The Archive Filter search More options DLA number submit Date All 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 Sender / Creator All Baden-Powell, Lord Robert Stephenson Smyth Baden-Powell, 1st Baron (1857 - 1941) (1) Balló, Ede (1859 - 1936) (1) Balló, Mrs Ede [née Margit Vámossy] (1) Bárczy de Bárcziháza, István (1882 - 1952) (6) Háry, László (1890 - 1953) (1) Horthy de Nagybánya, Admiral Miklós, Regent of Hungary (1868 - 1957) (1) László, Mrs Philip de [née Lucy Madeleine Guinness] (1870 - 1950) (3) László, Philip Alexius de (1869 - 1937) (32) Stuhlmann, Patrik (1) Recipient All Bárczy de Bárcziháza, István (1882 - 1952) (5) László, Marczell 'Marczi' (1871 - 1940) (21) László, Philip Alexius de (1869 - 1937) (11) Münz, Sigmund (1859 - 1934) (2) Ruttkay de Ruttka, Vilmos (1869) (2) Sutherland, George Granville Sutherland-Leveson-Gower, 5th Duke of (1888 - 1963) (1) Name All Almásy, László (1869 - 1936) (1) Aosta, Duchess of [née Princess Irene of Greece and Denmark] (1904 - 1974) (1) Austria, Archduchess Friedrich of [née Princess Isabella von Croÿ-Dülmen] (1856 - 1931) (3) Austria, Archduke Josef Franz Leopold Anton Ignatius Maria of (1895 - 1957) (1) Austria, Archduke Joseph August Viktor Klemens Maria of (1872 - 1962) (2) Balló, Ede (1859 - 1936) (5) Barclay, Sir Colville Adrian de Rune (1869 - 1929) (1) Bárczy de Bárcziháza, István (1882 - 1952) (11) Bárczy de Bárcziháza, Madame István [née Edit Luczenbacher de Szob] (1888 - 1973) (5) Bartók, Béla Viktor János (1881 - 1945) (1) Belgium, King Leopold III of (1901 - 1983) (1) Belgium, Queen Elisabeth of [née Duchess Elisabeth Valerie in Bavaria]; consort of Albert I (1876 - 1965) (1) Benczúr, Gyula (1844 - 1920) (2) Benjamin-Constant, Jean-Joseph (1845 - 1902) (1) Bethlen de Bethlen, Count István (1874 - 1946) (7) Bethlen de Bethlen, Countess István [née Countess Margit Bethlen de Bethlen] (1882 - 1970) (1) Bonnat, Léon-Joseph-Florentin (1833 - 1922) (1) Castelfranco [known as Giorgione], Giorgio Barbarelli da (1477/78 - 1510) (1) Chamberlain, Lady Austen [née Ivy Muriel Dundas] (1878 - 1941) (1) Chamberlain, Sir Joseph Austen (1863 - 1937) (1) Chilston, Amy Akers-Douglas, Viscountess [née Jennings-Bramly]; wife of 2nd Viscount (1879 - 1962) (1) Coolidge Jr, John Calvin; President of the United States of America (1872 - 1933) (1) Cromer, Ruby Baring, Countess of [née Lady Ruby Florence Mary Elliot]; wife of 2nd Earl (1886 - 1961) (1) Déry, Béla (1870 - 1932) (1) Dohnányi, Ernő (1877 - 1960) (1) Egerer, Gedeon (1) Festetics, Prince Tasziló (1850 - 1933) (3) Forster, Baron Gyula (1846-1932) (1) Frim de Körmend, Mrs Jakab [née Anna Goldreich] (1852 - 1944) (1) Gerliczy-Burián, Baron Félix de (1885 - 1954) (1) Gömbös, Gyula (1886 - 1936) (2) Görgei, General Artúr (1818 - 1916) (1) Gramont, Antoine XII-Armand, 12th duc de; styled duc de Guiche (1879 - 1962) (3) Great Britain, King Edward VIII of, né Edward Albert Christian George, Prince of Wales; other title The Duke of Windsor (1894 - 1972) (1) Great Britain, King George V of (1865 - 1936) (3) Great Britain, King George VI of, né Albert Frederick Arthur George, Duke of York (1895 - 1952) (1) Great Britain, Prince George of; 1st Duke of Kent (1902 - 1942) (1) Great Britain, Prince Henry of; Duke of Gloucester (1900 - 1974) (1) Great Britain, Queen Elizabeth, The Queen Mother of [née Lady Elizabeth Angela Marguerite Bowes Lyon]; Consort of George VI (1900 - 2002) (1) Great Britain, Queen Mary of [née Princess Victoria Mary of Teck] (1867 - 1953) (2) Greece and Denmark, Prince Nicholas of (1872 - 1938) (1) Greece and Denmark, Princess Nicholas of [née Grand Duchess Helen Vladimirovna of Russia] (1882 - 1957) (1) Greece, George II of, King of the Hellenes (1890 - 1947) (1) Guinness, Henry Samuel Howard (1888 - 1975) (1) Guinness, Howard Rundell (1868-1937) (1) Haldane, Richard Burdon Haldane, 1st Viscount (1856 - 1928) (1) Harwood, Frederick (1907 - 1950) (2) Herczeg, Ferenc (1863 - 1954) (4) Hóman, Bálint (1885 - 1953) (2) Horthy de Nagybánya, Admiral Miklós, Regent of Hungary (1868 - 1957) (23) Horthy de Nagybánya, Madame Miklós [née Magdolna Purgly de Jószás] (1818 - 1959) (4) Hubay de Szalatnya, Jenő (1858 - 1937) (2) Italy, King Victor Emmanuel III of, né Prince of Naples (1869 - 1947) (1) Karlovszky, Bertalan (1858 - 1938) (3) Kertész, Robert K. (1876 - 1951) (1) Kestranek, Paul (c. 1900 - 1925) (1) Kestranek, Wilhelm 'Vilmos' (1863 - 1925) (1) Khuen-Héderváry, Count Sándor (1881 - 1947) (1) Kisfaludi Strobl, Zsigmond (1884-1975) (3) Klebelsberg de Thumburg, Count Kunó von (1875 - 1932) (2) Kodály, Zoltán (1882 - 1967) (1) Kontuly, Béla (1904 - 1983) (1) Krämer, Gyula ( - 1945) (5) Krämer, Madame Gyula [née Szeréna Laub; other married name Madame Antal László]; the Artist's Sister (1866 - c.1935) (14) Lakos, Gábor (1) Lakos, Madame Gábor [née Ilona 'Ilonka' Krämer] (1893 - 1964) (4) Lang of Lambeth, Doctor Cosmo Gordon Lang, Archbishop of Canterbury, 1st Baron (1864 - 1945) (1) Laszlo, Eva Johanna de (1903 - 1903) (1) Laszlo, Henry Guinness de (1901 - 1967) (11) Laszlo, John Adolphus de (1912 - 1990) (13) László, Marczell 'Marczi' (1871 - 1940) (6) Laszlo, Michael de (1935) (1) Laszlo, Mrs Henry Guinness de [née Violet Staub] (1900 - 1989) (6) Laszlo, Mrs Paul de [née Josephine de Vavasour McConnell] (1906 - 1982) (2) László, Mrs Philip de [née Lucy Madeleine Guinness] (1870 - 1950) (18) Laszlo, Mrs Stephen de [née (Edith Alexandra) Diana von Versen] (1906 - 1938) (3) Laszlo, Patrick David de (1909 - 1980) (10) Laszlo, Paul Leonardo de (1906 - 1983) (5) László, Philip Alexius de (1869 - 1937) (3) Laszlo, Philip Richard de (1934 - 2014) (7) Laszlo, Stephen Philip de (1904 - 1939) (8) Lefebvre, Jules Joseph (1836 - 1911) (1) Légrády, Doctor Ottó (8) Leipnik, Doctor Ferdinand L. (1869) (1) Litkey, György (1907 - 1975) (1) Lyautey, Maréchal Louis Hubert (1854 - 1934) (1) Montgomery, Sir Charles Hubert (1876 - 1942) (1) Mussolini, Benito (1883-1945) (1) Orsenigo, The Most Reverend Cesare Vincenzo (1873 - 1946) (1) Paur, Géza (1870 - 1945) (2) Petrovics [Petrovich], Elek (1873 - 1945) (4) Portland, William John Arthur Charles James Cavendish-Bentinck, 6th Duke of (1857 - 1943) (2) Portland, Winifred Anna Cavendish-Bentinck, Duchess of [née Dallas-Yorke]; wife of 6th Duke (1863 - 1954) (1) Preszly, Elemér (1877 - 1971) (1) Romania, Princess Helen of [née Princess Helen of Greece and Denmark]; consort of King Carol II (1896 - 1982) (1) Rudnay, Gyula (1878 - 1957) (1) Ruttkay de Ruttka, Vilmos (1869) (1) Salisbury, Frank Owen (1874 - 1962) (1) Saxony, Princess Anna Monika Pia of Saxony, Duchess of [wife of Archduke Josef Franz of Austria; wife of Reginald Kazanjian] (1903 - 1976) (1) Scitovszky, Madame Tibor de [née Hanna Hódosi] (1886 - 1977) (2) Scitovszky, Tibor de (1875 - 1959) (2) Seemann, Dezső ( - 1944) (7) Seemann, Madame Desiderius 'Desző' [née Elisabeth 'Elsa' Krämer] (1894 - 1964) (10) Siklóssy de Pernesz, Doctor László (1881 - 1951) (4) Sutherland, Eileen Sutherland-Leveson-Gower, Duchess of [née Lady Eileen Gwladys Butler]; wife of 5th Duke (1891 - 1943) (2) Sutherland, George Granville Sutherland-Leveson-Gower, 5th Duke of (1888 - 1963) (2) Széchényi, Count László (1879 - 1938) (3) Széchényi, Countess László [née Gladys Vanderbilt] (1886 - 1965) (2) Takács, Menyhért (1861 - 1933) (1) Teleki de Szék, Count Pál János Ede (1879 - 1941) (1) Turner, Joseph Mallord William (1775 - 1851) (1) Ugron, Gábor (1880 - 1960) (1) Van Dyck, Sir Anthony (1) Vecelli [or Vecellio], dit "Titian", Tiziano (c. 1488 - 1576) (2) Velázquez, Diego Rodríguez da Silva y (1599 - 1660) (1) Clear All Alphabetical Chronological 41 to 46 of 46 Records Marczi László Letter Collection 1926-1936, 135-0060 Sender: László, Philip Alexius de (1869 - 1937),László, Mrs Philip de [née Lucy Madeleine Guinness] (1870 - 1950) Recipient: László, Marczell 'Marczi' (1871 - 1940) 07/10/1935 Commission from the Pest-Pilis-Solt-Kiskun County to paint their prefect, Preszey Elemér; de László has accepted to do it for 6000 pengő, will use Legrády’s house; requires approval from the County Assembly & Interior Minsiter. Will keep trip a secret. Expecting to receive honours from Hungary. General family news. Read more Marczi László Letter Collection 1926-1936, 135-0061 Sender: László, Philip Alexius de (1869 - 1937) Recipient: László, Marczell 'Marczi' (1871 - 1940) 13/11/1935 Believes his portrait of King of Greece [likely 7817] is a masterpiece. Artists are "enormously envious" of how busy he is. Begging letters. Devoting time to "big canvas". General family news. Item includes an enclosure requesting donations towards a charitable cause. Read more Marczi László Letter Collection 1926-1936, 135-0062 Sender: László, Philip Alexius de (1869 - 1937) Recipient: László, Marczell 'Marczi' (1871 - 1940) 02/11/1935 Photograph, reproductions & Nemzeti Szalon exhibition reviewed in Pesti Hírlap. Issues concerning lottery of [6316] – de László plans to gift it to Fővárosi museum. Dismissal of Széchényi as Ambassador. King of Greece's portrait [7817] being widely reproduced. County Prefect portrait. Légrády translating the artist's book. General family news. Item includes press cutting. (Pages 2 and 3 of PDF in wrong order.) Read more Marczi László Letter Collection 1926-1936, 135-0063 Sender: László, Philip Alexius de (1869 - 1937),László, Mrs Philip de [née Lucy Madeleine Guinness] (1870 - 1950) 18/02/1935 Enjoying time in Saint-Raphaël, sketching outdoors; will soon be guests of Princess Kara-Georgevitch in Cannes. Travels plans to Monaco; Florence; Budapest. Will paint a £200 sketch for Hungarian charity; portrait of Horthy [110886]. Henry & Patrick will be presented to the King. Begging letters from Hungary. Egerer is financially ruined. Read more Marczi László Letter Collection 1926-1936, 135-0071 Sender: László, Philip Alexius de (1869 - 1937) Recipient: László, Marczell 'Marczi' (1871 - 1940) 01/01/1936 De László received a personal letter from Horthy; reproductions for official use are being made after the latter's portrait [110886] and it will then be hung in parliament. He and Lucy have been ill. (DLA135-0070, DLA135-0071, DLA135-0072 & DLA135-0073 letters are in the same envelope.) Read more Marczi László Letter Collection 1926-1936, 135-0072 Sender: László, Philip Alexius de (1869 - 1937) Recipient: László, Marczell 'Marczi' (1871 - 1940) Partial letter. In September de László & Lucy plan to go to Venice, where his portraits of the Pope [4509] & Rampolla [4509] will be exhibited, and then to Florence. They will then go to Pest incognito; he will bring a sketch for Marczi. Will spend the summer in London, will work on "big canvas." (DLA135-0070, DLA135-0071, DLA135-0072 & DLA135-0073 letters are in the same envelope). Read more First Archives Previous Archives 1 2 3 Next Archives Last Archives 41 to 46 of 46 Archives