Sender: Sutherland, Eileen Sutherland-Leveson-Gower, Duchess of [née Lady Eileen Gwladys Butler]; wife of 5th Duke (1891 - 1943)
Recipient: László, Philip Alexius de (1869 - 1937)
Letter from Eileen Sutherland-Leveson-Gower, Duchess of Sutherland thanking de László for the invitation to his exhibition at the French Gallery
Sender: László, Philip Alexius de (1869 - 1937)
Recipient: Bárczy de Bárcziháza, István (1882 - 1952)
Holiday plans to go to the Tyrol; mentions the Royal Garden Party and a commission to paint the Duchess of York [9126]; reference to Bárczy's plans to introduce the Duke of Sutherland to the Regent and Prime Minister during the former's planned trip to Hungary (see also DLA019-0126); his son Stephen's recent operation.
Sender: Bárczy de Bárcziháza, István (1882 - 1952)
Recipient: László, Philip Alexius de (1869 - 1937)
Bárczy has been busy with the opening of parliament. Confirms he will provide introductions for the Duke and Duchess of Sutherland to the Regent, Prime Minister and the aristocracy; outlines travel plans.
Sender: Robertson, John (1862-1943)
Recipient: László, Philip Alexius de (1869 - 1937)
Arrangements for a reception which will include the Dowager Countess of Airlie and possibly the Duchesses of Sutherland and Devonshire. Received the enclosed letter from Mrs Buchanan for de László. Much interest in the exhibition still (Dundee, 1932).
Sender: Schröder, Baroness Bruno [née Emma Deichmann] (1870 - 1944)
Recipient: László, Philip Alexius de (1869 - 1937)
Emma von Schröder thanks de László for carrying out her request to paint her daughter Dorothée so promptly [6979]. His paintings in the GG [Grosvenor Gallery] are great; she does not know whether she likes Lady L[econfield] [6019] or Sir Ph[ilip] S[assoon] [6526] better; Miss G[lyn] [5361] is quite novel.
Sender: Glyn, Elinor [née Sutherland; married name Mrs Clayton Glyn] (1864 - 1943)
Recipient: László, Philip Alexius de (1869 - 1937)
Letter from Elinor Glyn to de László regarding sittings for her portrait [5361], which had been postponed; writes of her "tigerly aspect" (includes drawing of tiger). Would like to have sketch [5359] re-photographed as only has Jacques-Émile Blanche's portrait
Sender: Glyn, Elinor [née Sutherland; married name Mrs Clayton Glyn] (1864 - 1943)
Recipient: László, Philip Alexius de (1869 - 1937)
Elinor Glyn will be able to sit to de László in Feb. She describes dinner party with impromptu fancy dress & asks de László to join next. Will wear a parure of jewellery–the "perfect pendant to your [de László's] Indian Prince" (includes drawing) (dated 31 Dec, possibly 1913, see fn 2 in transcription)
Sender: Glyn, Elinor [née Sutherland; married name Mrs Clayton Glyn] (1864 - 1943)
Recipient: László, Philip Alexius de (1869 - 1937)
Partial letter from Elinor Glyn to de László asking him to paint her daughters in the manner of his First World War portraits: "like the masterpieces of the beautiful young men in khaki." Mentions her book. Does he want the picture of "that wicked creature in blue" [5361] for his exhibition? (includes two drawings)
Sender: Curzon of Kedleston, George Nathaniel Curzon, 1st Marquess, Viceroy of India (1859 - 1925)
Recipient: László, Philip Alexius de (1869 - 1937)
Letter from Lord Curzon to de László expressing Elinor Glyn's delight at de László's offer to paint her [5361] for the "exceptional fee of 300 gs" (see fn 1 in transcription re item's date) (DLA123-0099 is a duplicate of this item)
Sender: Curzon of Kedleston, George Nathaniel Curzon, 1st Marquess, Viceroy of India (1859 - 1925)
Recipient: László, Philip Alexius de (1869 - 1937)
Lord Curzon thanks de László for letter regarding Lyttelton portrait [37]–has passed it to the Committee. Could de László paint Elinor Glyn for the size of "that wicked Cocotte from Paris in the corner of your room" (DLA123-0097 is a duplicate of this item)
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