-Williams, Miss Gwladys Frances (1) Hankinson, Reverend Fred (1875 - 1960) (1) Harbord, Captain Eric Walter (1879 - 1952) (1) Harcourt Smith, Lady Cecil [née Alice Edith Watson] (d.1946) (2) Harcourt, Lewis Vernon Harcourt, 1st Viscount (1863 - 1922) (1) Harcq, A. (1) Harding, Warren Gamaliel; President of the United States of America (1865 - 1923) (1) Hardinge of Penshurst, Charles Hardinge, 1st Baron, Viceroy of India (1858 - 1944) (2) Harkányi, Baron Frigyes (1826 - 1919) (11) Harkányi, Baron János (1859 - 1938) (1) Harmer, William Scotford (1856 - 1936) (1) Harris, Frank (1855 - 1931) (1) Harris, The Right Honourable Frederick Leverton (1864 - 1926) (2) Harter, Mrs Oswald Birley [née Muriel Northey] (1880 - 1965) (1) Háry, László (1890 - 1953) (1) Hasenauer, Baroness Karl [née Countess Margareta ´Marguerite´ Wolkenstein-Trostburg] (1880 - 1925) (1) Haskin, Frederic Jennings (1872 - 1944) (1) Hautmann, Louis (1) Hay-Newton, Mrs Francis [née Lucy Jane Fergusson formerly Mrs Arthur Fraser] ( - 1939) (1) Healy, The Right Honourable Timothy, First Governor-General of the Irish Free State (1855 - 1931) (1) Hechler, Professor The Reverend William Henry (1845 - 1931) (2) Hegedűs, Ádám de (1906 - 1958) (1) Heinemann, William (1863 - 1920) (1) Hellwag, A. (1) Helmore, Mrs W. Francklyn [née Charlotte Eyre Thompson] (3) Helmore, Wilfred Francklyn (1881-1945) (5) Henry, Sir Edward Richard, 1st Baronet (1850 - 1931) (1) Herbert, Lady Michael [née Leila "Belle" Wilson] (1864 - 1923) (1) Herkomer, Sir Hubert Von (1849-1914) (1) Hermon, Mrs Richard [née Coralie Adelaide Porter; other married name Lady Burrell] ( - 1966) (2) Hevesi, Ludwig (1843-1910) (1) Hill, Adrian Keith Graham (1895-1977) (2) Hill, Mrs David Jayne [née Juliet Lewis Packer] (1853 - 1923) (2) Hill, Reverend David Jayne (1850 - 1932) (1) Hillingdon, Baroness [née the Honourable Alice Marion Harbord]; wife of 2nd Baron (1857 - 1940) (1) Hinchley, Mrs Edith Mary [née Mason]; wife of John William Hinchley (1870 - 1940) (1) Hirsch, Alfred (1872-1956) (1) Hirschberg, Freifrau Bernhard von [née Katharina Lauteren; other married name Mrs Richard Freise] (1872 - 1943) (1) Hirst, Hugo, 1st & Last Baron (1863-1943) (1) Hitch, Frederick Brook (1877 - 1957) (1) Holme, Charles (1848-1923) (3) Holme, Charles Geoffrey (1887 - 1954) (5) Holroyd, Sir Charles (1861 - 1917) (3) Holzhauer, Gottlieb (1) Hóman, Bálint (1885 - 1953) (1) Horlick, Sir James, 1st Baronet (1844 - 1921) (1) Horridge, Lady Thomas Gardner [née Evelyne Emma Sandys] (1876 - 1920) (1) Horridge, Sir Thomas Gardner (1857-1938) (1) Horthy de Nagybánya, Admiral Miklós, Regent of Hungary (1868 - 1957) (1) Howard, Jessie (1) Howell, Arthur R. (2) Howell, Isabel Mary (1845 - 1914) (1) Huband, Reverend H. R. (1) Hudson, Edward Burgess (1854-1936) (1) Hughes-Stanton, Sir Herbert Edwin Pelham (1870 - 1937) (3) Hughes, Charles Evans (1862-1948) (1) Huish, Marcus Bourne (1845 - 1921) (1) Humières, Comte André d' (1) Hungarian League for Revision (1) Hunt, Reginald H. (1891-1982) (1) Hunter-Weston, Lieutenant-General Sir Aylmer (1864 - 1940) (4) Hutchinson, Sir George (2) Hyder, Joseph (2) Ilijć, Doctor Radoslav (1) Ilk, Mihály (1) Inchcape, James Lyle Mackay, 1st Earl of (1852 - 1932) (1) Incorporated Association of Architects and Surveyors (3) Indecipherable (19) Inge, Doctor William Ralph (1860 - 1954) (1) Inge, Mrs William Ralph [née Mary Catharine Spooner] (1880 - 1949) (1) Ingpen, Roger (1868-1956) (1) Italy, King Umberto II of, né Prince Umberto of Savoy, Prince of Piedmont (1904 - 1983) (1) J. Walter Thompson Company (3) James, Colonel Bernard Ramsden (1864 - 1938) (2) James, Julia [married name Mrs Maurice Dollfus] (1890 - 1964) (1) Jenkins, Frederick (5) Jex-Blake, Mrs Arthur [née Lady Muriel Herbert] (1883 - 1951) (1) John Greenwood Ltd. (6) John P. White & Sons Ltd. (7) Joicey, James Joicey, 1st Baron (1846 - 1936) (1) Jolley, Ethyl M. (1) Jones, Anne M. (1) Jourdan, Arthur (2) Kaffka, Mrs Edéné [née Mártha, maiden name unknown] (5) Kallós, Oszkár (1874 - 1955) (1) Kapurthala, Maharani of [née Brinda Devi] (1892 - 1962) (3) Kara-Georgevitch, Princess Alexis [née Myra 'Daria' Pankhurst; other married names Mrs Herbert Wright and Mrs Thomas Huger Pratt] (1859 - 1938) (1) Kautsch, Heinrich 'Henri' (1859 - 1943) (13) Kay-Shuttleworth, The Honourable Rachel Beatrice (1886 - 1967) (6) Keéri-Szántó, Andor (1884 - 1940) (2) Kelly's Directories Ltd. (1) Kemény, Ferenc (1860 - 1944) (2) Kemenyffy, Thomas (1) Kendrick, Sydney Percy (1874 - 1955) (7) Keppel, Mrs George [née Alice Frederica Edmonstone] (1869 - 1947) (1) Keri, Charles [Karl] (1) Kerpely de Krassa, Mrs Anton [née Berta Kupelwieser] (1877 - 1940) (1) Kerr, Admiral Mark Edward Frederic (1864-1944) (1) Kestranek, Wilhelm 'Vilmos' (1863 - 1925) (1) Keyes, Admiral Sir Roger John Brownlow Keyes, 1st Baron (1872 - 1945) (2) Kézdi-Kovács, László (1864 - 1942) (9) Khevenhüller-Metsch, Count Rudolf von (1844 - 1910) (1) Kinsman, John (1) Kisfaludi Strobl, Zsigmond (1884-1975) (6) Kiss, Ferenc (1) Kiss, Rezső (1889 - 1962) (1) Knoechl, Hans (1850-1927) (1) Knollys, The Honourable Elizabeth Charlotte (1835 - 1930) (1) Knyvett-Lee, Arthur (1887 - 1974) (1) Kohn, Theodor, Archbishop of Olmütz (1845 - 1915) (1) Korbay, Ferenc Sándor (1846 - 1913) (1) Korda, Tibor (1902/03 - 1940) (1) Kornitzer, Béla (1) Körösfői-Kriesch, Aladár (1863 - 1920) (1) Krämer, Madame Gyula [née Szeréna Laub; other married name Madame Antal László]; the Artist's Sister (1866 - c.1935) (4) Krammer, József (1) Lagarenne, Madame Georges de, née Ferdinande le Barrois d'Orgeval; other married name Mrs Henry Langton Skrine (1889 - 1953) (3) Laib, Paul Ferdinand Anton (1869-1958) (1) Laing, Surgeon Lieutenant Colonel James Anderson (1845 - 1930) (1) Lambert, Baronne (2) Lambotte, Sir Paul (1862 - 1939) (9) Lanckoronski, Count Karl (1848-1933) (1) Lanckoroński, Countess Karol [née Princess Malgorzata Lichnowsky] (1863 - 1954) (1) Lánczy, Leó [né Lazarsfeld] (1852 - 1921) (1) Lánczy, Madame Leó [née Janka Lázár formerly Lusztig; other married name Madame Gusztáv Szászy-Schwarz] (1852 - 1921) (11) Lang of Lambeth, Doctor Cosmo Gordon Lang, Archbishop of Canterbury, 1st Baron (1864 - 1945) (2) Lansdowne, Henry Charles Keith Petty-Fitzmaurice, 5th Marquis of (1845 - 1927) (3) Lansdowne, Henry William Edmund Petty-Fitzmaurice, 6th Marquis of (1872 - 1936) (1) Lansdowne, Maud Petty-Fitzmaurice, Marchioness of [née Maud Evelyn Hamilton] (1850 - 1932) (1) Larisch-Moennich, Count Heinrich 'Harry' (1878 - 1952) (2) László, Marczell 'Marczi' (1871 - 1940) (1) László, Mrs Ferencz [née Nedda Lenkej] (1) László, Mrs Philip de [née Lucy Madeleine Guinness] (1870 - 1950) (65) Laszlo, Mrs Stephen de [née (Edith Alexandra) Diana von Versen] (1906 - 1938) (1) Laszlo, Paul Leonardo de (1906 - 1983) (2) László, Philip Alexius de (1869 - 1937) (377) Laszlo, Stephen Philip de (1904 - 1939) (2) Latham, Doctor Morton (1843 - 1931) (1) Laughlin, Irwin Boyle (1871-1941) (1) Lavery, Sir John (1856 - 1941) (4) Law, Andrew Bonar (1858 - 1923) (1) Lázár, Doctor Béla (1869 - 1950) (8) Lederer, Doctor Lajos (1904 - 1985) (1) Lee of Fareham, Arthur Hamilton Lee, Viscount (1868 - 1947) (5) Lee, Major William Lauriston Melville (1865-1955) (2) Leipnik, Doctor Ferdinand L. (1869) (10) Leith of Fyvie, Sir Charles Rosdew Forbes-Leith, other name Charles Burn; 1st Baronet (1859 - 1930) (1) Leith-Hay, The Honourable Mrs Charles Edward Norman [née The Honourable Louisa Henrietta Valdivia O'Neill] (1879 - 1965) (1) Lessore, Frederick (1879 - 1951) (1) Leveson Gower, Arthur Francis Gresham (1851-1922) (1) Liberty, Sir Arthur Lasenby (1843 - 1917) (1) Liedekerke, Count Raoul Elie Florent Marie Joseph de (1882 - 1981) (1) Lindsay of Birker, Alexander Dunlop Lindsay, 1st Baron (1879 - 1952) (1) Lister-Kaye, Anna (1) Lloyd, Lady [née Mary Gunnis]; wife of Lieutenant General Sir Francis (1854 - 1942) (1) Lobmayer, Géza (2) Löfftz, Ludwig von (1845 - 1910) (1) Londonderry, Charles Stewart Henry Vane-Tempest-Stewart, 7th Marquess of (1878 - 1949) (2) Londonderry, Edith Helen Vane-Tempest-Stewart, Marchioness of [previously Viscountess Castlereagh, née the Honourable Edith Chaplin]; wife of 7th Marquess (1878 - 1959) (4) Lonsdale, L. Margaret (1) Lóránt, Mihály (Michael) (5) Lühnsdorf, Károly (1893 - 1958) (2) Lukács, Béla (1847 - 1901) (1) Lund, Doctor Kenneth Fraser (1871 - 1953) (1) Macbeth, Mrs W. Gilchrist [née Winifred Emily Morrice] (1898 - 1971) (1) Macbeth, William Gilchrist (1882 - 1948) (4) Macdonald, Ishbel (1903-1982) (1) MacDonald, James Ramsay (1866 - 1937) (1) Maclean, Alexander (1867 - 1940) (2) Madrazo y Garreta, Ricardo Federico de (1852 - 1917) (1) Malcolm, Sir Ian Zachary (1868-1944) (1) Manson, James Bolivar (1879 - 1945) (4) Marconi, Alfonso (1865 - 1936) (1) Marconi, Marchese Guglielmo (1874-1937) (1) Marriott, Albert E. [pseud., né Netley Lucas] (c. 1903 - 1940) (8) Marriott, Charles Bertrand (1868-1946) (1) Martin, Carew (1) Martin, Sir Alec (1884 - 1971) (1) Mashanaglass, Valentine Emmanuel Patrick MacSwiney, Marquis of (1871 - 1945) (3) Mauclair, Camille, né Séverin Faust (1872 - 1945) (1) Maupeou Monbail, Marquise de [née Comtesse Hedwige d’Ursel] (1902 - 1987) (1) Maurois, Mrs André [née Simone de Caillavet] (1894 - 1968) (1) Maxwell, Mrs Arthur Terence [née Diane Chamberlain] (1912 - 1999) (1) Mélas, Major George M. (1) Mellon, Andrew William (1855-1937) (1) Mendez, Pedro G. (1) Messala, Jean D. (1) Michelham, Beatrice Stern, Baroness [née Beatrice 'Berthe' or 'Bertie' Capel]; wife of 2nd Baron (1) Milford Haven, Lady Mountbatten, Marchioness of, formerly Princess Louis of Battenberg; née Princess Victoria Alberta of Hesse; wife of 1st Marquess (1863 - 1950) (3) Milford Haven, Louis Alexander Mountbatten, 1st Marquess of [formerly Prince Louis of Battenberg] (1854 - 1921) (1) Millington-Drake, Sir John Henry Eugen Vanderstegen (1889 - 1972) (2) Minnigerode, Cuthbert Powell (1876 - 1951) (2) Minto, Gilbert John Elliot-Murray-Kynynmound, 4th Earl of, Viceroy of India (1845 - 1914) (1) Miranda, Luis María de Silva y Carvajal, I duque de (1876 - 1935) (2) Monaco, Prince Louis II of (1870 - 1949) (7) Mond, Sir Robert Ludwig (1867-1938) (1) Montebello, Marie-Louise Lannes, Marquise de [née comtesse Marie-Louise de Salignac-Fénelon]; wife of 2nd marquis (1879 - 1960) (2) Moral, Frederick Ramón de Bertodano, 8th Marquis del (1871 - 1955) (1) Moreno y de Herrera, VII Conde de los Andes, Francisco "Paco" de Asís (1909 - 1978) (1) Moreno y Zuleta de los Reales, VI Conde de los Andes, Marqués de Mortara, Francisco de Asís (1880 - 1963) (1) Morgan, Anne Tracy (1873-1952) (1) Morgan, John Pierpont 'Jack' (1867 - 1943) (1) Moss, Alfred (2) Mottistone, Evelyn Seely, Baroness [née the Honourable Evelyn Izmé Murray; other married name the Honourable Mrs George Nicholson]; wife of 1st Baron (1886 - 1976) (1) Mount Temple, Muriel Emily 'Molly' Ashley, Lady [née Spencer; other married name the Honourable Mrs Lionel Forbes-Sempill] (c. 1881 - 1954) (1) Mountbatten of Burma, Louis Mountbatten, 1st Earl, last Viceroy of India (1900 - 1979) (1) Moy de Sons, Count Maximilian Maria von (1862 - 1933) (1) Moyne, Evelyn Guinness, Lady [née Lady Evelyn Hilda Stuart Erskine]; wife of 1st Baron (1882 - 1939) (1) Münz, Sigmund (1859 - 1934) (24) Návay, Lenke Földeáki (1857 - 1918) (1) Nethersole, Olga Isabel (1870-1951) (1) Nevill, Ralph Henry (1865 - 1930) (1) Nicholls, Doctor Henry Cecil ( - 1933) (1) Nicholson, Ivor (1891 - 1937) (2) Noailles, Marquise Hélie de [née Corisande Emma Louise Ida de Gramont] (1880 - 1977) (3) Norfolk, Bernard Marmaduke Fitzalan-Howard, 16th Duke of (1908 - 1975) (1) Northcliffe, Alfred Charles William Harmsworth, 1st Viscount (1865 - 1922) (1) Northumberland, Helen Percy, Duchess of [née Lady Helen Magdalen Gordon-Lennox]; wife of 8th Duke (1886 - 1965) (2) Offenberg, Baron Alexandre (1) Oliveira, Raul Régis de (1874 - 1942) (1) Olivier, Herbert Arnould (1861 - 1952) (1) Onslow, Richard William Alan Onslow, 5th Earl of (1876 - 1945) (1) Ormonde, James Arthur Wellington Foley Butler, 4th Marquess of (1849 - 1943) (1) Ouroussow, Prince Serge (1) Ouroussow, Princess [née Olga Wassiltchikow] (1) Oxford and Asquith, Margaret Asquith, Countess of [née Margaret Emma Alice 'Margot' Tennant]; wife of 1st Earl (1864 - 1945) (6) P. & D. Colnaghi and Obach (1) Page, Mrs Walter [née Alice Wilson] (1858 - 1942) (1) Pagenstecher, Frau Adolf [née Irma Henriette Adelmann von Adelmannsfelden] (1884 - 1946) (1) Pakenham, W. W. (1) Palmer, Charles Frederick (1869 - 1920) (1) Palmer, Lady Florence [née Florence Elizabeth Mason] (1) Palmer, Sir Frederick (1862-1934) (4) Patry, Edward (1856-1940) (8) Patry, Mrs Edward [née Beatrice Mary Beattie] (1871 - 1952) (1) Payen-Payne, James Bertrand de Vincheles (1866 - 1945) (1) Peachey, Gertrude (1) Pedder, Sir John (1869 - 1956) (1) Perinello, Rosamund de (1) Pershing, General John Joseph (1860 - 1948) (3) Peto, Mrs Ralph Harding [née Frances Ruby Vera Lindsay] (1885 - 1951) (1) Petrie, Professor Sir William Matthew Flinders (1853 - 1942) (1) Petrovics [Petrovich], Elek (1873 - 1945) (1) Phillipowsky, Ivan (1895 - 1951) (1) Phipps, Colonel P. R. ( - 1932) (4) Pike, Mrs Ebenezer [née Olive Constance Snell] (c.1888 - 1962) (1) Pilkington, Mrs Malcolm [née Eva Janet Emilia Lloyd] (1876 - 1951) (1) Platford Raby, Mrs (1) Pohárnok, Zoltán (1905 - 1976) (1) Pollak, Doctor Ludwig (1868 - 1943) (1) Pollok, Major-General Robert Valentine (1884 - 1969) (1) Portland, Victor Frederick William Cavendish-Bentinck, 9th Duke of (1897 - 1990) (1) Portland, William John Arthur Charles James Cavendish-Bentinck, 6th Duke of (1857 - 1943) (2) Portland, Winifred Anna Cavendish-Bentinck, Duchess of [née Dallas-Yorke]; wife of 6th Duke (1863 - 1954) (1) Preetorius II, Wilhelm (1852 - 1924) (1) Preziosi, Mrs Gabriele [née Elena Tittoni] (1) Probst, Erich (1884-1946) (1) Probyn, General Sir Dighton Macnaghten (1833 - 1924) (1) Puteani, Baroness Irma (1870 - 1916) (1) Quensel, Doctor Annie [née Annie Theresia Weiss] (1886 - 1933) (6) Quiserne, Doctor Pierre (1) Radcliffe, Judge Francis Reynolds Yonge (1851 - 1924) (2) Radisics, Elemér (1884 - 1972) (1) Radisics, Jenő (1856 - 1917) (6) Rantzau, Count Ernst Ludwig Emil zu (1869 - 1930) (1) Rappini di Casteldelfino, Mrs Vittorio [née Clare Dudgeon] (1885 - 1954) (1) Reading, Rufus Daniel Isaacs, 1st Marquess of (1860 - 1935) (1) Reed, Edward Tennyson (1860-1933) (3) Reitzenstein, Baron Werner Von (1848-1935) (1) Rendall, Arthur Dacres (1861 - 1936) (1) Rennie, Vera E. (1) Repington, Lieutenant Colonel Charles à Court (1858 - 1925) (1) Reverseaux de Rouvray, Jacques Frédéric, Marquis de (1845 - 1916) (1) Reynolds, John J. (1868) (2) Richmond, Charles Henry Gordon-Lennox, 7th Duke of Richmond and Lennox, 2nd Duke of Gordon (1845 - 1928) (2) Ricketson, Oliver Garrison (1864 - 1943) (1) Riemsdijk-Loudon, Madame Theodorus Helenus Franciscus van [née Adriana Jacqueline Marie Loudon] (1856 - 1919) (1) Riley, William Edward (1852-1937) (1) Rimington, Professor Alexander Wallace (1854 - 1918) (2) Roberts of Kandahar, Field Marshal Frederick Sleigh Roberts, 1st Earl (1832 - 1914) (1) Roberts, Denys Kilham (1903-1976) (1) Robertson, John (1862-1943) (9) Robeson, Frederick Eden (1) Rochefoucauld, Duchess Jean de La [née Edmée de Fels]; wife of 13th duc (1895 - 1991) (1) Roederer, Countess Pierre-Louis [née Louise de Saint-Alary] (1863 - 1930) (2) Romania, Princess Helen of [née Princess Helen of Greece and Denmark]; consort of King Carol II (1896 - 1982) (3) Romania, Queen Marie of [née Princess Marie of Edinburgh] (1875 - 1938) (2) Roosevelt, Colonel Kermit (1889 - 1943) (1) Roosevelt, Mrs Kermit [née Belle Wyatt Willard] (1892 - 1968) (1) Root, Elihu (1845-1937) (1) Rose, Clémence (2) Rosier, Jean G. (1) Rossi di Montelera, Count Theo (1902 - 1991) (1) Rothschild, Baron Robert Philippe Gustave de (1880 - 1946) (3) Royal Society of British Artists (RBA) (2) Royden, Doctor Agnes Maude [married name Mrs G. W. Hudson Shaw] (1876 - 1956) (3) Rubido-Zichy de Zich et Zagorje, Baron Iván (1874 - 1964) (9) Rugby, John Loader Maffey, 1st Baron (1877 - 1969) (1) Ruggles-Brise, Lady Dorothea [née Lady Dorothea Louisa Stewart-Murray]; wife of Major-General Sir Harold Ruggles-Brise (1866 - 1937) (1) Runciman of Doxford, Walter Runciman, 1st Viscount (1870 - 1949) (2) Russell Biggs, Hugh (1) Russell, Sir Charles, 1st Baronet (1863 - 1928) (10) Russia, Grand Duke Michael Mikhailovich of (1861 - 1929) (1) Rutherford of Nelson, Ernest Rutherford, 1st Baron (1871 - 1937) (1) Rutland, Marion Manners, Duchess of [née Marion Margaret Violet Lindsay]; wife of 8th Duke (1856 - 1937) (4) Ruttkay de Ruttka, Vilmos (1869) (26) Salter, Lady Clavell [née Nora Constance Ouchterlony]; wife of Sir Arthur Clavell, the Hon. Mr Justice Salter (1859 - 1928) (1883 - 1976) (11) Salter, Sir Arthur Clavell (1859-1928) (2) Sankey, John Sankey, 1st Viscount (1866 - 1948) (1) Sant, Captain Mowbray Lees (1863-1943) (2) Sásór-Bardzka, Marie de (1) Sassoon, Lady [née Aline Caroline de Rothschild]; wife of 2nd Baronet (1865 - 1909) (3) Sayn-Wittgenstein, Prince Otto zu (1842 - 1911) (1) Scarbrough, Aldred Frederick George Beresford Lumley, 10th Earl of (1857 - 1945) (1) Scharf, Viktor (1872-1943) (1) Scherl, Erwin (1) Schiess, Robert (1896 - 1956) (1) Schiller, Doctor József (2) Schleinitz, Baroness Otto von [née Clara Loth; other married name Mrs Fischer] (1834 - 1916) (1) Schmidt, Nelly von (5) Scholz, Franz (2) Schönbrunner, Joseph (1831 - 1905) (1) Schönfeld, Emilia (1) Schröder, Baron Bruno (1867 - 1940) (2) Schröder, Baron Helmut William Bruno (1901 - 1969) (1) Schröder, Baroness Bruno [née Emma Deichmann] (1870 - 1944) (17) Schulz, Ilona (1887-1940) (2) Schulze, Hans R. (1) Schwab, Charles Michael (1862 - 1939) (1) Schwerin, Countess Ulrich von [née Freda von Bethmann-Hollweg] (1876 - 1959) (1) Scitovszky, Tibor de (1875 - 1959) (1) Scott, James Brown (1866 - 1943) (3) Seckendorff, Götz Burkhard, Count von (1842 - 1910) (1) Seemann, Dezső ( - 1944) (1) Selborne, William Waldegrave Palmer, 2nd Earl of (1859 - 1942) (14) Senyei, József (1895 - 1944) (3) Shannon, Charles Haslewood (1863 - 1937) (4) Shaw, Albert (1857 - 1947) (1) Shaw, Catherine M. (1) Short, Wilfred Maurice (1870 - 1947) (2) Shortt, Edward (1862 - 1935) (1) Siemens, Mrs Georg Wilhelm von [née Eleonore 'Elly' Siemens] (1860 - 1919) (1) Siklóssy de Pernesz, Doctor László (1881 - 1951) (3) Simon, John Allsebrook Simon, 1st Viscount (1873 - 1954) (6) Simpson, Charles Walter (1885-1971) (1) Sims, Charles Henry (1873 - 1928) (2) Singer, Hans Wolfgang (1867-1957) (4) Singer, Madame G. [née Erszébet 'Erzsi' Schmidl] (1) Slater, Jessie (1) Slatin, Sir Rudolf Carl von [also known as 'Slatin Pasha'] (1857 - 1932) (9) Sligo, George Ulick Browne, 6th Marquess of (1856 - 1935) (2) Smith, Sir William Wright (1875 - 1956) (1) Smith, W. R. (1) Sorolla y Bastida, Joaquín (1863 - 1923) (1) Sotomayor y Zaragosa, Fernando Álvarez de (1875 - 1960) (1) Spain, Queen Victoria Eugenia of [née Princess Victoria Eugénie Julia Ena of Battenberg]; Consort of Alfonso XIII (1887 - 1969) (1) Spain, King Alfonso XIII of (1886 - 1941) (2) Spee, Count Rudolf von (1860 - 1924) (6) Spencer-Churchill, Lord Ivor Charles (1898 - 1956) (1) Spencer, Charles Robert Spencer, 1st Viscount Althorp, 6th Earl (1857 - 1922) (1) Speyer, James Joseph (1861 - 1941) (1) Spiegl von Thurnsee, Edgar (1838 - 1908) (1) Splény, Baroness Erneszta (1872) (1) Sprague, Mrs Denis [née Rosemary Northcroft] (1) St- Germain (1) St. Quintin, Jeffrey Charles (1) Stamfordham, Lieutenant-Colonel Arthur John Bigge, 1st Baron (1849 - 1931) (1) Stamp, Ernest (1869-1942) (1) Stanhope, Countess [née Lady Eileen Agatha Browne]; wife of 7th Earl (1889 - 1940) (3) Stanley of Alderley, Arthur Lyulph, 5th Baron, 5th Baron Sheffield and 4th Baron Eddisbury (1875 - 1931) (1) Stanley of Alderley, Edward Lyulph Stanley, 4th Baron, 3rd Baron Eddisbury and 4th Baron Sheffield (1839 - 1925) (10) Stanley of Alderley, Lady [née Mary Katherine 'Maisie' Bell]; also known as Lady Sheffield; wife of 4th Baron (1848 - 1929) (3) Stead, William Thomas (1849 - 1912) (2) Stewart, Blanche (1) Stewart, Peter (1) Stockfeld, Betty [married name Mrs Aubrey St John Edwards] (1905 - 1966) (2) Stogdon, Reverend Edgar (1870 - 1951) (1) Stokes, Charles Adrian Scott (1854 - 1935) (6) Stokes, Hugh (1875-1932) (1) Stonor, The Honourable Edward Alexander (1867 - 1940) (1) Storer, Bellamy (1847-1922) (1) Strasser, Doctor Josef (1) Strathmore and Kinghorne, Nina Bowes Lyon, Countess of [née Nina Cecilia Cavendish Bentinck]; wife of 14th Earl (1862 - 1938) (2) Streatfeild, Sir Henry (1857-1938) (1) Strong, Susan (1870-1946) (2) Struthers, Lady [née Gertrude Hill]; wife of Sir John Struthers (1) Stubenberg, Baroness [née Baroness Mathilde von Tinti]; other married names Baroness Franz Rudolf Mayr-Melnhof and Mrs Anton Berger (1863 - 1927) (1) Stuers, Alphonse Ridder de (1841 - 1919) (1) Stuhlmann, Patrik (1) Sutcliffe, Tom (1) Sutherland, Eileen Sutherland-Leveson-Gower, Duchess of [née Lady Eileen Gwladys Butler]; wife of 5th Duke (1891 - 1943) (1) Sutherland, George Granville Sutherland-Leveson-Gower, 5th Duke of (1888 - 1963) (3) Sweden, Queen Louise of [née Lady Louise Alexandra Marie Irene Mountbatten; formerly Princess Louise of Battenberg]; consort of Gustaf VI (1889 - 1965) (1) Szapáry de Muraszombat, Széchysziget et Szapár, Count László (1864 - 1939) (2) Szapáry, Countess László [née Countess Irene Ungnad von Weissenwolff (Freiin zu Sonneck und Ennseck)] (1880 - 1969) (1) Szarvasy, Mrs Frederick Alexander [née (Kate Muriel) Rhona Saavedra] (1) Szász, Zoltán (1) Sze, Mrs Sao-Ke [née Yu-Hua "Alice" Tang] (1) Sze, Sao-ke Alfred (1877-1958) (1) Széchény, Count Károly (1) Szenes, Fülöp (1863 - 1944) (4) Szirmaï, [Tony?] (1) Szmrecsányi, Miklós (1854 - 1936) (1) Szterényi, Baron József (1861 - 1941) (2) Tatlock, Robert Rattray (1837-1934) (1) Teissier, Mrs Geoffrey Fitzherbert de [née Katharine Henriette Seligman] (1894 - 1980) (1) Telcs, Eduard "Ede" (1872 - 1948) (1) Temple-Raston, Mrs [née Jeanne Temple] (1) Térey, Doctor Gábor de (1864 - 1927) (1) The Art Pavements & Decorations Ltd. (2) The Fine Art Society (1) The London Press Exchange Ltd. (2) The Medici Society Ltd. (11) Theotoky, John (1) Thomson, Sir Basil Home (1861 - 1939) (1) To be verified (1) Troubetzkoy, Prince Paul (1866 - 1938) (1) Troup, Sir (Charles) Edward (1857 - 1941) (2) Turner, Judge Richard Whitbourn (1867 - 1932) (6) Turner, Mrs Richard Whitbourn [née Hilda Martin] (1) Turner, Richard Whitbourn (1867 - 1932) (4) Tweedie, Mrs Alec [née Ethel Brilliana Harley] (1862 - 1940) (5) Tweedmouth, Edward Marjoribanks, 2nd Baron (1849 - 1909) (1) Ullswater, James William Lowther, 1st Viscount (1855 - 1949) (4) Unidentified (1) Unwin, Thomas Fisher (1848 - 1935) (1) Valentia, Arthur Annesley, 11th Viscount (1843 - 1927) (1) Valentin, Frau Carl [née Paula Laub]; the Artist's Sister (1873 - 1924) (3) Valsuani, Attilio (3) Vályi, Doctor Felix (1) Vanbrugh, Violet [née Violet Augusta Mary Barnes; married name Mrs Arthur Bourchier] (1856 - 1942) (1) Vane, Sir Francis Patrick Fletcher (1861-1934) (4) Vega-Inclán, Benigno Mariano Pedro Casto de la Vega-Inclán y Flaquer, II marqués de la (1858 - 1942) (2) Vere, Edward Hope (1) Vernon-Harcourt, Mrs Bernard [née Anna Irène Margaret Micholls] (1886 - 1923) (3) Verulam, Violet Constance Maitland Grimston, Countess of [née Lady Violet Constance Maitland Brabazon]; wife of 4th Earl (1886 - 1936) (3) Véssei, Ede (c. 1885) (2) Vienna Children's Aid Society (1) Villavieja, La Marquesa De (1) Vlasto, Kostia A. (1) Vogel, Dom Placidus (1871 - 1943) (1) Walker, Sir Emery (1851-1933) (1) Wall, Annie (1) Wallis & Son (9) Wallis & Son, Messrs. (4) Wallis, Harry (1871 - 1949) (1) Walston, Sir Charles [formerly Waldstein] (1856-1927) (1) Walter V, John (1873 - 1968) (3) Walter, Mrs John [née Phyllis Charlotte Hilda Foster] (1876 - 1937) (1) Wantage, Harriet Sarah Loyd-Lindsay, Lady [née Lloyd] (1837 - 1920) (3) Warrender, Julian Margaret Maitland (1855 - 1950) (3) Waterford, John Charles de la Poer Beresford, 7th Marquess of (1901 - 1934) (1) Waverley, Ava Anderson, Viscountess [née Alix Yveline Ava Courtenay Bodley; other married name Mrs Ralph Wigram]; wife of 1st Viscount (1896 - 1974) (1) Weardale, Alexandra ('Ina') Stanhope, Lady [née Alexandra von Cancrine; other married name Countess Tolstoy of Petrograd]; wife of 1st and last Baron ( - 1934) (1) Weardale, Philip Stanhope, 1st and last Baron (1847 - 1923) (3) Webber, Mrs [née Mary Margaret 'May' Clark] (b. 1867) (1) Webster, A. S. (3) Wegener, Mrs Georg [née Olga Julia von Zaluskowski] (1910-1913 (fl)) (1) Weirter [also Whirter or Weierter], Louis (1873 - 1932) (1) Wellington, Kathleen Emily Wellesley, Duchess of [née Williams-Bulkeley]; wife of 4th Duke (1849 - 1927) (2) Wellmann, Róbert (1866 - 1946) (4) Welser Von Welsersheimb, Count Rudolf (1842-1926) (1) Wemyss, Victoria Erskine Wemyss, Lady Wester [nee Morier] (d 1945); Wife Of 1st Baron (1) Wenlock, Annie Lawley, Baroness [née Annie Allen Cunard]; wife of 6th Baron (1863) (1) Weress, Jenő 'Eugene' de (1892 - 1971) (2) Werner, Anton Alexander von (1843 - 1915) (3) Werner, Mrs Anton von [née Malwine Schroedter] (b. 1847) (2) Westerweller d’Anthoni, Paul (1827 - 1912) (2) Westlake, Alice [née Hare] (1840 - 1923) (1) White, Frederick Anthony (1842-1933) (3) Whitin, Albert H. (1853 - 1935) (2) Wilczek, Count Johann (Hans) Nepomuk (1837 - 1922) (2) Wiley, Louis (1869 - 1935) (13) Willard, The Honourable Joseph Edward, American Ambassador to Spain (1865 - 1924) (1) Williams, Oakley (6) Willingdon, Marie Freeman-Thomas, Marchioness of [née Lady Marie Adelaide Brassey] (1875 - 1960) (1) Wills-Sandford-Wills, Mrs Edward [née Amy Henrietta Guinness] (1865 - 1955) (1) Wilson Taylor, Sir John (1) Wilson, Carlos B. (1) Wimpffen, Baron Franz Von (1829-1922) (1) Winchester, William Proctor (1884 - 1933) (1) Windisch-Graetz, Mary (1) Windisch-Graetz, Princess Hugo [née Princess Mathilde Radziwill] (1836 - 1918) (1) Wingate, Sir Francis Reginald, 1st Baronet (1861 - 1953) (1) Wingrove, Miss B. (5) Wirgman, Theodore Blake (1848-1925) (1) Witt, Sir Robert Clermont (1872-1952) (2) Woermann, Professor Karl (1844 - 1933) (3) Wohl, Janka (1848-1901) (1) Woodroffe, Allen (1851 - 1940) (1) Woodroffe, William Litton (1) Wormald, Sir John (1859-1933) (1) Ybl, Lajos (1855 - 1934) (1) Young, John (4) Younger, Lieutenant Colonel J. A. C. (1) Zamoyska, Countess Maria Eleonore (1862 - 1944) (8) Zichy, Countess Ernő [née Adelheid "Etelka" Steinfeld; other married name Baroness László Dirsztay] (1860 - 1943) (1) Zrunek, Raimund (1) Recipient All Agen, Boyer d' (1857 - 1945) (1) Aiken, William (1880-1950) (1) Alfred, G. (1) Algeciras, Ricardo López de Carrizosa y Martel, II duque de (1896 - 1982) (1) Arti et Amicitiae (1) Athlone, Princess Alice of [née Princess Alice of Albany]; wife of 1st Earl (1883 - 1981) (2) Aybar, Miguel González de Castejón y Elío, I conde de (1862 - 1939) (1) Bailey, J. R. (8) Baker, Constable Albert (1) Baldry, Alfred Lys (1858 - 1939) (1) Barclays Bank Ltd. (1) Bárczy de Bárcziháza, István (1882 - 1952) (7) Barratt, John Arthur (1857-1944) (1) Baumann, Gyula (1) Bélugou, Léon (1865 - 1934) (2) Bendir, Arthur ( - 1957) (6) Benlliure Gil, Professor Mariano (1862 - 1947) (2) Bennett Dampier, Lieutenant Colonel William Henry (c. 1869 - 1930) (1) Berkeley Wills, Gerald (1882 - 1979) (9) Blumenfeld, Ralph David (1864-1948) (1) Bourbon, Diana (1) Braun & Cie, Paris (1) Bridgeman, Commander Francis Paul Orlando (1888 - 1930) (1) Buchanan-Jardine, Lady [née Jean Barbara Hamilton] (1898 - 1990) (2) Bury, Adrian (1891 - 1991) (2) Carnock, Frederick Archibald Nicolson, 2nd Baron (1883-1952) (1) Casares Lynch, Corina Kavanagh de [née Corina Kavanagh Lynch; other married names de Ham Kenny and de Mainini Ríos ] (1890 - 1984) (1) Castellane, Comtesse Georges de [née Florinda Fernández Anchorena] (1901) (1) Catchpole, George P. (1) Cattani, Georges (1) Cavendish-Bentinck, Lord Henry (1863 - 1931) (1) Chamberlain, Sir Joseph Austen (1863 - 1937) (1) Chamberlin, Frederick Carleton (1870 - 1943) (2) Charles Russell & Co. (13) Cochrane, Dame Anne Annette Minna (1855 - 1943) (1) Cooper, Bake & Co. (1) Cordano, Colonel Alessandro (2) Cordova, Rudolph de (1860 - 1941) (2) Cottenham, Patricia Pepys, Countess of [née Patricia Burke]; wife of 4th Earl ( - d. 1962) (1) Craig-Brown, Mrs Ernest [née Constance Ellen Guinness] (1876 - 1964) (1) Davson, Lady [née Margot Elinor Glyn] (1893 - 1966) (2) Devonport, Hudson Ewbanke Kearley, 1st Viscount (1856 - 1934) (1) Devoto, Juana González Escudero de ( - 1941) (1) Dixon, Henry (1) Dodgson, Campbell (1867-1948) (2) Drinkwater, John (1882-1937) (1) Drinkwater, Mrs John [née Daisy Fowler Kennedy] (1893 - 1981) (1) Duveen, Edward Joel (1875 - 1944) (1) Ede, H[arold] S[tanley] "Jim" (1895 - 1990) (3) Edge, Walter Evans (1873-1956) (2) Edsall, Percy ( - 1930) (1) Elstow, William (3) Ferard, Arthur George (1858-1943) (2) Ffoulkes, Charles John (1868 - 1947) (1) Field, Mrs Marshall [née Albertine Huck] (1) Figueiredo, Doctor José de (1872 - 1937) (1) Fiorini, Giovanni (c. 1877) (2) Fodor, Doctor Nandor (1895 - 1964) (1) Fonblanque, Ethel Maud de [married name Mrs Arthur Harter] (1858 - 1952) (1) Forkum, Mrs [née Eileen Abernethy] (2) Gellért, Aranka (1) Gestetner, David (1854-1939) (1) Görgey, Colonel György (1) Görgey, István (1825 - 1912) (1) Gramont, Antoine XII-Armand, 12th duc de; styled duc de Guiche (1879 - 1962) (3) Gramont, Duchesse de [née Elaine Hélène de Greffulhe]; wife of 12th duc (1882 - 1958) (3) Greece and Denmark, Princess Andrew of [née Princess Alice of Battenberg] (1885 - 1969) (1) Grey, Nigel de (1886 - 1951) (4) Grundy, Cecil Reginald (1870 - 1944) (1) Guinness, Eva Frances (1868 - 1930) (1) Guinness, Henry Samuel Howard (1888 - 1975) (3) Guinness, Howard Rundell (1868-1937) (2) Guinness, Mrs H. Samuel [née Alfhild Holter] (1890 - 1983) (3) H. W. Cashmore & Co. Ltd. (2) Harbord, Captain Eric Walter (1879 - 1952) (1) Harding, Warren Gamaliel; President of the United States of America (1865 - 1923) (1) Hill, Adrian Keith Graham (1895-1977) (2) Hitch, Frederick Brook (1877 - 1957) (1) Holme, Charles Geoffrey (1887 - 1954) (2) Hóman, Bálint (1885 - 1953) (1) Howe, Mary Howe, Countess [née Mary Curzon]; wife of 5th Earl (1887 - 1962) (1) Howell, Arthur R. (1) Hutchinson, Sir George (1) Ilijć, Doctor Radoslav (1) International Society of Sculptors, Painters, & Gravers (1) J. Walter Thompson Company (1) Jenkins, Frederick (1) Jex-Blake, Mrs Arthur [née Lady Muriel Herbert] (1883 - 1951) (1) John P. White & Sons Ltd. (1) Jolley, Ethyl M. (1) Jones, George William (1860-1942) (1) Kaffka, Mrs Edéné [née Mártha, maiden name unknown] (1) Kemény, Károly (1) Kendrick, Sydney Percy (1874 - 1955) (1) Keri, Charles [Karl] (1) Korda, Tibor (1902/03 - 1940) (1) Kornitzer, Béla (1) Laib, Paul Ferdinand Anton (1869-1958) (1) Lalaing, Comte Jacques de (1889 - 1969) (1) Lambotte, Sir Paul (1862 - 1939) (1) Lansdowne, Henry Charles Keith Petty-Fitzmaurice, 5th Marquis of (1845 - 1927) (1) Laszlo, John Adolphus de (1912 - 1990) (1) László, Marczell 'Marczi' (1871 - 1940) (75) László, Mrs Philip de [née Lucy Madeleine Guinness] (1870 - 1950) (101) Laszlo, Paul Leonardo de (1906 - 1983) (42) László, Philip Alexius de (1869 - 1937) (1551) Laszlo, Stephen Philip de (1904 - 1939) (2) Leipnik, Doctor Ferdinand L. (1869) (3) Liedekerke, Count Raoul Elie Florent Marie Joseph de (1882 - 1981) (1) Lindsay of Birker, Alexander Dunlop Lindsay, 1st Baron (1879 - 1952) (1) Lühnsdorf, Károly (1893 - 1958) (1) Lyautey, Madame Louis Hubert [née Inès de Bourgoing] (1862 - 1953) (1) Macbeth, William Gilchrist (1882 - 1948) (7) Maclagan, Sir Eric Robert Dalrymple (1879 - 1951) (1) Manson, James Bolivar (1879 - 1945) (4) Marriott, Albert E. [pseud., né Netley Lucas] (c. 1903 - 1940) (9) Maurois, Mrs André [née Simone de Caillavet] (1894 - 1968) (1) Millington-Drake, Sir John Henry Eugen Vanderstegen (1889 - 1972) (1) Minnigerode, Cuthbert Powell (1876 - 1951) (1) Miranda, Luis María de Silva y Carvajal, I duque de (1876 - 1935) (2) Montebello, Marie-Louise Lannes, Marquise de [née comtesse Marie-Louise de Salignac-Fénelon]; wife of 2nd marquis (1879 - 1960) (1) Moss, Alfred (2) Mühlhause, Richard (1) Münz, Sigmund (1859 - 1934) (17) Pakenham, W. W. (1) Palmer, Sir Frederick (1862-1934) (4) Peachey, Gertrude (1) Perry, Agnes (1) Phipps, Colonel P. R. ( - 1932) (1) Pigg, Thomas (2) Pilkington, Mrs Malcolm [née Eva Janet Emilia Lloyd] (1876 - 1951) (1) Pius XI, Pope, né Achille Ambrogio Damiano Ratti (1857 - 1939) (1) Pollok, Major-General Robert Valentine (1884 - 1969) (1) Portland, William John Arthur Charles James Cavendish-Bentinck, 6th Duke of (1857 - 1943) (1) Preetorius II, Wilhelm (1852 - 1924) (1) Quensel, Doctor Annie [née Annie Theresia Weiss] (1886 - 1933) (2) Reynolds, John J. (1868) (1) Riemsdijk-Loudon, Madame Theodorus Helenus Franciscus van [née Adriana Jacqueline Marie Loudon] (1856 - 1919) (1) Riley, William Edward (1852-1937) (1) Robertson, John (1862-1943) (1) Romania, Queen Marie of [née Princess Marie of Edinburgh] (1875 - 1938) (1) Rothermere, Harold Sidney Harmsworth, 1st Viscount (1868 - 1940) (1) Royden, Doctor Agnes Maude [married name Mrs G. W. Hudson Shaw] (1876 - 1956) (1) Rubido-Zichy de Zich et Zagorje, Baron Iván (1874 - 1964) (1) Runciman of Doxford, Walter Runciman, 1st Viscount (1870 - 1949) (1) Russell, Sir Charles, 1st Baronet (1863 - 1928) (3) Ruttkay de Ruttka, Vilmos (1869) (3) Sant, Captain Mowbray Lees (1863-1943) (1) Santurce, La duquesa de Santoña y marquésa de [née María del Carmen López de Carrizosa y Martel] (1891 - 1975) (1) Scherl, Erwin (1) Schröder, Baron Bruno (1867 - 1940) (1) Schulz, Ilona (1887-1940) (1) Scott, James Brown (1866 - 1943) (1) Selborne, William Waldegrave Palmer, 2nd Earl of (1859 - 1942) (2) Slatin, Sir Rudolf Carl von [also known as 'Slatin Pasha'] (1857 - 1932) (2) Sligo, George Ulick Browne, 6th Marquess of (1856 - 1935) (1) Speyer, James Joseph (1861 - 1941) (2) St. Quintin, Jeffrey Charles (15) Stamp, Ernest (1869-1942) (1) Strasser, Doctor Josef (1) Sutherland, George Granville Sutherland-Leveson-Gower, 5th Duke of (1888 - 1963) (1) Sze, Mrs Sao-Ke [née Yu-Hua "Alice" Tang] (1) Sze, Sao-ke Alfred (1877-1958) (1) The Fine Art Society (1) The Medici Society Ltd. (6) Thomson, Sir Basil Home (1861 - 1939) (1) Thos. Agnew & Sons Ltd. (1) Toit, Mrs Christopher du [née Beatrice Grace Guinness] (1869 - 1944) (1) Troubetzkoy, Prince Paul (1866 - 1938) (2) Tweedie, Mrs Alec [née Ethel Brilliana Harley] (1862 - 1940) (2) Unidentified (1) Valsuani, Attilio (2) Vane, Sir Francis Patrick Fletcher (1861-1934) (3) Vega-Inclán, Benigno Mariano Pedro Casto de la Vega-Inclán y Flaquer, II marqués de la (1858 - 1942) (1) Wallis & Son (2) Wallis & Son, Messrs. (3) Walston, Sir Charles [formerly Waldstein] (1856-1927) (1) Walter V, John (1873 - 1968) (2) Warnier, Georges (1) Webster, A. S. (2) White, Frederick Anthony (1842-1933) (1) Wiley, Louis (1869 - 1935) (4) Williams, Oakley (2) Wilson Taylor, Sir John (1) Winchester, William Proctor (1884 - 1933) (1) Windisch-Grätz, Princess Otto zu [née Archduchess Elisabeth of Austria] (1883 - 1963) (1) Wingate, Sir Francis Reginald, 1st Baronet (1861 - 1953) (1) Wirgman, Theodore Blake (1848-1925) (2) Name All Abbey, Edwin Austin (1852 - 1911) (1) Abosy, Doctor Gyula (3) Acton of Aldenham, Dorothy Lyon-Dalberg-Acton, Baroness [née Dorothy Lyon]; wife of 2nd Baron (1876 - 1923) (1) Agnew, Mrs William Lockett, [née Augusta Isobel Sheil] (1859 - 1922) (1) Agnew, William Lockett (1858 - 1918) (3) Aiken, William (1880-1950) (2) Airlie, Mabell Ogilvy, Countess of [née Lady Mabell Frances Elizabeth Gore]; wife of 11th Earl (1866 - 1956) (2) Albemarle, Arnold Allan Cecil Keppel, 8th Earl of (1858 - 1942) (1) Alberti, Richard (b. 1886) (1) Alcock, The Honourable Mrs Nelson [née the Honourable Evelyn Ethelreda St Aubyn] (1867 - 1934) (1) Alexander, John White (1856 - 1915) (1) Algardi, Alessandro (1598 - 1654) (5) Algeciras, Doña María de las Mercedes de Hoyos y Sanchez, II duquesa de (1904 - 1981) (1) Algeciras, Ricardo López de Carrizosa y Martel, II duque de (1896 - 1982) (1) Alington, Rev Cyril Argentine (1872-1955) (2) Alma-Tadema, Sir Lawrence (1836 - 1912) (6) Almásy, László (1869 - 1936) (1) Ambrozovics, Doctor Dezsö (1) Amery, Leopold Charles Maurice Stennett (1873 - 1955) (2) Amshewitz, John Henry (1882 - 1942) (3) Andrews, Charles William (1866 - 1924) (1) Andri, Ferdinand (1871 - 1956) (1) Anglesey, Victoria Paget, Marchioness of [née Lady Victoria Marjorie Harriet Manners]; wife of 6th Marquess (1883 - 1946) (2) Anivitti, Filippo (1876 - 1955) (2) Anson, Sir William Reynell, 3rd Baronet (1843 - 1914) (1) Aosta, Duchess of [née Princess Irene of Greece and Denmark] (1904 - 1974) (2) Apponyi de Nagyappony, Countess Albert [née Countess Klothilde Wilhelmine von Mensdorff-Pouilly-Dietrichstein] (1867 - 1943) (2) Apponyi, Countess Rudolf [née Baroness Franziska von Holtz; other married name Baroness Carl von Born] (1884 - 1936) (1) Apsley, Allen Algernon Bathurst, Lord (1895 - 1942) (4) Arcioni, Enrico (1875 - 1954) (1) Argenti, Philip Pandély (1891 - 1974) (2) Armstrong, Sir Walter (1850 - 1918) (1) Asher, Florence May (1888 - 1977) (4) Astor of Hever, Lady [née Lady Violet Mary Elliot-Murray-Kynynmound; other married name Lady Charles Petty-Fitzmaurice] (1889 - 1965) (1) Astor, Viscountess [née Nancy Witcher Langhorne; other married name Mrs Robin Gould Shaw II]; wife of 2nd Viscount (1879 - 1964) (2) Astor, Waldorf Astor, 2nd Viscount (1879 - 1952) (1) Athlone, Major General Alexander Cambridge, 1st Earl of, né Prince Alexander of Teck (1874 - 1957) (7) Athlone, Princess Alice of [née Princess Alice of Albany]; wife of 1st Earl (1883 - 1981) (1) Auspitz, Stefan von (1869 - 1945) (2) Austria, Archduchess Friedrich of [née Princess Isabella von Croÿ-Dülmen] (1856 - 1931) (3) Austria, Archduke Franz Ferdinand Carl Ludwig Joseph Maria of (1863 - 1914) (1) Austria, Archduke Josef Franz Leopold Anton Ignatius Maria of (1895 - 1957) (1) Austria, Archduke Joseph August Viktor Klemens Maria of (1872 - 1962) (2) Austria, Elisabeth, Empress of, Queen of Hungary [née Duchess Elisabeth in Bavaria]; Consort of Franz Joseph I (1837 - 1898) (1) Austria, Franz Joseph I, Emperor of, and King of Hungary (1830 - 1916) (6) Austria, Maria Annunciata Archduchess of (1876 - 1961) (1) Bacon, Colonel Robert (1860 - 1919) (1) Baldry, Alfred Lys (1858 - 1939) (14) Baldry, Lieutenant Alfred Francis Hope (1900 - 1964) (3) Baldry, Mrs Alfred Lys [née Annie Lilian Brocklehurst] (1869 - 1940) (1) Baldwin of Bewdley, Countess [née Lucy 'Cissie' Ridsdale] (1869 - 1945) (4) Baldwin of Bewdley, Stanley Baldwin, 1st Earl (1867 - 1947) (7) Balfour of Dawyk, Jean Penelope 'Nemone' (1906 - 1989) (1) Balfour, Arthur James Balfour, 1st Earl of (1848 - 1930) (5) Balló, Ede (1859 - 1936) (10) Balló, Mrs Ede [née Margit Vámossy] (2) Balsan, Mrs Louis-Jacques [née Consuelo Vanderbilt; other married name Consuelo Spencer-Churchill, Duchess of Marlborough] (1877 - 1964) (2) Barclay, Sir Colville Adrian de Rune (1869 - 1929) (1) Bárczy de Bárcziháza, István (1882 - 1952) (35) Bárczy de Bárcziháza, Madame István [née Edit Luczenbacher de Szob] (1888 - 1973) (9) Bárczy, István (1866 - 1943) (3) Barratt, John Arthur (1857-1944) (2) Bartholomé, Albert (1848 - 1928) (1) Bartók, Béla Viktor János (1881 - 1945) (1) Bathurst, Countess [née Lilias Margaret Frances Borthwick] (1871 - 1965) (4) Bathurst, Seymour Henry Bathurst, 7th Earl (1864 - 1943) (3) Batthyány, Count Gyula (1888 - 1959) (1) Bauer, Stefan (1865 - 1934) (1) Bavaria, Prince Regent Luitpold of (1821 - 1912) (1) Behr, Ludwig 'Lajos' (1863 - 1949) (2) Belgium, King Albert I of (1875 - 1934) (1) Belgium, King Leopold II of (1835 - 1909) (1) Belgium, King Leopold III of (1901 - 1983) (2) Belgium, Queen Elisabeth of [née Duchess Elisabeth Valerie in Bavaria]; consort of Albert I (1876 - 1965) (4) Bell, George Kennedy Allen, Bishop of Chichester (1883 - 1958) (2) Bell, Mrs George Kennedy Allen [née Henrietta Millicent Grace Livingstone] (1884 - 1968) (1) Bell, Sir Henry Hesketh Joudou (1864-1952) (1) Bélugou, Léon (1865 - 1934) (1) Benczúr, Gyula (1844 - 1920) (4) Bendir, Mrs Arthur [née Ernestine Marguerite 'Margot' Louise Erskine; other married name Mrs Richard Murray McGusty] (1881 - 1954) (4) Bénédite, Léonce (1859 - 1925) (4) Benjamin-Constant, Jean-Joseph (1845 - 1902) (3) Benlliure Gil, Professor Mariano (1862 - 1947) (4) Benlliure y Gil, José (1855 - 1937) (1) Beresford, Charles William de la Poer Beresford, Baron (1846 - 1919) (4) Berkeley Wills, Gerald (1882 - 1979) (7) Berks, Marie Edle von [née Čop; wife of Hugo Reichsritter von Berks; other married name Mrs Charles Lenger-Marlet] (1859 - 1910) (1) Berrie, John Archibald Alexander (1887 - 1962) (1) Berthelot, Madame Philippe [née Hélène Constance Linder] (1867 - 1955) (2) Berzeviczy de Berzevicze et Kakaslomnicz, Albert (1853 - 1936) (4) Bethlen de Bethlen, Count István (1874 - 1946) (8) Bethlen de Bethlen, Countess István [née Countess Margit Bethlen de Bethlen] (1882 - 1970) (2) Bihari, Sándor (1855 - 1906) (1) Birley, Sir Oswald (1880-1952) (16) Blanche, Jacques-Émile (1861 - 1942) (1) Blandy, Mrs Sydenham Harvey Brancker [née Mary Grace Wills-Sandford-Wills] (1891 - 1987) (2) Bligh, Ada Theodosia (1) Blomfield, Sir Reginald Theodore (1856-1942) (2) Blunt, Lady Harmsworth [née Margaret Hunam Redhead; married names Mrs Cecil Lane, Mrs Esmond Harmsworth, Mrs Thomas Hussey, Lady John Lionel Blunt] (1897 - 1991) (2) Bodkin, Professor Thomas Patrick (1887 - 1961) (1) Bone, Gertrude Helena, Lady [née Dodd] (1876 - 1962) (1) Bone, Sir Muirhead (1876-1953) (1) Bonnat, Léon-Joseph-Florentin (1833 - 1922) (1) Borenius, (carl) Tancred (1885-1948) (4) Bosznay, Istvan (1886-1944) (1) Bottomley, Horatio William (1860 - 1933) (1) Bouvier, Charles (2) Bowen, Clarence Winthrop (1852-1935) (1) Bowes Lyon, The Honourable David (1902 - 1961) (11) Bowes-Lyon, The Honourable Lady [née Rachel Pauline Spender Clay]; wife of The Honourable Sir David (1907 - 1996) (8) Bowlby, Arthur Salvin (1872-1932) (1) Bowlby, Mrs Arthur Salvin [née Catherine Mary Bond] (1875 - 1943) (1) Bowring-Hanbury, Mrs Victor [née Ellen Hamilton; other married name Mrs Robert Hanbury] (1) Boyd, H. A. K. (1) Brace, William (1865 - 1947) (1) Bradshaw, Constance (1872 - 1961) (2) Brangwyn, Sir Frank William (1867-1956) (2) Braun & Cie, Paris (2) Breunner (1) Bridgeman, Mrs Paul [née Alice Kleinwort] (1896 - 1979) (1) Brittain, Sir Henry Ernest 'Harry' (1873 - 1974) (1) Brown, Sir John Alfred Arnesby (1866 - 1955) (1) Bulgaria, King Boris III of (1894 - 1943) (1) Bulgaria, King Ferdinand I of (1861 - 1948) (5) Burghclere of Walden, Herbert Colstoun Gardner, 1st and last Baron (1846 - 1921) (1) Burke, Mrs Edmund A. [née Marguerite 'Daisy' van Riemsdijk; other married name Mrs Samuel J. B. Barnardiston] (1889 - 1968) (1) Burne-Jones, Sir Edward Coley, 1st Baronet (1833 - 1898) (1) Burnham, Harry Lawson Webster Levy-Lawson, 1st Viscount (1862 - 1933) (2) Burrell, Sir Merrik, 7th Bt (1877-1957) (3) Byng of Vimy, Field Marshal Julian Hedworth George Byng, 1st Viscount (1862 - 1935) (1) Cafe, Thomas Watt (1856-1925) (1) Calvocoressi, Mrs George John [née Julia "Queenie" (Pandély) Argenti] (1893 - 1963) (1) Cammaerts, Émile Leon (1878 - 1953) (1) Campbell-Bannerman, Sir Henry (1836 - 1908) (1) Carline, Mrs Sydney William [née Gwendolyn Harter] (b. 1904) (2) Carmichael, Thomas David Gibson-Carmichael, 1st Baron (1859 - 1926) (1) Carnegie, The Right Honourable Sir Lancelot, British Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to Portugal (1861 - 1933) (2) Carnegy (of Lour), Mrs Ughtred Elliott [née Violet Henderson] (1897 - 1965) (1) Carnegy of Lour, Lieutenant Colonel Ughtred Elliott (1886 - 1973) (3) Carnock, Arthur Nicolson, 1st Baron (1849 - 1928) (1) Carson of Duncairn, Edward Henry Carson, 1st Baron (1854 - 1935) (1) Castelfranco [known as Giorgione], Giorgio Barbarelli da (1477/78 - 1510) (2) Castellane, Comtesse Jean de [née Marie Dorothée 'Dolly' de Talleyrand-Périgord, other married name Fürstin Karl Egon IV zu Fürstenberg] (1862 - 1948) (1) Castellane, Count Georges De (1897-1944) (1) Cave, George Cave, 1st Viscount (1856 - 1928) (19) Cavendish-Bentinck, Lieutenant-Colonel Lord Charles (1868 - 1956) (1) Cavendish-Bentinck, Lord Henry (1863 - 1931) (1) Cavendish-Bentinck, Mrs Frederick [née Ruth Mary St Maur] (1867 - 1953) (1) Cecil of Chelwood, Edgar Algernon Robert Gascoyne-Cecil, 1st Viscount [known as Lord Robert Cecil] (1864 - 1958) (1) Chamberlain, Lady Austen [née Ivy Muriel Dundas] (1878 - 1941) (10) Chamberlain, Sir Joseph Austen (1863 - 1937) (11) Chapman, Mrs Cecil [née Adeline Mary Chapman; other married name Mrs Arthur Edward Guest] (1847 - 1931) (1) Charles Russell & Co. (4) Charpentier, Alexandre (1856 - 1909) (1) Charpentier, Jean (1891 - 1976) (3) Chartran, Théobald (1849 - 1907) (1) Chilston, Amy Akers-Douglas, Viscountess [née Jennings-Bramly]; wife of 2nd Viscount (1879 - 1962) (2) Chotek von Chotkowa und Wognin, Count Wolfgang (1860 - 1926) (1) Christie's (3) Clark, Leslie (1890/91 - 1928) (1) Clermont-Tonnerre, Duchesse de [née Elisabeth de Gramont]; wife of 1st duc (1875 - 1954) (1) Cochrane, Carola Maria Rosita Isabel (1896 - 1993) (1) Cochrane, Colonel William Francis Dundonald (1847 - 1927) (1) Cohen, Isaac Michael (1884 - 1951) (2) Coleridge, Samuel Taylor (1772 - 1834) (2) Collier, The Honourable John Maler (1850 - 1934) (6) Conway of Allington, William Martin Conway, 1st and last Baron (1856 - 1937) (7) Cook, Mrs Frank Henry [née Beatrice Elliott Lindell] (1875 - 1953) (1) Coolidge Jr, John Calvin; President of the United States of America (1872 - 1933) (1) Cooper, Bake & Co. (2) Cooper, Sir (Thomas) Edwin (1874 - 1942) (5) Cooper, Sir Richard Ashmole, 2nd Baronet (1874 - 1946) (3) Cope, Sir Arthur Stockdale (1857-1940) (1) Corbin, Charles (1881 - 1970) (1) Corot, Jean-Baptiste-Camille (1796 - 1875) (2) Craig-Brown, Bridget 'Biddy' (1908 - 1993) (1) Craig-Brown, Mrs Ernest [née Constance Ellen Guinness] (1876 - 1964) (7) Crane, Walter (1845 - 1915) (1) Crewe, Marchioness of [née Lady Margaret Etrenne Hannah Primrose]; wife of first and last Marquess (1881 - 1967) (1) Cromer, Rowland Thomas Baring, 2nd Earl of (1877 - 1953) (3) Cromer, Ruby Baring, Countess of [née Lady Ruby Florence Mary Elliot]; wife of 2nd Earl (1886 - 1961) (1) Cross, Mrs Horatio Robert Odo [née Florence Temple Griswold] (1867 - 1937) (2) Csáky de Körösszeg et Adorján, Count Albin (1841 - 1912) (1) Csányi, Károly (1873 - 1955) (1) Csekonics, Count Iván (1876 - 1951) (1) Csók, István (1865 - 1961) (3) Cullen, Frederick (1864 - 1950) (2) Curzon of Kedleston, George Nathaniel Curzon, 1st Marquess, Viceroy of India (1859 - 1925) (3) Czeizner [or Czeisner], Francis [Ferencz] (1) Dahl, Michael (1659 - 1743) (1) Dalziel of Kirkcaldy, (James) Henry Dalziel, 1st Baron (1868 - 1935) (4) Dance, Sir Nathaniel (1735 - 1811) (1) Davson, Lady [née Margot Elinor Glyn] (1893 - 1966) (1) Dawes, General Charles Gates (1865 - 1951) (1) Dawnay, Lady Elizabeth [née Lady Elizabeth Katherine Grey] (1908 - 1941) (1) Dawnay, Lieutenant Colonel Ronald (1908 - 1990) (1) Dawson of Penn, Bertrand Edward Dawson, 1st Viscount (1864 - 1945) (2) Debussy, Claude (1862 - 1918) (1) Defregger, Franz von (1835 - 1921) (1) Degas [né De Gas], Hilaire-Germain-Edgar (1834 - 1917) (1) Derby, Edward George Villiers Stanley, 17th Earl of (1865 - 1948) (2) Déry, Béla (1870 - 1932) (3) Devonport, Hudson Ewbanke Kearley, 1st Viscount (1856 - 1934) (7) Devonport, Selina Kearley, Viscountess [née Selina Chester]; wife of 1st Viscount (1851 - 1931) (3) Devonshire, Victor Christian William Cavendish, 9th Duke of (1868 - 1938) (1) Dewar, Sir Thomas Robert, 1st Baron Dewar (1864 - 1930) (1) Dézarrois, André (1890 - 1979) (4) Dicksee, Sir Francis Bernard (1853 - 1928) (6) Dietrichstein zu Nikolsburg, Countess Hugo Mensdorff-Pouilly, Fürstin von [née Princess Olga Dolgoruky] (1873 - 1946) (1) Diggle, Harry (1) Dike, Mrs Anne Murray (1878 - 1929) (2) Dodgson, Campbell (1867-1948) (2) Dohnányi, Ernő (1877 - 1960) (1) Dongen, Cornelis Theodorus Maria 'Kees' van (1877 - 1968) (1) Douglas, Anabel (1863 - 1946) (1) Douglas, Countess [née Princess Auguste Viktoria von Hohenzollern; other married name Queen Auguste Viktoria of Portugal]; Consort of Manuel II (1890 - 1966) (4) Doumergue, Pierre-Paul-Henri-Gaston (1863 - 1937) (4) Dubonnet, Mrs Paul [née Jean Donaldson; other married names Mrs John Stanley Kirwan; Mrs Winfield Sifton; Mrs John Nash; Princess Mohammed Sabit Bey] (1) Dulac, Edmund [né Edmond] (1882 - 1953) (2) Dumba, Konstantin Graf von (1856 - 1947) (1) Duncan, Mary [married name Mrs Stephen Sanford] (1894 - 1993) (2) East, Sir Alfred (1844-1913) (10) Eddis, Eden Upton (1812 - 1901) (1) Edsall, Percy ( - 1930) (1) Edvi Illés, Aladár (1870 - 1958) (4) Egerer, Gedeon (1) Elek, Arthur (1876 - 1944) (1) Ellenborough, Henry Astell Law, 7th Baron (1889 - 1945) (7) Elphinstone, Lady [née Lady Mary Frances 'May' Bowes Lyon]; wife of 16th Lord (1883 - 1961) (1) Eltz, Countess Thérèse (1902 - 1993) (5) Elwes, Henry John (1846-1922) (1) Emslie, Rosalie (1891 - 1977) (1) Endrey, Sándor (1867 - 1940) (1) Ernst, Lajos (1872 - 1937) (1) Estella, Lieutenant General Miguel Primo de Rivera y Orbaneja, 2nd marqués de (1870 - 1930) (2) Eulenburg und Hertefeld, Philipp Fürst zu (1847 - 1921) (1) Eulenburg, Augusta Alexandrine Gräfin zu [married name Mrs Edmund Jaroljmek] (1882 - 1974) (1) Fadrusz, János (1858 - 1903) (1) Fairbanks, Douglas Elton [né Douglas Elton Thomas Ullman] (1883 - 1939) (1) Falls, Mrs John Alex Wright [née Mary Katherine Guinness] (1866 - 1923) (1) Farkas, Béla Pankotai (1885 - 1945) (2) Fellowes, The Honourable Mrs Reginald [née Marguerite 'Daisy' Séverine Philippine Decazes de Glücksberg] (1890 - 1962) (1) Fenyő, György (1904 - 1978) (1) Ferard, Arthur George (1858-1943) (4) Festetics de Tolna, Prince György Tasziló József (1882 - 1941) (2) Festetics, Prince Tasziló (1850 - 1933) (5) Finlay, William Finlay, 2nd Viscount (1875 - 1945) (1) Fleischer, Richard (1849 - 1937) (2) Fleischl, Doctor Paul (1892 - 1976) (1) Fleischl, Mrs Paul [née Hedwig "Hedy" Reif; other married name Mrs Ernst Schwarz] (1892 - 1968) (1) Fleming, Robert (1845-1933) (1) Fleuriau, Aimé-Joseph de (1870 - 1938) (1) Fleury, Comte Serge (1885 - 1973) (2) Flint, Sir William Russell (1880-1969) (1) Fohn, Emanuel (1881-1966) (4) Földi, Mihály (1894 - 1943) (1) Földi, Mrs Mihály (1) Földváry, Emma (1) Fontenay, Madame Joseph, styled vicomtesse de Fontenay [née Renée Pichon] (1870 - 1952) (2) Forkum, Mrs [née Eileen Abernethy] (1) Forres of Glenogil, Agnes Freda Williamson, Lady [née Herschell]; wife of 1st Baron (1881 - 1942) (1) Forster, Baron Gyula (1846-1932) (5) Fowler, Robert (1853 - 1926) (2) Fraknói, Bishop Vilmos, Titular Bishop of Arbe, né Wilhelm Frankl (1843 - 1924) (3) France, Eugénie, Empress of [née Doña María Eugenia de Palafox y Kirkpatrick]; Consort of Napoléon III (1826 - 1920) (1) Franckenstein, Sir George [formerly Baron Georg von Franckenstein] (1873 - 1953) (1) Franz Dury (2) Fraser-Simson, Harold (1872 - 1944) (1) French Gallery (7) Freyberg, Bernard Cyril Freyberg, 1st Baron (1889 - 1963) (1) Frim de Körmend, Mrs Jakab [née Anna Goldreich] (1852 - 1944) (4) Fuchs, Emil (1866 - 1929) (1) Fürstenberg, Princess Karl-Emil von [née Countess Mária 'May' Festetics de Tolna] (1881 - 1953) (1) Gainsborough, Thomas (1727 - 1788) (7) Galambos, Doctor Pál [formerly Grünbaum] (1862 - 1931) (2) Galerie Georges Petit (1) Garvan, Francis Patrick (1875 - 1937) (1) Gauguin, Eugène Henri Paul (1848 - 1903) (1) Gellért, Aranka (1) Gennadius, Johannes, Greek Ambassador at the Court of St James’s (1844 - 1932) (1) Gennadius, Mrs Joannes [née Florence Elizabeth Laing; other married name Mrs Edward Kennedy] (1855 - 1952) (1) Gerliczy-Burián, Baron Félix de (1885 - 1954) (2) German Emperor, Wilhelm II, King of Prussia (1859 - 1941) (4) Germany, Empress of, Queen of Prussia [née Princess Auguste Victoria von Schleswig-Holstein]; consort of Wilhelm II (1858 - 1921) (1) Gien, Germaine (1) Gilbert, Sir Alfred (1854 - 1934) (3) Gill, Sir Charles Frederick (1851 - 1923) (2) Glatter, Gyula (1886 - 1927) (1) Glatz, Oszkár (1872 - 1958) (1) Glehn, Wilfrid Gabriel de (1870 - 1951) (1) Glover, John (1767 - 1849) (1) Gömbös, Gyula (1886 - 1936) (6) Goodhart-Rendel, Harry Stuart (1887 - 1959) (1) Gordon, Lady Duff [née Lucy Christiana 'Lucile' Sutherland; other married name Mrs James S. Wallace] (1862 - 1935) (1) Görgei, General Artúr (1818 - 1916) (1) Gould, Alexander Carruthers (1870 - 1948) (1) Gower, Sir Robert (1880 - 1953) (1) Gramont, Antoine XI-Agénor, 11th duc de (1851 - 1925) (2) Gramont, Antoine XII-Armand, 12th duc de; styled duc de Guiche (1879 - 1962) (40) Gramont, Antoine XIII-Henri, 13th duc de (1907 - 1995) (1) Gramont, Duchesse de [née baronne Marguerite-Alexandrine von Rothschild]; wife of 11th duc (1855 - 1905) (1) Gramont, Duchesse de [née Donna Maria Ruspoli]; wife of 11th duc (1888 - 1976) (1) Gramont, Duchesse de [née Elaine Hélène de Greffulhe]; wife of 12th duc (1882 - 1958) (3) Gramont, Madame Louis-René de, styled comtesse de Gramont [née Antoinette de Rochechouart-Montemart] (1893 - 1973) (1) Granger-Taylor, Edith (1887 - 1958) (1) Great Britain and Ireland, Queen Victoria of (1819 - 1901) (1) Great Britain, King Edward VII of (1841 - 1910) (4) Great Britain, King Edward VIII of, né Edward Albert Christian George, Prince of Wales; other title The Duke of Windsor (1894 - 1972) (9) Great Britain, King George V of (1865 - 1936) (17) Great Britain, King George VI of, né Albert Frederick Arthur George, Duke of York (1895 - 1952) (5) Great Britain, Prince Arthur of; 1st Duke of Connaught and Strathearn; son of Queen Victoria (1850 - 1942) (4) Great Britain, Prince George of; 1st Duke of Kent (1902 - 1942) (6) Great Britain, Prince Henry of; Duke of Gloucester (1900 - 1974) (2) Great Britain, Princess Henry of Battenberg [née Princess Beatrice Mary Victoria Feodore of Great Britain]; daughter of Queen Victoria (1857 - 1944) (6) Great Britain, Queen Alexandra of [née Princess Alexandra of Denmark]; consort of Edward VII (1844 - 1925) (4) Great Britain, Queen Elizabeth II of, née Princess Elizabeth of York (1926 - 2022) (1) Great Britain, Queen Elizabeth, The Queen Mother of [née Lady Elizabeth Angela Marguerite Bowes Lyon]; Consort of George VI (1900 - 2002) (5) Great Britain, Queen Mary of [née Princess Victoria Mary of Teck] (1867 - 1953) (4) Greece and Denmark, Prince Andrew of (1882 - 1944) (2) Greece and Denmark, Prince Nicholas of (1872 - 1938) (2) Greece and Denmark, Princess Andrew of [née Princess Alice of Battenberg] (1885 - 1969) (3) Greece and Denmark, Princess Nicholas of [née Grand Duchess Helen Vladimirovna of Russia] (1882 - 1957) (2) Greece, Constantine I of, King of the Hellenes (1868 - 1923) (2) Greece, George II of, King of the Hellenes (1890 - 1947) (3) Greece, Queen Sophia of [née Princess of Prussia]; consort of Constantine I (1870 - 1932) (2) Greenwood, Hamar Greenwood, 1st Viscount (1870 - 1948) (1) Greffulhe, Comtesse Henry [née comtesse Elisabeth de Caraman-Chimay] (1860 - 1952) (2) Gregory, Edward John (1850 - 1909) (2) Grey, Countess [née Lady Mabel Laura Georgiana Palmer]; wife of 5th Earl (1884 - 1958) (1) Grundy, Cecil Reginald (1870 - 1944) (1) Guest, Arthur Rhuvon (1869 - 1946) (2) Guest, Mrs Arthur Rhuvon [née Hilda Eugenia Stewart] (1868 - 1959) (1) Guinness, Eustace (1860 - 1901) (1) Guinness, Eva Frances (1868 - 1930) (24) Guinness, George Francis Howard (1915-1931) (1) Guinness, Henrietta (1848 - 1925) (1) Guinness, Henry Samuel Howard (1888 - 1975) (3) Guinness, Howard Rundell (1868-1937) (9) Guinness, Mrs H. Samuel [née Alfhild Holter] (1890 - 1983) (3) Guinness, Mrs Henry [née Emelina 'Amy' Brown] (1829 - 1906) (2) Guinness, Mrs Kenelm Lee [née Josephine 'Posy' Strangman] (1901 - 1989) (1) Guinness, Mrs Robert Noel [née Mary 'Molly' Stokes] (1870 - 1939) (2) Guinness, Richard Noel (1870 - 1960) (2) Guise, Duchesse de [née Isabelle Marie Laure Mercédès Ferdinande d'Orléans] (1878 - 1961) (3) Guthrie, Sir James (1859 - 1930) (3) H. W. Cashmore & Co. Ltd. (1) Hadow, Sir William Henry (1859 - 1937) (1) Haig, Field Marshal Douglas Haig, 1st Earl (1861 - 1928) (1) Haldane, Professor John Scott (1860 - 1936) (1) Haldane, Richard Burdon Haldane, 1st Viscount (1856 - 1928) (2) Hall VII, John (1870 - 1930) (2) Hall VII, Mrs John [née Jean Isobel Nesbitt] (1888 - 1971) (2) Halmi, Artúr Lajos (1866 - 1939) (1) Hals, Frans (c.1582 - 1666) (1) Ham Kenny, Guillermo (1859 - 1928) (1) Hambleden, William Frederick Danvers Smith, 2nd Viscount (1868 - 1928) (2) Hamilton, Vereker Monteith (1856 - 1931) (1) Hampel, Mrs József [née Polixénia Pulszky] (1857 - 1921) (1) Hanak, Anton (1875 - 1934) (1) Hankinson, Reverend Fred (1875 - 1960) (3) Hannen, Lancelot (1860 - 1942) (1) Harcourt Smith, Sir Cecil (1859 - 1944) (4) Harkányi, Baron János (1859 - 1938) (4) Harmenszoon van Rijn, Rembrandt (1606 - 1669) (3) Harris, Henry 'Bogey' (c. 1870 - 1950) (1) Harvey, George Brinton McClellan (1864 - 1928) (1) Harwood, Frederick (1907 - 1950) (4) Hechler, Professor The Reverend William Henry (1845 - 1931) (2) Helmore, Mrs W. Francklyn [née Charlotte Eyre Thompson] (1) Helmore, Wilfred Francklyn (1881-1945) (1) Henschel, Elizabeth Georgina (1910 - 1992) (2) Herczeg, Ferenc (1863 - 1954) (6) Herkomer, Sir Hubert Von (1849-1914) (8) Heron-Allen, Armorel (1908 - 1930) (5) Herz, Eugene (1875 - 1944) (1) Hesse and by Rhine, Ernst Ludwig, Grand Duke of (1868 - 1937) (2) Hewart, Gordon Hewart, 1st Viscount (1870 - 1943) (2) Hicks, Sir (Edward) Seymour (1871 - 1949) (3) High, Sir William; Lord Provost of Dundee (1857 - 1934) (1) Hill, Mrs Charles Frederick, née Ethel Mary Guinness (1861 - 1940) (3) Hitler, Adolf (1889 - 1945) (2) Hodge, Marjorie (1) Hoffman, Zelia Krumbhaar [née Preston] (1867 - 1929) (4) Hoffmann, Josef (1870 - 1956) (1) Hohenzollern, Fürstin Leopold von [née Princess Antonia de Braganza, Infanta of Portugal] (1845 - 1913) (2) Hohenzollern, Fürstin Wilhelm von [née Princess Maria Teresa Bourbon-Two Sicilies] (1867 - 1909) (4) Hohenzollern, Wilhelm Fuerst Von (1864-1927) (1) Holbein the Younger, Hans (c. 1497 - 1543) (3) Holl, Frank (1845 - 1888) (1) Holme, Charles (1848-1923) (5) Hóman, Bálint (1885 - 1953) (4) Hoover, Herbert; President of the United States of America (1874 - 1964) (2) Hoppner, John (1758 - 1810) (2) Horlick, Lady [née Flora Macdonald Martin]; wife of 4th Baronet (1888 - 1955) (1) Horn, Árpád (4) Horovitz, Leopold (1837 - 1917) (3) Horthy de Nagybánya, Admiral Miklós, Regent of Hungary (1868 - 1957) (23) Horthy de Nagybánya, Madame Miklós [née Magdolna Purgly de Jószás] (1818 - 1959) (4) Houghton, Mrs Alanson B. [née Adelaide Louise Wellington] (1867 - 1945) (1) Howard of Penrith, Esmé William Howard, 1st Baron (1863 - 1939) (2) Hubay de Szalatnya, Jenő (1858 - 1937) (3) Hubay-Cebrián, Andor de (1898 - 1971) (3) Hubbard, Eric Hesketh (1892-1957) (2) Hubbard, The Honourable Evelyn (1852 - 1934) (1) Humières, Comte André d' (1) Hunter-Weston, Lady [née Grace Strang Steel]; wife of Lieutenant-General Sir Aylmer (1884 - 1954) (1) Hunter-Weston, Lieutenant-General Sir Aylmer (1864 - 1940) (2) Hutchinson & Co. (3) Hutchinson, Sir George (1) Illés, Antal (1872 - 1911) (1) Inchcape, James Lyle Mackay, 1st Earl of (1852 - 1932) (1) Incorporated Association of Architects and Surveyors (1) Infantado, La duquesa del [née doña Isabel Falguera y Moreno, condesa de Santa Isabel] (1) Inge, Doctor William Ralph (1860 - 1954) (1) Ingpen, Roger (1868-1956) (2) Ingram, Sir Bruce Stirling (1877 - 1963) (1) Israëls, Jozef (1824 - 1911) (1) Italy, King Victor Emmanuel III of, né Prince of Naples (1869 - 1947) (2) Italy, Queen Marie-José of [née Princess Marie-José of Belgium]; consort of Umberto II (1906 - 2001) (1) Iványi-Grünwald, Béla (1867 - 1940) (2) Iveagh, Edward Cecil Guinness, 1st Earl of (1847 - 1927) (1) Iveagh, Rupert Edward Cecil Lee Guinness, 2nd Earl of (1874 - 1967) (1) Jack, Richard (1866 - 1952) (2) James, The Honourable Mrs Bernard Ramsden [née The Honourable Angela Mary Kay-Shuttleworth] (1872 - 1967) (2) Jamieson, R. Kirkland (1881-1950) (2) Janssen, August (2) Jellicoe, John, 1st Earl Jellicoe (1859 - 1935) (1) Jenkins, Frederick (4) Jerome, Jerome Klapka (1859 - 1927) (3) John Greenwood Ltd. (4) John P. White & Sons Ltd. (9) John, Augustus Edwin (1878 - 1961) (15) Johnson, Mrs Aymar [née Marian Hoffman] (1) Jordaens, Jacob (Jacques) (1593 - 1678) (1) Jungmann, Nico (1872-1935) (1) Káldy, Gyula (1) Kánya, Kálmán de (1869 - 1945) (1) Kara-Georgevitch, Princess Alexis [née Myra 'Daria' Pankhurst; other married names Mrs Herbert Wright and Mrs Thomas Huger Pratt] (1859 - 1938) (1) Karlovszky, Bertalan (1858 - 1938) (6) Katona, Nándor (1864 - 1932) (1) Kaulbach, Friedrich August von (1850 - 1920) (1) Kautsch, Mrs Heinrich [née Amelie Radio von Radiis] (1) Kazy, József (1856 - 1923) (1) Kellogg, The Honourable Frank Billings, American Ambassador to the Court of St. James's (1856 - 1937) (1) Kelly, Robert George Talbot (1861 - 1934) (1) Kendrick, Mrs Sydney (7) Kendrick, Sydney Percy (1874 - 1955) (12) Kent, Duchess of [née Princess Marina of Greece and Denmark]; wife of 1st Duke (1906 - 1968) (1) Kertész, Robert K. (1876 - 1951) (2) Kestranek, Paul (c. 1900 - 1925) (3) Kestranek, Wilhelm 'Vilmos' (1863 - 1925) (3) Keyes, Lieutenant-Colonel Geoffrey Charles Tasker (1917 - 1941) (1) Kézdi-Kovács, Elemér (1898 - 1976) (4) Kézdi-Kovács, László (1864 - 1942) (1) Kézdi-Kovács, Lóránt (1897 - 1916) (1) Khuen-Héderváry, Count Sándor (1881 - 1947) (2) Kisfaludi Strobl, Zsigmond (1884-1975) (7) Klebelsberg de Thumburg, Count Kunó von (1875 - 1932) (4) Klimt, Gustav (1862 - 1918) (1) Kneller, Sir Godfrey, 1st Baronet (1646 - 1723) (1) Knollys, Francis Knollys, 1st Viscount (1837-1924) (1) Knox, Sir Geoffrey George (1884 - 1958) (1) Kodály, Zoltán (1882 - 1967) (1) Konrad Barth & Comp. (1) Kontuly, Béla (1904 - 1983) (1) Koppay, József Arpád von (1) Körmendi-Frim, Jenő (1886 - 1959) (1) Kornfeld, Baroness Sigmund [nee Betty?] (2) Körösfői-Kriesch, Aladár (1863 - 1920) (1) Kossuth, Ferenc (1841 - 1914) (3) Kossuth, Lajos (1802 - 1894) (1) Kozma, Andor (1861 - 1933) (3) Krämer, Gyula ( - 1945) (19) Krämer, Madame Gyula [née Róza Laub]; the Artists's Sister (1868 - 1919) (3) Krämer, Madame Gyula [née Szeréna Laub; other married name Madame Antal László]; the Artist's Sister (1866 - c.1935) (42) Krämer, Sandor (1896 - 1963) (3) Kreisler, Friedrich "Fritz" (1875 - 1962) (1) Kuh, Frau Heinrich von [née Felicia 'Fela' Rapoport von Porada] (1873 - 1959) (2) Kupelwieser, Paul (1843 - 1919) (1) Laborde, Felix Alexandre Jean Léon, Marquis de (1877 - 1966) (1) Laborde, Pauline Leon, Marquise de [née Pauline de Rafelis de Saint Sauveur] (1876 - 1954) (1) Laguiche, Alix Jeanne Victurnien, Marquise de [née Princesse Alix Jeanne Marie d'Arenberg] (1869 - 1924) (1) Laib, Paul Ferdinand Anton (1869-1958) (11) Lakos, Gábor (7) Lakos, Madame Gábor [née Ilona 'Ilonka' Krämer] (1893 - 1964) (19) Lambourne, Amelius Mark Richard Lockwood (né Wood), 1st Baron (1847 - 1928) (1) Lanckoroński, Countess Karol [née Princess Malgorzata Lichnowsky] (1863 - 1954) (1) Lánczy, Leó [né Lazarsfeld] (1852 - 1921) (1) Landseer, Sir Edwin Henry (1802 - 1873) (1) Lane, Hugh (1875 - 1915) (1) Lang of Lambeth, Doctor Cosmo Gordon Lang, Archbishop of Canterbury, 1st Baron (1864 - 1945) (3) Lang, Mrs Leslie [née Victoria 'Torie' Shute; other married name Mrs Alexander Scott-Kilvert] (1881 - 1963) (1) Lansdowne, Henry Charles Keith Petty-Fitzmaurice, 5th Marquis of (1845 - 1927) (1) Lansdowne, Henry William Edmund Petty-Fitzmaurice, 6th Marquis of (1872 - 1936) (1) Laptew, Constantin (1) Larisch-Moennich, Count Heinrich von (1850 - 1918) (2) Laszlo, Christopher de (1936) (1) Laszlo, Eva Johanna de (1903 - 1903) (4) Laszlo, Henry Guinness de (1901 - 1967) (62) László, János ( - 1917) (2) Laszlo, John Adolphus de (1912 - 1990) (85) László, Marczell 'Marczi' (1871 - 1940) (23) Laszlo, Michael de (1935) (4) Laszlo, Mrs Henry Guinness de [née Violet Staub] (1900 - 1989) (17) László, Mrs Marczell 'Marczi' [née Irma Witzinger] (1885) (6) Laszlo, Mrs Patrick de [née Deborah Hamar Greenwood] (1917 - 1980) (1) Laszlo, Mrs Paul de [née Josephine de Vavasour McConnell] (1906 - 1982) (9) Laszlo, Mrs Philip Alexius De [nee Lucy Madeleine Guinness] (1870-1950) Laszlo, John Adolphus De (1912-1990) (1) László, Mrs Philip de [née Lucy Madeleine Guinness] (1870 - 1950) (258) Laszlo, Mrs Stephen de [née (Edith Alexandra) Diana von Versen] (1906 - 1938) (21) Laszlo, Patrick David de (1909 - 1980) (71) Laszlo, Paul Leonardo de (1906 - 1983) (65) László, Philip Alexius de (1869 - 1937) (727) Laszlo, Philip Richard de (1934 - 2014) (12) Laszlo, Stephen Philip de (1904 - 1939) (98) Laub, Adolf; the Artist's Father ( - 1904) (3) Laub, Madame Adolf [née Johanna 'Janka' Goldreich] ( - 1915) (7) Lauderdale, Gwendoline Maitland, Countess of [née Gwendoline Lucy Vaughan-Williams]; wife of 14th Earl (c. 1869 - 1929) (1) Lavery, Sir John (1856 - 1941) (23) Law, Andrew Bonar (1858 - 1923) (2) Lawrence, C. E. (Charles Edward) (1870 - 1940) (1) Lawrence, Sir Thomas (1769 - 1830) (6) Lázár, Doctor Béla (1869 - 1950) (3) Lebel, Hermann (1) Lechner, Ödön (1845 - 1914) (1) Lee of Fareham, Arthur Hamilton Lee, Viscount (1868 - 1947) (6) Lee of Fareham, Viscountess [née Ruth Moore]; wife of 1st Viscount (1869 - 1966) (3) Lefebvre, Jules Joseph (1836 - 1911) (3) Legh, The Honourable Hilda Margaret (1892 - 1970) (1) Légrády, Doctor Ottó (12) Lehrs, Professor Max (1855 - 1938) (2) Leipnik, Doctor Ferdinand L. (1869) (2) Lely, Sir Peter (1618 - 1680) (1) Lenbach, Franz von (1836 - 1904) (3) Leo XIII, Pope, né Vincent Joachim Pecci (1810 - 1903) (1) Leschetizky, Theodor (1830 - 1915) (1) Leverhulme, William Hesketh Lever, 1st Viscount (1851 - 1925) (25) Lewis, Alfred Neville (1895 - 1972) (1) Liechtenstein, Prince Aloys von und zu (1869 - 1955) (1) Liechtenstein, Prince Friedrich von (1871 - 1959) (1) Liedekerke, Countess Raoul de [née Countess Marie de Hemricourt de Grunne] (1877 - 1968) (1) Liezen-Mayer, Professor Sándor von (1839 - 1898) (2) Lippich de Korongh, Elek (1862 - 1924) (2) Lippich, Gusztáv (1848 - 1915) (1) Litkey, György (1907 - 1975) (1) Little, Gerrard Eleanor (c. 1868 - 1957) (7) Littlejohns, John (1874 - 1955) (2) Livingstone, Dorothy 'Doll' (2) Livingstone, Sir Richard Winn (1880-1960) (1) Lloyd George of Dwyfor, David Lloyd George, 1st Earl (1863 - 1945) (2) Lobre, Maurice (1862 - 1951 ) (2) Londonderry, Charles Stewart Henry Vane-Tempest-Stewart, 7th Marquess of (1878 - 1949) (3) Londonderry, Edith Helen Vane-Tempest-Stewart, Marchioness of [previously Viscountess Castlereagh, née the Honourable Edith Chaplin]; wife of 7th Marquess (1878 - 1959) (7) Longworth, Mrs Nicholas [née Alice Roosevelt] (1894 - 1980) (1) Lothian, Philip Henry Kerr, 11th Marquess of (1882 - 1940) (1) Lotz, Károly (1833 - 1904) (2) Lowther, Lady [née Alice Blight]; wife of 1st Baronet (1873 - 1939) (1) Lühnsdorf, Károly (1893 - 1958) (2) Luke, Mrs David Lincoln [née Bessie Carroll Anderson] (1871 - 1940) (1) Lyautey, Madame Louis Hubert [née Inès de Bourgoing] (1862 - 1953) (1) Lyautey, Maréchal Louis Hubert (1854 - 1934) (3) Lyttelton, Dame Edith Sophy [née Balfour; wife of The Right Honourable Alfred] (1865 - 1948) (2) M. Knoedler & Co. (6) Macbeth, Mrs W. Gilchrist [née Winifred Emily Morrice] (1898 - 1971) (3) Macbeth, William Gilchrist (1882 - 1948) (1) MacDonald, James Ramsay (1866 - 1937) (3) Macfall, Chambers Haldane Cooke (1860 - 1928) (1) MacKinnon, Sir Frank Douglas (1871 - 1946) (1) Maclean, Alexander (1867 - 1940) (3) Majorelle, Jacques (1886 - 1962) (1) Malcolm, Sir Ian Zachary (1868-1944) (1) Mann, Harrington (1864 - 1937) (5) Manson, James Bolivar (1879 - 1945) (5) Manyai, József (b. 1875) (2) Marconi, Marchesa [née Countess Maria Cristina Bezzi-Scali] (1900 - 1994) (1) Marconi, Marchese Guglielmo (1874-1937) (1) Márk, Lajos (1867 - 1940) (2) Marlborough, Charles Richard John Spencer-Churchill, 9th Duke of (1871 - 1934) (2) Marone, Contessa Enrico [née doña María Cristina de Borbón y Battenberg, Infanta of Spain; daughter of Alfonso XIII] (1911 - 1996) (1) Marriott, Albert E. [pseud., né Netley Lucas] (c. 1903 - 1940) (2) Marsick, Martin Pierre Joseph (1847 - 1924) (1) Martin, Carew (1) Martineau, Lady Alice [née Alice Margaret Vaughan-Williams]; wife of Sir Philip Hubert Martineau (c. 1865 - 1956) (1) Mashanaglass, Valentine Emmanuel Patrick MacSwiney, Marquis of (1871 - 1945) (2) Mataja, Viktor (1857 - 1934) (2) Mathew, Major-General Sir Charles Massy (1866 - 1932) (2) Mauclair, Camille, né Séverin Faust (1872 - 1945) (4) Maugham, William Somerset (1874 - 1965) (2) Maurois, André [né Émile Salomon Wilhelm Herzog] (1885 - 1967) (4) Max-Müller, Lady [née Wanda Maria Heiberg] (1883 - 1970) (1) McEvoy, Ambrose (1877 - 1927) (4) McGurk, Jonce Irwin (1875 - 1947) (1) McKenna, Reginald (1863 - 1943) (3) Mechlin, Miss Leila (1874-1949) (1) Medina de Barros, Henrique (1901 - 1988) (2) Mehoffer, Józef (1869 - 1946) (2) Melchett, Alfred Moritz Mond, 1st Baron (1868 - 1930) (2) Meller, Doctor Simon (1875 - 1949) (1) Mellon, Andrew William (1855-1937) (3) Mendlik, Oszkár (1871 - 1963) (1) Mensdorff-Pouilly-Dietrichstein, Count Albert von (1861 - 1945) (5) Merenberg, Count Georg Nikolaus von (1871 - 1948) (1) Merenberg, Countess Georg von [née Princess Olga Alexandrovna Yurievskaya] (1874 - 1925) (1) Meszöly, Géza (1844 - 1887) (2) Metzner, Franz (1870 - 1919) (1) Meyendorff, Baroness Conrad von [née Nadezhda 'Nadine' Vladimirnova Louguinine] (1881 - 1930) (1) Milford Haven, Lady Mountbatten, Marchioness of, formerly Princess Louis of Battenberg; née Princess Victoria Alberta of Hesse; wife of 1st Marquess (1863 - 1950) (2) Millais, Sir John Everett Millais, 1st Baronet (1829 - 1896) (8) Millard, Emily Phillips (1) Millington-Drake, Lady [née Effie Mackay]; wife of Sir John Millington-Drake (1894 - 1984) (1) Minnigerode, Mrs Cuthbert Powell [née Esther Gordon] (1877 - 1950) (1) Minto, Mary Elliot-Murray-Kynynmound, Countess of [née Mary Caroline Grey]; wife of 4th Earl (1858 - 1940) (2) Monaco, Prince Louis II of (1870 - 1949) (2) Monaco, Prince Pierre of; Duke de Valentinois, né Count Pierre De Polignac; consort of Princess Charlotte (1895 - 1964) (1) Monaco, Princess Charlotte of, duchesse de Valentinois, née Charlotte Juliette Louvet (1898 - 1977) (1) Montesquiou-Fésenzac, Comte Robert de (1855 - 1921) (1) Montgomery, Sir Charles Hubert (1876 - 1942) (1) Moore, Faith (c.1879-1944) (1) Mordano, Dino Grandi, Count of (1895 - 1988) (1) Moreno y de Herrera, VII Conde de los Andes, Francisco "Paco" de Asís (1909 - 1978) (1) Moreno y Zuleta de los Reales, VI Conde de los Andes, Marqués de Mortara, Francisco de Asís (1880 - 1963) (1) Morley, Robert (1857-1941) (1) Moser, Koloman (1868 - 1918) (1) Mostyn, Thomas Edwin (1864 - 1930) (1) Mottistone, John Edward Bernard Seely, 1st Baron (1868 - 1947) (1) Moyne, Evelyn Guinness, Lady [née Lady Evelyn Hilda Stuart Erskine]; wife of 1st Baron (1882 - 1939) (5) Moyne, Walter Edward Guinness, 1st Baron (1880 - 1944) (4) Mun, Comtesse Marguerite Marie de [married name madame Jacques Patrick Hennessy] (1877 - 1970) (1) Munkácsy, Mihály (1844 - 1900) (4) Munnings, Sir Alfred James (1878 - 1959) (1) Münz, Sigmund (1859 - 1934) (5) Murray, Lieutenant-Colonel Sir Malcolm Donald (1867 - 1938) (1) Murray, Professor George Gilbert Aimé (1866 - 1957) (2) Mussolini, Benito (1883-1945) (3) Myddelton, Lady Margaret [née Lady Margaret Elizabeth Mercer Nairne] (1910 - 2003) (1) Myrbach, Felician (1853 - 1940) (1) Nagy, Sándor (1869 - 1950) (1) Nagykároly, Gyula Count Károlyi de (1871 - 1947) (1) Návay, Lenke Földeáki (1857 - 1918) (2) Nelson Duggan, Juan Diego “Jack” (1891 - 1985) (1) Nelson, Mrs Thomas [née Janet (Jessie) Kemp] (1846 - 1919) (1) Nemes, Marczell de [né Moses Klein] (1866 - 1930) (1) Nethersole, Olga Isabel (1870-1951) (15) Nettlefold, Frederick John (1867 - 1949) (2) Nevinson, Christopher Richard Wynne (1889 - 1946) (1) Newton, Thomas Wodehouse Legh, 2nd Baron (1857 - 1942) (2) Nicotra, Archbishop Sebastiano (1855 - 1929) (2) Noailles, Hélie Guillaume Hubert de (1871 - 1932) (1) Norfolk, Bernard Marmaduke Fitzalan-Howard, 16th Duke of (1908 - 1975) (1) Northcliffe, Alfred Charles William Harmsworth, 1st Viscount (1865 - 1922) (2) Northumberland, Alan Ian Percy, 8th Duke of (1880 - 1930) (1) Northumberland, Helen Percy, Duchess of [née Lady Helen Magdalen Gordon-Lennox]; wife of 8th Duke (1886 - 1965) (2) Norton-Griffiths, Sir John, 1st Baronet (1871 - 1930) (2) Norway, King Olav V of, né Prince Alexander of Denmark (1903 - 1991) (1) Nowell, Arthur Trevethin (1862 - 1940) (1) Nyári, Doctor Sándor (1861 - 1915) (1) O'Brien, (William) Dermod (1865 - 1945) (1) O'Neill, The Honourable Arthur Edward Bruce (1876 - 1914) (1) Ochs, Adolph Simon (1858 - 1935) (2) Onslow, Countess of [née the Honourable Violet Marcia Catherine Warwick Bampfylde]; wife of 5th Earl (1884 - 1954) (1) Onslow, Richard William Alan Onslow, 5th Earl of (1876 - 1945) (1) Orbán, Mrs Charles d' [née Constance Emily Hill] (1890 - 1941) (5) Orchardson, Sir William Quiller (1832 - 1910) (6) Orpen, Major Sir William Newenham Montague (1878 - 1931) (15) Orsenigo, The Most Reverend Cesare Vincenzo (1873 - 1946) (1) Oss, Tom W. van (1901 - 1941) (1) Ouless, Walter William (1848 - 1933) (1) Oxford and Asquith, Herbert Henry Asquith, 1st Earl of (1852 - 1928) (6) P. & D. Colnaghi and Obach (3) Paál, László (1846 - 1879) (6) Pagenstecher, Doctor Adolf Friedrich Hermann (1877 - 1959) (3) Pagenstecher, Frau Adolf [née Irma Henriette Adelmann von Adelmannsfelden] (1884 - 1946) (4) Palmer, Sir Frederick (1862-1934) (1) Parker, Sir Karl Theodore (1895 - 1992) (1) Parma, Princess Elie de Bourbon, Duchess of [née Archduchess Maria-Anna of Austria-Teschen] (1882 - 1940) (1) Partridge, Reverend Frank, Bishop of Portsmouth (1877 - 1941) (1) Patiala, Sir Bhupinder Singh, Maharaja of (1891 - 1938) (1) Patry, Edward (1856-1940) (6) Paur, Géza (1870 - 1945) (4) Peacock, Ralph (1868 - 1946) (1) Pedder, Sir John (1869 - 1956) (1) Pegram, Henry (1862 - 1937) (1) Pembroke and Montgomery, Beatrix Herbert, Countess of [née Lady Beatrix Louisa Lambton]; wife of 14th Earl of Pembroke, 11th Earl of Montgomery (1859 - 1944) (1) Pentelei Molnár, János (1878 - 1924) (1) Petrovics [Petrovich], Elek (1873 - 1945) (8) Phillips, Thomas (1770 - 1845) (1) Philpot, Glyn Warren (1884 - 1937) (1) Phipps, Colonel P. R. ( - 1932) (3) Pica, Vittorio (1862 - 1930) (1) Pirie, Sir George (1863 - 1946) (2) Pius XI, Pope, né Achille Ambrogio Damiano Ratti (1857 - 1939) (1) Pless, Daisy, Princess of [née Mary Theresa Olivia Cornwallis-West]; wife of Hans Heinrich XV (1873 - 1943) (1) Polákovits, Madame Mátyás [née Hermina ´Minus´ Schlesinger] (1862 - 1954) (1) Pollak, Doctor Ludwig (1868 - 1943) (1) Ponsonby, Mrs Arthur [née Baroness Anne Marie von Slatin; other married name Princess George Galitzine] (1916 - 2007) (7) Porritt, Arthur (1) Portland, William John Arthur Charles James Cavendish-Bentinck, 6th Duke of (1857 - 1943) (5) Portland, Winifred Anna Cavendish-Bentinck, Duchess of [née Dallas-Yorke]; wife of 6th Duke (1863 - 1954) (2) Portugal, King Manuel II of (1889 - 1932) (1) Potocki, Count Józef Alfred (1895 - 1968) (1) Potocki, Countess Józef [nee Princess Hélène Radziwill] (1874 - 1958) (1) Power, Albert G. (1881 - 1945) (1) Praga, Alfred (1867 - 1949) (1) Preetorius II, Wilhelm (1852 - 1924) (1) Preetorius, Frau Wilhelm [née Marie Emilie Friederike Michell] (1857 - 1934) (1) Preszly, Elemér (1877 - 1971) (1) Preziosi, Gabriele (1884 - 1952) (1) Price [married name Mrs Charles Maude], Nancy (1880 - 1970) (1) Public Collection, Tate Britain, London (8) Pulszky de Cselfalva et Lubócz, Ferenc Aurél (1814 - 1897) (1) Pulszky, Károly (1853 - 1899) (1) Quigley, Arthur G. (1) Quittner de Vágfalva, Zsigmond (1859 - 1918) (3) Radcliffe, Judge Francis Reynolds Yonge (1851 - 1924) (2) Radio von Radiis, Karl (1870 - 1929) (1) Radisics, Jenő (1856 - 1917) (1) Raeburn, Sir Henry (1756 - 1823) (3) Rákóczi, Prince Ferenc II (1676 - 1735) (1) Rákosi, Jenő (1842 - 1929) (4) Rakovszky de Nagyrákó et Kelemenfalva, Iván (1885 - 1960) (3) Ratibor, Prince Viktor zu Hohenlohe-Schillingsfürst, Fürst von Corvey, 2nd Duke of (1847 - 1923) (1) Reischach, Baroness Hugo von [née Princess Margarethe von Ratibor] (1863 - 1940) (1) Remy, Emile Joseph (c. 1868 - 1949) (11) Reynolds, Sir Joshua (1723 - 1792) (6) Ricci, Dante (1879 - 1957) (2) Richmond, Charles Henry Gordon-Lennox, 7th Duke of Richmond and Lennox, 2nd Duke of Gordon (1845 - 1928) (2) Riemsdijk-Loudon, Madame Theodorus Helenus Franciscus van [née Adriana Jacqueline Marie Loudon] (1856 - 1919) (6) Riemsdijk, Theodorus Helenus Franciscus van (1848 - 1923) (1) Ripka, Doctor Ferenc (1871 - 1944) (2) Roberts of Kandahar, Field Marshal Frederick Sleigh Roberts, 1st Earl (1832 - 1914) (4) Roberts, Cyril (1871-1949) (3) Roberts, Ellis William (1860 - 1930) (1) Robertson, John (1862-1943) (13) Robertson, Mrs John (4) Robeson, Frederick Eden (2) Rochefoucauld, Duchess Jean de La [née Edmée de Fels]; wife of 13th duc (1895 - 1991) (1) Rodin, Auguste (1840-1917) (3) Roederer, Countess Pierre-Louis [née Louise de Saint-Alary] (1863 - 1930) (1) Roll, Alfred Philippe (1846 - 1919) (1) Roller, Alfred (1864 - 1935) (1) Romania, King Carol II of (1893 - 1953) (3) Romania, King Ferdinand I of (1865 - 1927) (2) Romania, Princess Helen of [née Princess Helen of Greece and Denmark]; consort of King Carol II (1896 - 1982) (8) Romania, Princess Ileana of [also known as Mother Alexandra] (1909 - 1991) (1) Romania, Queen Marie of [née Princess Marie of Edinburgh] (1875 - 1938) (7) Romney, George (1734 - 1802) (8) Roosevelt, Theodore; President of the United States of America (1858 - 1919) (1) Rose, Clémence (1) Rosebery, 1st Earl of Midlothian, Archibald Philip Primrose, 5th Earl of (1847 - 1929) (1) Rothermere, Esmond Cecil Harmsworth, 2nd Viscount (1898 - 1978) (2) Rothermere, Harold Sidney Harmsworth, 1st Viscount (1868 - 1940) (5) Rothschild, Baron Alphonse de (1878 - 1942) (2) Rothschild, Baron Nathaniel Meyer von (1836 - 1905) (1) Rothschild, Baron Robert Philippe Gustave de (1880 - 1946) (1) Rothschild, The Honorable Mrs Nathaniel Charles [née Rózsika von Wertheimstein] (1870 - 1940) (2) Royden, Doctor Agnes Maude [married name Mrs G. W. Hudson Shaw] (1876 - 1956) (1) Rubens, Sir Peter Paul (1577 - 1640) (3) Rubido-Zichy de Zich et Zagorje, Baron Iván (1874 - 1964) (2) Rudnay, Gyula (1878 - 1957) (3) Rugby, John Loader Maffey, 1st Baron (1877 - 1969) (1) Runciman, Walter Runciman, 1st Baron (1847 - 1937) (2) Rushbury, Sir Henry George "Harry" (1889 - 1968) (1) Ruskin, John (1819 - 1900) (1) Russell, Sir Charles, 1st Baronet (1863 - 1928) (9) Russia, Grand Duchess Victoria Feodorovna of [née Princess Victoria Melita of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha] (1876 - 1936) (3) Russia, Grand Duke Kirill Vladimirovich of (1876 - 1938) (1) Ruttkay de Ruttka, Vilmos (1869) (3) Ruyter, Michiel Adriaenszoon de (1607 - 1676) (1) Ryan, Sir Gerald Hemmington Ryan, 1st Baronet (1861 - 1937) (1) Salisbury, Frank Owen (1874 - 1962) (6) Salter, Sir Arthur Clavell (1859-1928) (2) Sankey, John Sankey, 1st Viscount (1866 - 1948) (5) Sant, James (1820 - 1916) (1) Sargent, John Singer (1856-1925) (32) Sárkány, Gyula (1887 - 1962) (1) Sassoon, Sir Philip Albert Gustave David, 3rd Baronet (1888 - 1939) (3) Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, Princess Clémentine of [née Marie Clémentine Léopoldine Caroline Clotilde d'Orléans]; wife of Prince August Victor Louis of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha (1817 - 1907) (1) Saxony, Crown Prince Friedrich August Of (1865-1932) (1) Saxony, Princess Anna Monika Pia of Saxony, Duchess of [wife of Archduke Josef Franz of Austria; wife of Reginald Kazanjian] (1903 - 1976) (1) Scheikévitch, Marie [formerly Mrs Pierre Carolus-Duran] (1882 - 1964) (1) Schoen, Wilhelm von (1851 - 1933) (1) Schönbrunner, Franz Xaver (1845 - 1903) (1) Schröder, Baron Bruno (1867 - 1940) (10) Schröder, Baron Bruno (1895 - 1915) (2) Schröder, Baron Johann Heinrich 'Henry' (1885 - 1955) (1) Schröder, Baroness Bruno [née Emma Deichmann] (1870 - 1944) (3) Schröder, Baroness Heinrich [née Baroness Helene Dorothée Eveline Emma Schröder] (1897 - 1986) (1) Schröder, Baroness Marga Marie Hilda (1898 - 1977) (1) Schwab, Mrs Charles Michael [née Emma Eurana Dinkey] (1859 - 1939) (1) Schwerin, Count Ulrich von (1864 - 1930) (1) Sciortino, Antonio (1879 - 1947) (1) Scitovszky, Madame Tibor de [née Hanna Hódosi] (1886 - 1977) (3) Scitovszky, Tibor de (1875 - 1959) (4) Scott, Mrs James Brown [née Kate Adele Cooper] (1862 - 1939) (1) Scott, Sir Giles Gilbert (1880 - 1960) (1) Seemann, Dezső ( - 1944) (19) Seemann, Madame Desiderius 'Desző' [née Elisabeth 'Elsa' Krämer] (1894 - 1964) (34) Selborne, Beatrix Maud Palmer, Countess of [née Lady Beatrix Maud Cecil]; wife of 2nd Earl (1858 - 1950) (2) Selborne, William Waldegrave Palmer, 2nd Earl of (1859 - 1942) (6) Sharp, Dorothea (1875 - 1955) (4) Sheringham, George (1884 - 1937) (1) Shortt, Edward (1862 - 1935) (1) Shuttleworth, Ughtred James Kay-Shuttleworth, 1st Baron (1844 - 1939) (1) Sickert, Walter Richard (1860-1942) (9) Siemens, Georg Wilhelm von (1855 - 1919) (1) Siklóssy de Pernesz, Doctor László (1881 - 1951) (14) Simon, John Allsebrook Simon, 1st Viscount (1873 - 1954) (2) Simon, Lucien Joseph (1861 - 1945) (7) Simon, Viscountess [née Kathleen Harvey; other married name Mrs Thomas Manning]; wife of 1st Viscount (1871 - 1955) (1) Sims, Charles Henry (1873 - 1928) (2) Sizeranne, Robert de la (1866 - 1932) (1) Slatin, Sir Rudolf Carl von [also known as 'Slatin Pasha'] (1857 - 1932) (7) Smith, Hely Augustus Morton (1862-1941) (1) Solomon, Solomon Joseph (1860 - 1927) (1) Sotheby's (1) Spain, Queen Victoria Eugenia of [née Princess Victoria Eugénie Julia Ena of Battenberg]; Consort of Alfonso XIII (1887 - 1969) (9) Spain, Beatrice, Infanta of [née Princess Beatrice of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha]; wife of Infante Alfonso of (1884 - 1966) (1) Spain, Don Alfonso de Borbón y Battenberg, conde de Covadonga, formerly Prince of Asturias; eldest son of Alfonso XIII of (1907 - 1938) (1) Spain, Don Juan de Borbón y Battenberg, conde de Barcelona; son of Alfonso XIII of (1913 - 1993) (1) Spain, King Alfonso XIII of (1886 - 1941) (6) Spain, Queen Mother María Cristina of [née Archduchess Marie Christina of Austria]; Consort of King Alfonso XII and Regent of Alfonso XIII (1858 - 1929) (1) Spain, The Infante don Gonzalo de Borbón y Battenberg; son of Alfonso XIII of (1914 - 1934) (1) Spain, The Infante don Jaime de Borbón y Battenberg, duque de Segovia and duque de Madrid; son of Alfonso XIII of (1908 - 1975) (1) Spee, Count Leopold Franziskus Hubertus von (1856 - 1910) (1) Speed, Harold (1872 - 1957) (1) Speyer, James Joseph (1861 - 1941) (2) Spielmann, Marion Harry Alexander (1858 - 1948) (1) Spier, Julius (1848 - 1923) (1) Sponsel, Jean Louis (1858 - 1930) (1) Sprague, Mrs Denis [née Rosemary Northcroft] (1) St Levan, John St Aubyn, 1st Baron (1829 - 1908) (1) Stanley of Alderley, Baroness [née Margaret Evelyn Evans Gordon]; wife of 5th Baron (1875 - 1964) (1) Stanley of Alderley, Edward Lyulph Stanley, 4th Baron, 3rd Baron Eddisbury and 4th Baron Sheffield (1839 - 1925) (3) Stanley, Bishop of Emmaus, Right Reverend the Honourable Algernon Charles (1843 - 1928) (1) Stanmore, George Arthur Maurice Hamilton-Gordon, 2nd Baron (1871 - 1957) (2) Starhemberg, Prince Ernst Rüdiger Camillo von (1899 - 1956) (1) Steed, Henry Wickham (1871 - 1956) (2) Steel-Maitland, Sir Arthur Herbert Drummond Ramsay, 1st Baronet (1876 - 1935) (1) Stewart, Peter (1) Stobart, Mrs Frank [née Millicent, surname unknown] (1) Stoddard, John Lawson (1850 - 1931) (2) Stogdon, Mrs Edgar [née Louise Dalrymple Dundas] (1881 - 1940) (1) Stokes, Charles Adrian Scott (1854 - 1935) (1) Stokes, Hugh (1875-1932) (2) Stokes, Marianne [née Preindlsberger]; wife of Adrian Scott Stokes (1855 - 1927) (4) Stradbroke, George Edward John Mowbray Rous, 3rd Earl of (1862 - 1947) (1) Stradbroke, Helena Violet Alice Rous, Countess of [née Fraser]; wife of 3rd Earl (1873 - 1949) (3) Strathmore and Kinghorne, Nina Bowes Lyon, Countess of [née Nina Cecilia Cavendish Bentinck]; wife of 14th Earl (1862 - 1938) (9) Stratton, Doctor Samuel Wesley (1861 - 1931) (2) Straus, Jesse Isidor (1872 - 1936) (1) Strecker, Frau Ludwig [née Friederike Marie 'Frieda' Preetorius; other married name Frau Friedrich Traun] (1884 - 1938) (1) Streit, Georgios (1868 - 1948) (1) Stumm, Baroness Hugo von [née Ludovica von Rauch] (1866 - 1947) (1) Styka, Jan (1858 - 1925) (1) Suggia, Guilhermina (1885 - 1950) (2) Sulák, Doctor Carl (1) Sutherland, Eileen Sutherland-Leveson-Gower, Duchess of [née Lady Eileen Gwladys Butler]; wife of 5th Duke (1891 - 1943) (3) Sutherland, George Granville Sutherland-Leveson-Gower, 5th Duke of (1888 - 1963) (2) Sváb de Gavosdia, Madame Sándor, née Irén Herzog de Csete (1) Sweden, King Gustaf VI Adolf of (1882 - 1973) (3) Sweden, King Gustav V of (1858 - 1950) (1) Sweden, Prince Gustaf Adolf of; Duke of Västerbotten (1906 - 1947) (2) Sweden, Princess Sibylla of; Duchess of Västerbotten [née Sibylla Calma Marie Alice Bathildis Feodora of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha] (1908 - 1972) (2) Sweden, Queen Louise of [née Lady Louise Alexandra Marie Irene Mountbatten; formerly Princess Louise of Battenberg]; consort of Gustaf VI (1889 - 1965) (4) Sysonby, Frederick Edward Grey ‘Fritz’ Ponsonby, 1st Baron (1867 - 1935) (1) Szablya-Frischauf, Ferenc (1876 - 1962) (1) Szalay de Kemend, Baron Imre (1846 - 1917) (1) Szarvassy, Sándor (4) Szarvasy, Frederick Alexander (1875 - 1948) (1) Széchényi, Count László (1879 - 1938) (7) Széchényi, Countess László [née Gladys Vanderbilt] (1886 - 1965) (3) Székely, Bertalan (1835 - 1910) (1) Szilágyi, Dezső (1840 - 1901) (1) Szinyei Merse, Pál (1845 - 1920) (1) Szlányi, Lajos (1869 - 1949) (1) Szterényi, Baron József (1861 - 1941) (2) Takács, Menyhért (1861 - 1933) (1) Tattenbach, Countess Eberhard von [née Helga Amalie Elisabeth Maria von Stumm] (1892 - 1914) (1) Teleki de Szék, Count Pál János Ede (1879 - 1941) (1) Temple, William, Archbishop of Canterbury (1881 - 1944) (1) Temple, Sir Alfred George (1848 - 1928) (2) Térey, Doctor Gábor de (1864 - 1927) (1) Thaddeus, Henry Jones (1859 - 1929) (1) The Art Pavements & Decorations Ltd. (2) The Dowdeswell Galleries, London (1) Thedy, Max (1858 - 1924) (1) Thomson, Sir Basil Home (1861 - 1939) (4) Tintoretto [né Comin], Jacopo (1518 - 1594) (2) Toit, Mrs Christopher du [née Beatrice Grace Guinness] (1869 - 1944) (5) Torby, Countess Of [nee Countess Sophie Nikolaievna Of Merenberg] (1868-1927); Wife Of Grand Duke Michael Mikhailovich Of Russia (1) Torlonia di Civitelli Cesi, Princess Alessandro [née The Infanta doña Beatriz de Borbón y Battenberg; daughter of Alfonso XIII of Spain] (1909 - 2002) (1) Trani, Princess Lodovico Bourbon-Two Sicilies, Countess di [née Mathilde Ludovika, Duchess in Bavaria] (1843 - 1925) (5) Troubetzkoy, Prince Paul (1866 - 1938) (5) Turner, Joseph Mallord William (1775 - 1851) (2) Turner, Judge Richard Whitbourn (1867 - 1932) (2) Turner, Mrs Richard Whitbourn [née Hilda Martin] (2) Tyrrell of Avon, William George Tyrrell, 1st Baron (1866 - 1947) (2) Ugron, Gábor (1880 - 1960) (2) Ullman, Mrs [née Pamela Scott-Kilvert] (1919 - 1957) (1) Ullswater, James William Lowther, 1st Viscount (1855 - 1949) (2) Ullswater, Mary Lowther, Viscountess [née Mary Frances Beresford-Hope]; wife of 1st Viscount (1854 - 1944) (5) Urquhart, Murray McNeel Caird (1880 - 1972) (1) Valentia, Laura Annesley, Viscountess [née Laura Sarah Webb; other married name Lady Peyton]; wife of 11th Viscount (1850 - 1933) (2) Valentin, Frau Carl [née Paula Laub]; the Artist's Sister (1873 - 1924) (4) Valsuani, Attilio (2) Van Dyck, Sir Anthony (8) Vanderbilt III, Mrs Cornelius [née Grace Graham Wilson] (1870 - 1953) (1) Vanier, Madame Georges [née Pauline Archer] (1898 - 1991) (1) Vannutelli, Vincenzo (1836 - 1930) (1) Vastagh the Elder, György (1834 - 1922) (1) Vay de Vaja et Luskod, Monsignor Count Péter (1864 - 1948) (2) Vecelli [or Vecellio], dit "Titian", Tiziano (c. 1488 - 1576) (5) Vega-Inclán, Benigno Mariano Pedro Casto de la Vega-Inclán y Flaquer, II marqués de la (1858 - 1942) (5) Velázquez, Diego Rodríguez da Silva y (1599 - 1660) (4) Venizelos, Eleftherios Kyriakou (1864 - 1936) (1) Vernon-Harcourt, Major Bernard Francis (1877 - 1959) (2) Verulam, James Walter Grimston, 4th Earl of (1880 - 1949) (1) Verulam, Violet Constance Maitland Grimston, Countess of [née Lady Violet Constance Maitland Brabazon]; wife of 4th Earl (1886 - 1936) (1) Villeneuve-Bargemont, Comtesse Xavier [née Yvonne Lafleur de Kermaingant] (1873 - 1967) (3) Virág-Ébner, Ede (1912 - 1951) (5) Wagner, Otto (1841 - 1918) (1) Walker, Sir Emery (1851-1933) (1) Walko, Lajos (1880 - 1954) (1) Wallis & Son (3) Wallis, Harry (1871 - 1949) (1) Watt, Mrs Terence Andrew Alfred [née Alice Cavendish-Bentinck] (b. 1904) (1) Watts, George Frederic (1817 - 1904) (6) Weardale, Philip Stanhope, 1st and last Baron (1847 - 1923) (3) Webber, Mrs [née Mary Margaret 'May' Clark] (b. 1867) (1) Wegener, Karl Friedrich Wilhelm Georg (1863 - 1939) (1) Wellmann, Róbert (1866 - 1946) (1) Wenckheim, Count Denes (1861 - 1933) (1) Wenckheim, Countess Dénes [née Countess Friederike Wenckheim] (1873 - 1957) (1) Weress, Jenő 'Eugene' de (1892 - 1971) (4) Werner, Anton Alexander von (1843 - 1915) (1) Wheeler, George Post (1869 - 1956) (1) Whitehouse, (Edwin) Sheldon (1883 - 1965) (1) Wickmann, Frau Olaf [née Wilhelmine 'Elma' Preetorius; other married name Frau Max Ibach] (1878 - 1964) (1) Wiley, Louis (1869 - 1935) (2) Williams, Dame Juliet Evangeline Rhys [Lady Rhys Williams; née Juliette Evangeline Glyn] (1898 - 1964) (1) Williams, Oakley (10) Willingdon, Freeman Freeman-Thomas, 1st Marquess of (1866 - 1941) (12) Willingdon, Marie Freeman-Thomas, Marchioness of [née Lady Marie Adelaide Brassey] (1875 - 1960) (3) Wills-Sandford-Wills, Lucy Eleanor (1890 - 1971) (4) Wills-Sandford-Wills, Mrs Edward [née Amy Henrietta Guinness] (1865 - 1955) (3) Wingrove, Miss B. (1) Wirgman, Mrs Theodore Blake (1) Wirgman, Theodore Blake (1848-1925) (1) Wittenham, George Denison Faber, 1st Baron (1852 - 1931) (1) Woermann, Professor Karl (1844 - 1933) (3) Wood, Mrs George [née Baroness Róza Lónyay] (1888 - 1971) (1) Woolworth, Frank Winfield (1852 - 1919) (1) Wright, Haidee [née Ada Wright] (1867 - 1943) (1) Wyllie, William Lionel (1851 - 1931) (1) Ysaÿe, Eugène-Auguste (1858 - 1931) (2) Yugoslavia, Princess Paul of [née Princess Olga of Greece and Denmark] (1903 - 1997) (1) Zamoyska, Countess Maria Eleonore (1862 - 1944) (1) Zorn, Anders Leonard (1860 - 1920) (4) Clear All Alphabetical Chronological 2201 to 2220 of 2789 Records Hungarian & German Letters 1933, 034-0081 Sender: Ilijć, Doctor Radoslav Recipient: László, Philip Alexius de (1869 - 1937) 04/04/1933 Dr. Radoslav Ilijć requests authentication of what is believed to be an early work of de László. The painting is not identified in the letter; it was purchased from a retired Hungarian government ministerial adviser. Read more M 1933, 1934, 1935, 1936, 076-0163 Sender: László, Philip Alexius de (1869 - 1937) 01/02/1933 Paul Laib will arrive on 6 February to photograph portraits de László recently painted at Dunira [7014][3918][3919]. The portrait of Macbeth [7014] will also be glazed. Laib will collect an easel left by de László. Read more M 1933, 1934, 1935, 1936, 076-0175 Sender: Macbeth, William Gilchrist (1882 - 1948) Recipient: László, Philip Alexius de (1869 - 1937) 03/01/1933 De László's travel arrangements to Dunira to undertake a commission [3918][3919][7014]. Read more M 1933, 1934, 1935, 1936, 076-0176 Sender: Macbeth, William Gilchrist (1882 - 1948) Recipient: László, Philip Alexius de (1869 - 1937) 19/01/1933 Macbeth has sent cheques for the honoraria for portraits he commissioned [7014][3918][3919]. Read more M 1933, 1934, 1935, 1936, 076-0178 Recipient: László, Philip Alexius de (1869 - 1937) 06/02/1933 Confirmation that Paul Laib has taken photographs of the portraits [3918][3919][7014] (see related item DLA076-0163). De László's easel will be returned by train. Read more M 1933, 1934, 1935, 1936, 076-0179 Sender: László, Philip Alexius de (1869 - 1937) Recipient: Macbeth, William Gilchrist (1882 - 1948) 17/01/1933 Honoraria due for portraits commissioned by Macbeth [7014][3918][3919]. Read more Correspondence belonging to Christopher de Laszlo - Collection I, 123-0029 Sender: Athlone, Princess Alice of [née Princess Alice of Albany]; wife of 1st Earl (1883 - 1981) Recipient: László, Philip Alexius de (1869 - 1937) 30/05/1933 Princess Alice of Athlone agrees to lend her portrait [2238] to de László's forthcoming exhibition; happy to hear of his son's marriage (Paul) Read more Correspondence belonging to Christopher de Laszlo - Collection I, 123-0068 Sender: Marconi, Marchese Guglielmo (1874-1937) Recipient: László, Philip Alexius de (1869 - 1937) 28/01/1933 Guglielmo Marconi informs de László that the Italian Ambassador has arranged shipping of his wife's portrait [9979]. Looks forward to soon having "a specimen, of what your masterful brush is capable of creating"; would like to give the artist a reception at the Academy in Rome Read more Correspondence belonging to Christopher de Laszlo - Collection I, 123-0071 Sender: Marconi, Alfonso (1865 - 1936) Recipient: László, Philip Alexius de (1869 - 1937) 10/07/1933 Alfonso Marconi thanks de László on behalf of his brother and sister-in-law for letter and photographs taken at de László's son's wedding (likely Paul, see fn 3 in transcription); invitation to tea Read more Marczi László Letter Collection 1926-1936, 135-0003 Sender: László, Philip Alexius de (1869 - 1937) Recipient: László, Marczell 'Marczi' (1871 - 1940) 08/01/1933 De László is in Scotland painting portraits of William Gilchrist Macbeth [7014] and his daughters [3918][3919]. Read more Marczi László Letter Collection 1926-1936, 135-0004 Sender: László, Philip Alexius de (1869 - 1937) Recipient: László, Marczell 'Marczi' (1871 - 1940) 24/04/1933 De László has sent a suit and parcel to Marczi László; asks about the exhibition at the Műcsarnok. Read more Marczi László Letter Collection 1926-1936, 135-0005 Sender: László, Philip Alexius de (1869 - 1937) Recipient: László, Marczell 'Marczi' (1871 - 1940) 07/03/1933 De László is staying in Taormina until 15th March, he will then go to Rome. Asks about Marczi's business dealings and whether he knows a man called Decsényi–"a dangerous man"–who is demanding a large sum of money. Mentions recent visit to Genoa. Read more Marczi László Letter Collection 1926-1936, 135-0006 Sender: László, Philip Alexius de (1869 - 1937) Recipient: László, Marczell 'Marczi' (1871 - 1940) 10/05/1933 Family matters. The Archbishop of Canterbury's portrait [6164] will be presented to Oxford University. Reference to a portrait the "Frim boys stole from me years ago". Mentions success at the Salon and forthcoming exhibition in London (Knoedler, 1933). Read more Marczi László Letter Collection 1926-1936, 135-0008 Sender: László, Philip Alexius de (1869 - 1937) Recipient: László, Marczell 'Marczi' (1871 - 1940) 30/04/1933 Inquiring about Marczi's debt, sent a suit. Reference to a problem in Paris with a "disagreeable wretch" (see also DLA135-0005). De László's exhibition will open in June (Knoedler, 1933). Started to make studies for his "big canvas". Read more Marczi László Letter Collection 1926-1936, 135-0009 Sender: László, Philip Alexius de (1869 - 1937) Recipient: László, Marczell 'Marczi' (1871 - 1940) 12/06/1933 Description of Paul's wedding. Lottery of the Spanish Dancer [6316]. Finished portrait of Princess Elizabeth [10531]. Some of the works to be included in forthcoming exhibition (Knoedler, 1933). Read more Marczi László Letter Collection 1926-1936, 135-0010 Sender: László, Philip Alexius de (1869 - 1937) Recipient: László, Marczell 'Marczi' (1871 - 1940) 16/07/1933 "Moral triumph" of the exhibition at Knoedler's & other artists' jealousy ("they make it their business to keep the king and queen away from me"). Count de Gramont to visit. Unpleasantness from the Hungarian side. Wonders what happened to the Spanish dancer [6316]. Tiring of portraiture and plans to start working on his "magnum opus". Book about his working methods to be published. Read more Marczi László Letter Collection 1926-1936, 135-0011 Sender: László, Philip Alexius de (1869 - 1937) Recipient: László, Marczell 'Marczi' (1871 - 1940) 08/08/1933 Suggests Marczi transfer his son to an institution closer to Vienna. Situation in Budapest is bad, de László feels sorry for Egerer; receiving letters regarding pictures he gave to the Frim boys. Siklóssy and Gramont visited. Reference to forthcoming book. Read more Marczi László Letter Collection 1926-1936, 135-0012 Sender: László, Philip Alexius de (1869 - 1937) Recipient: László, Marczell 'Marczi' (1871 - 1940) 30/08/1933 Finishing his book. Will soon go to Pest incognito. Received a commission to paint a copy portrait of Count Apponyi [111856]. Political climate: "the main thing is to prevent Vienna – and Pest – from getting infected with the Nazi ethos." Delicate situation relating to Dezső and the Jewish community in Budapest – de László has contacted Bárczy. (DLA135-0012 & DLA135-0013 letters are in the same envelope). Read more Marczi László Letter Collection 1926-1936, 135-0013 Sender: László, Philip Alexius de (1869 - 1937) Recipient: László, Marczell 'Marczi' (1871 - 1940) 02/09/1933 Family news. Cannot ask Bárczy for a favour regarding a matter concerning Dezső as his pervious two requests went unanswered. (DLA135-0012 & DLA135-0013 letters are in the same envelope.) Read more Marczi László Letter Collection 1926-1936, 135-0014 Sender: László, Philip Alexius de (1869 - 1937) Recipient: László, Marczell 'Marczi' (1871 - 1940) 05/09/1933 Finished copy portrait of Count Apponyi [111856] for the Palais des Nations. The original [2596] will be reproduced in "The Studio", as will a portrait of Lucy [8180]. Princess Helen of Romania visited. Stephen & Paul were presented to the King. Read more First Archives Previous Archives 111 112 113 114 115 116 Next Archives Last Archives 2201 to 2220 of 2789 Archives