Sender: László, Mrs Philip de [née Lucy Madeleine Guinness] (1870 - 1950)
Recipient: Laszlo, Paul Leonardo de (1906 - 1983)
Postcard from Lucy de László to her son Paul. De László has been commissioned to paint King Alfonso XIII's six children; he particularly likes the two eldest boys, and "is treated like an old friend at the Palacio Real"
Sender: László, Mrs Philip de [née Lucy Madeleine Guinness] (1870 - 1950)
Recipient: Laszlo, Paul Leonardo de (1906 - 1983)
Letter from Lucy de László to her son Paul from Spain; discussion of church & religion. De László commissioned to paint all six children of Alfonso XIII, British Ambassador [6814] and his daughter [6817]. Met Queen & Queen Mother. All delighted with "Dads quickness & the result"
Sender: László, Mrs Philip de [née Lucy Madeleine Guinness] (1870 - 1950)
Recipient: Laszlo, Paul Leonardo de (1906 - 1983),Laszlo, John Adolphus de (1912 - 1990)
Letter from Lucy de László to her sons Paul and John from Spain. Court is leaving suddenly–de László must finish work; he longs to do outdoor sketching. Lucy complains about the Spanish. King objected to Don Carlo armour for portrait; artists are very nice to de László
Sender: Milford Haven, Lady Mountbatten, Marchioness of, formerly Princess Louis of Battenberg; née Princess Victoria Alberta of Hesse; wife of 1st Marquess (1863 - 1950)
Recipient: László, Philip Alexius de (1869 - 1937)
The sender thanks de László for the newspaper articles discussing his paintings; the paintings are both now back much to her delight
Sender: Milford Haven, Louis Alexander Mountbatten, 1st Marquess of [formerly Prince Louis of Battenberg] (1854 - 1921)
Recipient: László, Philip Alexius de (1869 - 1937)
Prince Louis of Battenberg says the Princess is looking forward to the head, which she thinks is very successful; was kind of artist to grant Princess "this further joy"; requests bill for framing
Sender: Carisbrooke, Alexander Albert Mountbatten, Marquess of [formerly Prince Alexander of Battenberg] (1886 - 1960)
Recipient: László, Philip Alexius de (1869 - 1937)
Lord Carisbrooke will bring "The Ladies' Field" to Madrid for Queen; advises de László to contact Mrs Longworth in Washington. Error in his & Lord Lansdowne's titles in exh catalogue; ordered photographs of portrait "which are much admired"
Sender: Greece and Denmark, Princess Andrew of [née Princess Alice of Battenberg] (1885 - 1969)
Recipient: László, Philip Alexius de (1869 - 1937)
Princess Alice of Greece congratulates de László on a new decoration. Travel plans re: artist's visit to Saint-Cloud. Much praise for sketches of her (one is possibly [6620])
Sender: Greece and Denmark, Princess Andrew of [née Princess Alice of Battenberg] (1885 - 1969)
Recipient: László, Philip Alexius de (1869 - 1937)
Princess Alice of Greece informs de László that the King of Greece wants a sketch of the Queen's head [7820] on same favourable financial terms as 1914. Princess Alice will be at de László's disposal for sittings in Sept (see fn 5 in transcription)
Sender: Greece and Denmark, Princess Andrew of [née Princess Alice of Battenberg] (1885 - 1969)
Recipient: László, Philip Alexius de (1869 - 1937)
Princess Alice of Greece wants de László to do a sketch of her husband either in London in April or France in May (1929). Describes portraits of daughters hanging in St-Cloud (likely [8195] and [7851]) as "joy of my life"
Sender: László, Philip Alexius de (1869 - 1937)
Recipient: Athlone, Princess Alice of [née Princess Alice of Albany]; wife of 1st Earl (1883 - 1981),Vega-Inclán, Benigno Mariano Pedro Casto de la Vega-Inclán y Flaquer, II marqués de la (1858 - 1942)
Draft letter from de László to Princess Alice, Countess of Athlone re: return of portrait [2447]; Barcelona's International Exposition; Grand Prix award for portraits of King & Queen of Spain; appointment as president of Royal Society of British Artists (first page includes dated draft salutation to Vega-Inclán)
Sender: Spain, Queen Victoria Eugenia of [née Princess Victoria Eugénie Julia Ena of Battenberg]; Consort of Alfonso XIII (1887 - 1969)
Recipient: László, Philip Alexius de (1869 - 1937)
Queen Victoria Eugenia of Spain wishing de László a happy New Year (postmark on accompanying envelope possibly reads "[19]27")
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